Chapter 11

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"C'mon Robocop" Revolution Revolver says, motioning me out of the cabin. I follow, stumbling and cursing under my breath because on how cold it was outside.

I hate my legs.. They are shit.. Fuck them.. FUCK THEM! I don't even know how they are gonna train me if I have fucking CRUTCHES. Yeah.. Mr. Tree didn't think that through. My legs don't even bend correctly, when I attempt to bend my damn legs, one ALWAYS happens to bend more than it should, resulting in me tripping. DO YOU KNOW how awkward it is to FALL out of NOWHERE! No? Why don't u use that imagination of yours, you see a random guy walking across the street, then he falls, just plain falls. But you knew he didn't trip, you saw how normal he was walking.. In his PoV, his legs BENT more than they should, resulting in a fall, which makes him look like an IDIOT.

I run into Goggles Man, and he glares at me. I pout and eternally punch him in his face, thinking of what would happen if I ran.. I would probably run by the hill, then the leg bending thing, then I would stumble... Wait.. Owwww... My face hurts like shit.. I move my cold hand to my face and touch my cheek, it was bleeding.. What?! When did they fuckin-

"Robocop! Where the fuck did u go!?" I heard Mustards voice yell.

"Oh shit." I say to myself, trying to get up and run, but my legs weren't working. They were all mangled, but not as bad as my actual legs.. And not as painful. Like I said before, fuck my legs.

I was about to detach my legs, but someone pulled my hands back, no.. Something. I tried to pull back, but it wasn't working. My hands started to bleed as I pulled.. Whatever was holding them was pretty strong. I gave up on pulling and turned around as fast as I could, hurting my neck.

"Oh Hi" The spirit said, giving me a bright smile. It tilted it's head like a dog slowly and smiled even wider, "Wanna play a game with me?"

"No, let me go" I say in the steadiest voice I could find. Deep down, I was scared shitless. Why the fuck does Sun God want to play a game? What game! In the middle of the damn woods? Why don't u bring me to your God party as you stick golden yellow strings to me and make me even more mangled than I can be!

"And why is that?" Sun God asks, it's smile disappearing back into the darkness.

"I-I'm running away.. I need to leave. I can't stay with the.. The demons.. I'm too mangled to go anywhere anyway, so if you do want to kill me, do it silently. Or they'll find you and kill you too" I whisper the last sentence like they were listening closely. I really don't want to die, but I really don't want to stay with Elfie Boi and his gay friends. Nope nope nope, nope nope nope, NOPE NOPE NOPE.


"D-" I sigh, "Are you killing me?" He forms more magical string thingys on his fingers and wraps me with them until I'm bundled up like a spider's prey. He lifts me up and carries me bridal style into the deep forest. "Hey Sun God?"


"Where we going?"

"Just to my lair, Imma fix you up and you're gonna tell me about yourself and these 'demons'"

I nod, realizing how tall I am. Just my being held in his arms, I knew I was taller than him by a few inches, just a few.. He's pretty tall, but I'm a giant for some reason.. A literal giant. Three times Pokéboy and Elfie Bois height equals my height. So, it means I'm tall, and they are tiny.

Sun God places me in a chair in his makeshift 'lair', "Take off your legs.."

I smile, knowing how weird it sounds, but obey, removing my prosthetics.

I blankly stare at what's left of my legs, wow.. They took a lot off. Well maybe because my knees were gone and my legs bend backwards. I sigh, I hate how I'm sarcastic to myself, I'm insane.. What. the. actual. fuck.

A/N: Sorry if i kept messing up Nuhthaynielle's name wrong, because IDIOT ME, i don't even know how to spell my OWN characters name correctly... If you didn't notice, it was the damn h after the Nu.. I WILL BE SPELLING IT CORRECTLY NOW I PROMISE~ BeN dRoWnEd 

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