Chapter 1: Hiring.

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“Um, President Kim?”


“These are all the Resumes we received, where should I put it?”

“On my desk” Jennie says and she followed and bowed before leaving.

Jennie puts down her coffee and seats on her chair. she opens the document, and reads them one by one.

“Hm, recently graduated huh.”
she mumbles. she wasn't satisfied with the summaries, being the heartless boss she throws them in the trashcan.

Only two resumes were there.

“Hm, Lalisa Manoban. 32 years old.. she looks familiar" Jennie's eyebrows arched.

“Majored in Civil Engineering, magna cumlaude,
Best Athlete of The Year, not bad” Jennie says and placed it on the side of her desk.

she was about to open the last one when her phone rang.

she immediately answers it when she saw her daughter's
caller ID.

“Yeoboseyo Eomma?”

“Ji-eun? is there anything you need?”

“ani, I just want to call you. I'm already home, how are you Eomma?”

“I'm doing fine. Have you eaten yet?”

“ne, I already did. by the way, can Sunny sleep over?”

“Of course, but remember No Boys allowed okay?”

“Yay! Kumawo! I promise Eomma No Boys, Thank you!”

“Good. Oh and I'm going home early, we can watch a movie with Sunny if you want?”

“Jinjja?! Finally Eomma! It'll be fun, Are you busy? I hope I'm not disturbing anything”

“of course not. I'll be home around 6, okay?”

“Okay! gotta go now! I love you Eomma!”

“love you too baby girl!~”

“Yah! don't call me that! I'm almost 15 Eomma” Jennie chuckles.

“Don't complain! you're my only child so I can call you whatever I want”

“Whatever Eomma, gotta go! love ya bye!”

“love you too! and oh don't forget to feed Kuma!”

“I won't! Annyeong!”

“Nyong- Annyeong!”

that was close.

she sighs happily and puts down her phone.

“last one” Jennie says and opens the folder.

Kim Jisoo.

Jennie's heart skipped a beat just by her name.

Kim Jisoo

35 years old

Majored In Engineering, Summa Cum laude, Best in Math, Best in Physics, Best in Arts, International Mathematics Contests’ Defending Champion since 1994. etc..

Applied for:

Why should we consider you for this Job?:

I think you should consider me because, I can prove to you that I am hardworking and I am doing this for my family, I am the breadwinner in our family and I really wanted a decent job, I am really having a hard time finding one, my family is in need and we're having financial problems as of now, I hope I can get the job and I promise to work hard if ever I got hired. Thank you.

Financial Problems?

Jisoo's family owns a factory, what happened to them?

That's true, Jisoo is hard working. I wonder what happened to them, how can they be having financial problems? and what happened to Jisoo's job? she used to be A VP in the SK's Financials.


Why am I so worried? it's been 14 years. I still have so many Why's in my head.

And out of all Companies why did she chose mine?

is it because she thinks I might pity her and hire her.

well I could, since I needed a really good secretary and I think she can do well.


am I ready? to work with her?

She's my used to be Wife, how can I accept her?

she left me and her daughter, you know what's worse? she left me when I was 7 months pregnant with Ji-eun and didn't tell me the reason why.

Do you know how much that hurts? it felt like I was stabbed in the heart.

What's worse was, when I found out that she was marrying a Man the she said she 'loves'.

Why am I even nagging about this? it's been 14 years.

so I should move on right?

Right. I should, all I have to do is think about my daughter and her future.

Kim Ji-eun, she always reminds me of Jisoo because of their similar faces.

I just hope she doesn't ask about our daughter, I hope she had an amnesia, I hope she doesn't remember our relationship!

Ugh. I just hope she really has an amnesia.

My eyes shifted to her picture.

she still looks beautiful as ever.

I sighed and closed the folder.

Accept? Reject?

I have to be professional here, so fine I'm hiring her.

I just hope I don't regret this.

I pressed on the button that is attached to my Assistant's ear piece.

“Yes Ma'am?”

“I want to have them tomorrow, got it?” I said and gave her the resumes.

“Okay, Ma'am”.

I took a deep breathe before grabbing my phone.




“Do you want to grab some coffee with me?”

“Oh? so sudden but yeah sure”



[A/N: Hope you'll like this story! so Jennie and Jisoo aged, Both of them are 35 year olds.

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