Chapter 7

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"W-what..?" I say, slowly opening my eyes. I started to hear robotic noises, which freaked me out. I quickly pulled my legs to my chest and hug them, freaking out over the damn noise. The noise finally stopped and I rested my head on my knees, but they weren't soft and squishy.. They were hard and plastic like.. I look at my legs and scream, what happened to my damn legs!? I realized I was in the hospital, so I found the button and pressed it fifty times, I needed an explanation.

A nurse came in, "What do you need Nuth-" She pauses her sentence and looks at me, realizing the fear in my eyes and rushed over to me, "It's ok..." I glance at her for a moment, she looked a little different than normal nurses.. Instead of the normal white and red, she was wearing black and red.. Her eye was covered by her long brown hair, like there was something wrong with it.. I was gonna ask, but she goes to the phone and calls someone, "Can I have a doctor for Nuthaynielle Seolfurre please?" She puts the phone down and looks at me, "He'll be right over." She walks out of the room, leaving me alone with my fake legs.

A doctor walks in a few minutes later, "Mr. Seolfurre-"

"Why am I here? What happened to my legs?" I burst out, cutting him off.

"You are here because you jumped down from a high building. You didn't bend your knees, so they shattered from the weight, same for your feet. your legs were severely damaged and we had to amputate them.." He looked strange too, he wore the normal doctors outfit, but on his mask, it had a gaping smile, which made him look.. Almost insane.. I go to bite my lip but he stops me, "Don't do that! We just stitched it up." He says, making me jump. "You have company Nuthaynielle." I slowly nod as people walk in, three of them to be exact, two guys, one girl. The doctor walks out and nods to them.

"Hey Nuth! How ya feeling? Any better?" I looked over at the girl who said that, she had long curly, chocolate hair, with big brown eyes, full of energy. For some reason, she had a bandage on her left cheek, it was a pretty big one to..

"Not really.." I answer, not even caring that I have no idea who the freak they are.

"Hey bud, you ok?" One of the boys say, ruffling my jet black hair, looking concerned for my well being. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. He looked kinda, awkward.. I donno.. Something about his actions seemed odd for him to do.. Even though I have no idea who the fuck he is.

"Not really.. One.. I found out my legs are gone, two I don't remember who you guys are, and three, I don't even remember this jumping incident."

"Oh.. That sucks.. Well, I'm your dad, that's your mom.." My mom waves to me, smiling widely, "And your brother, Brian."

"Hi..?" I say to all of them, waving. My dad had dark brown hair, sideburns, and brown eyes, seeming.. Adventurous.. He smelt like cigarettes.. Whatever, this family that is mine seems ok.. I guess..

"So.. Mom, do you know when I leave..?"

"The doctor actually said today!"

"Really!" She nods excitedly, smiling widely.

"Yup, we just need to ask your doctor if we can take you home..."

She presses the button and the doctor comes back, "Ready to leave Nuthaynielle?" He asks me.

I nod, "sure I guess.."

"Ok, here are your crutches to get used to your legs, you will only need them for about a week, then you should be able to walk normally.. And I'm gonna step out.. Bye!"


"Here are your clothes Nuth." Brian says, shoving my clothes in my arms and stepping out of the room with the rest of them.

I slide my clothes on, partially struggling during the process. I stand up, nearly falling over on my butt, and grab the crutches. Let's hope this walking shit isn't very hard...

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