Chapter 6

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I started to pass out from blood loss, slowly but surely.. Crunch.. Crunch.. I was too dead inside to freak out on whatever the fuck that was. The crunching stopped in front of my mangled legs and I sensed who ever it was, was watching me. I tried to crawl away or at least look at who it was, but my body wasn't functioning.. I felt like my soul was trapped in my own dead body.

My body slowly moved to my back and I turned my eyes to the figure.. It wasn't human.. Whatever it was, it was going to kill me.. Eat me alive.. Rip my limbs apart.. "Child..." A voice rang in my head, overwhelming my brain. I wanted to scream, run, cover my ears.. But I couldn't do anything.. I was stuck.. Trapped..

Before i know it, my brain gives up and I pass out in the autumn leaves with the demon thing watching me.

"Nuhthayneille?? You awake baby?" I heard a voice say to me. I slowly open my eyes to see the figures of two females and a male, they seemed familiar.. "Oh baby!" One says, hugging me.

"W-who are you..?" She looks at me, confused. I stare at her for a few seconds, nothing coming to mind on who she is.

"You don't remember me..?"

I shake my head in defeat, they must be someone really important to me, "No.. None of u seem familiar.." The woman walks out of the room and the man approaches me, sitting on the edge of my hospital bed, "What happened..?"

"You got in a car crash, your legs were so bad that they were amputated, you had a severe concussion too."

"Amputated...?" I nearly vomited at the word, my legs are gone..? What happened to me?!

"Yeah, you have prosthetics"

I felt tears form in my eyes, why can't I remember?!, "How bad was uh is my concussion..?"

"I guess so bad that u can't remember us.."

"Who are you..?"

"I'm your dad.. That's your girlfriend, Jaycee, or as u called her, Jay.. Then the person who ran out is your mom." I looked at my dad, his cheeks were covered in freckles, tears were all over his face, dark brown hair nicely combed to the side. His beautiful lime green eyes were ruined from the bags under his eyes..

How long was I out..?

I looked over at Jay, she had elbow length slightly dark red hair, bright grey eyes full of life and adventure. She was biting her bottom lip, like she was refusing to cry.. Her cheeks were bright red and slightly chubby.

My mom came back in, wiping her face. Her face had black streaks down her pale cheeks. Her hazel eyes looked straight into my soul, trying to find some happiness or hope.. But failed.. Her light brown hair was pulled into a messy bun with some hairs falling into her face.

"Nuth, it's ok.." Jay says, sitting next to me and pulling me in a hug, rocking me slowly. She was taking small shaky breaths, I felt lost.. Confused.. Misplaced.. I felt that I wasn't supposed to be here.. This isn't me.. This is a dream.. It must be.. She runs her shaky fingers through my jet black hair, putting her chin on my head. I glance over at my dad, he was hugging my mom, hug time??

I glance around the room, it was a plain hospital room, there was crutches leaning on the bed, probably for me.. The door slowly opens and a nurse walks in, with a clipboard in her hands, "I'm sorry, but he might not survive... An injury this bad is extremely hard to live throughout life.." I passed out because of the news.. I'm fucking dying now!? It's not like I remember them anyway.. Let's hope this 'afterlife' shit is good..

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