Chapter 16

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She gently shook Nuhthaynielle awake, not wanting him to suffer anymore from the nightmare, and he almost screamed. "What!!! What's happening!!" I yell, jumping up awake. I find a scared Jay next to me, oh yeah.. I fell asleep..

"Baby.., if you're tired.. You can just go to bed.."

"But.. If I sleep.. He mi-"

"I know.. The nightmare.."

"But I can't-"

"You just slept." I sigh in defeat and drag myself up the stairs, literally. I flop on the bed, and a few minutes later, Jay joins me. I yawn as she climbs in bed next to me, sliding into the blankets. She slides closer to me, and I roll over to face her, nuzzling her..

"I missed you.." She whispers..

I pause, I barely remember her.. Vaguely.. "Me too.." I partially lie.. It wasn't my fault that I lost my memory..

I remember what I was gonna do before I fell asleep and climb on top of her, smiling widely. "Woah babe..."

"Oh it's happening" I snicker playfully. ~skip cuz I'm not writing this~

I wrap my arms around her, spooning her, and fall asleep.. That was satisfying..

As I turn around, I saw his face.. His blank.. Lifeless face.. That sent shivers down my spine.. "You left me.. You betrayed me.. I promised that I would protect you.. I promised... Now you shall die.. Like Ben, like Jay, like the rest of your family.. Eaten alive.. The delicious humans.." It's deep, whisper like voice echoed. I felt my legs fall off.. Then my arms.. My body.. Then last my head.. Everything was gone..

"Nuhthaynielle!!!" I heard Jay scream. I rip open my eye, to find myself being wrapped by the darkness.. The tentacles.. I squirm to get out, but it didn't work.. It pulls me off the bed.. Jay couldn't get a grip on me. I scream and thrash, trying to get out of the grip.. The grasp was too strong for my fake legs to handle.. I tried to detach my prosthetics, but the tentacles tie my hands together..
As the darkness drags me down the hall, I felt everything in my mind slowly disappear.. Slowly disintegrate in my head into nothing.. Until.. I look up as I get dragged down the stairs to see a female figure..

She was screaming my name.. "Nuhthaynielle!!! Please!!! Listen to me!!!! Please!!" I stare at her, lost out of my mind.. To be honest.. I almost forgot my name..

My head hits the last step of the staircase and the whole house disappears from my sight. I flinch awake, slowly raising my head, I see a small child sitting on my lap, still knocked out.. I felt so lost.. Lost.. Out of my mind.. I didn't know what was happening.. I donno what going on.. I donno where I am.. I felt my arms wake up, they were burned.. Badly.. I had rope burn from the rope tightly tied around me and the child.

"So... You're awake..." A deep echoey voice says. A dark, looming figure steps out of the shadows, tilting it's blank face. "Time for the fun..." It sings, sending shivers down my spine.

The small child sitting on my lap slowly lifts his head, coughing uncontrollably. I wanted to ask him if he was ok.. But obviously, that would me seem like an idiot. I glance at the tall figure, it was closer to us.. On its knees, facing the child.. Staring at him directly, tilting its head more, the worse his cough got.. The figure stands up as the child catches his breath.. I swear I could hear him softly crying.

It starts to chuckle, "That was just the beginning boys..." It turns it's blank, empty face to the left, "Toby! Come here please!" It calls out. I look over to my left to see a small boy enter the room somehow.. There wasn't a door.. How the fuck did he get in here..?

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