Chapter 46

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Mayuri drove towards the office not aware of the imminent hurdles that were ready to form mayhem in her life, instead she was glad that Rishab's designs were back and that was the only thing that signified to her. Rest was all kept aside... happily she strolled towards her suite when her eyes fell on the man sitting in the waiting room.

No wonder he looked elegant, indeed charismatic in grey suit... she stopped and smiled back at the gentleman "Mr Gujral" she said astounded at his abrupt visit... this was something she never expected, the first thought strike straight in her mind and that was Rishab. Never in her dreams does she want Rishab to get upset by her doings...

"Ms Mayuri, please just Vicky" he said advancing his hand at the beautiful lady standing in golden sari, her silk trends falling off her shoulders and the elegant bag on her shoulder... Mayuri forwarded her hand "Vicky, how come you're here?" was the next question that was making Mayuri extremely uneasy and somewhat scared, she quickly looked at her watch as Rishab was about to reach any minute...

"Actually, I have come to return this file that you forgot yesterday" he said holding the file in his left hand...

Mayuri recalled the file that she hastily left in his office when she went to see the designs "oh yes" she said looking at the file in his hand...

"Thank you so much, but I told you that I will come..."she said taking the file

"It's alright, I was coming this way, so thought I can deliver it myself" he said

Mayuri quickly glanced around "ok, that's so nice of you" she said and looked at her watch again

"Are you in rush?" he asked enquiringly

Mayuri quickly took her phone "yes, actually I have a meeting right now...I need to go..." making an excuse so he could leave the office quickly before Rishab comes, her heart beats went faster with time... every tick of the clock made her extremely nervous... Rishab wouldn't mind admonishing her if he gets to know that she went to Mr Gujral's office to see the designs.

And under any circumstance she never wanted to lose him again. Life had been playing games with her and every time she lost her happiness but not this time.

"Oh, it's absolutely alright Mayuri" he smiled... "Can I call you Mayuri?"

She smiled a little wondering about his friendlier approach "yes... and once again thanks Mr Gujral...oops I mean Vicky" she was definitely not interested in calling him anything, her main concern was to get him out of the office before Rishab comes...

Vicky smiled and walked towards the lifts... Mayuri was praying deep inside to every God, that Rishab shouldn't meet him. As the lifts closed, she quickly walked towards her suite...opened the blinds and peeped out. Her eyes scanned every step of Vicky Gujral towards his car. The moment he left the gates she took a sigh of relief. It seemed a nightmare...

She stared at the file in her hand "how could I forget this important file?" she rebuked herself for putting herself in such a situation every time...


It was afternoon

The designs were approved and everything went smooth for Maya fashions... after the long conference Mayuri came back to her suit. She was happy for Rishab, the designs that Maya intended to destroy were created again... and Maya fashions was again on no 1. She looked at her laptop when she saw Rishab knocking at her door

"Do you need permission to come in?" she smiled

Rishab quickly walked in and pulled her off her chair clasping her tightly "this credit goes to you, just you" he whispered in her ear

She could sense his pleasure, he was the most happiest person on earth ... "These were your designs Rishab, I just refashioned them" she whispered back

He drew a little and looked in her eyes "no Mayuri, this cheerfulness is because of you..." he said and embraced her tightly in his arms... "Maya fashions is no 1 because of you today" he said making her sit on the couch.

"Sometimes I feel afraid of losing you, even though I haven't made you mine completely" he kissed her ear...

Mayuri could easily understand what was really going on his mind, she was glad that he understood her so well that he gave her so much time to think about her life with him.

She looked at his sharp features, his eyes that clearly showed his love for her, his smile that said so much in a few minutes... his embrace that was melting her every minute...

"Rishab, someone's at the door" she quickly saw a staff member standing outside her door with a file...

He pulled away "ok, you carry on. I will meet you in the evening"

She nodded smilingly as he left, but her heart was blaming herself for something that he deserved but she wasn't giving him, she loves him but still their relationship was incomplete. Feeling bad she quickly dialled her mother's no...

"Mayuri... sometimes you have to believe and trust your love. You should know this better that Rishab will never hurt you... I know it's not easy for you since childhood we've been telling you to stay away from men and not allow them to touch you... but that was not for your husband" Meena said

Mayuri listened to her mother who wanted to clarify that she was killing her relationship by not letting Rishab come closer to her...

"But Ma... it's not easy you know right?"

"I know Mayuri, but you have initiate, Rishab is more worried about your happiness and your comfort, you must also think about him"

"I will talk to you later" Mayuri disconnected the phone...


Mayuri was still signing few papers when she heard her phone, thinking it to be her mother's phone she was about to pick up when her smile faded the moment she saw the number, it was none other than Vicky Gujral. Why was he calling her now? Some questions invaded through her mind and she didn't answer the phone.

She wouldn't talk to him now. If Rishab gets to know, he will definitely get angry over her and that's the last thing she wants.

She didn't answer and instead switched off her phone. Feeling terrible she packed her stuff and headed home...

The moment she reached home she walked towards her room and saw the huge picture hanging on the wall that was her wedding photo with Rishab. She was shyly sitting next to him and his arm slid nicely around her shoulder. She recalled the day she spoke to him over the phone, how a stranger felt so close... how she escaped death and they met again. Tears didn't stop from her eyes as she realised she was incomplete without him.

All her dreams, her love, her thoughts, everything started with Rishab and ended with his name. She felt herself a fool for not comprehending this and felt bad for him. He needs her and she was running away.

She got carried away with those little talks she had in childhood, and her protective family who swore her not to let any man touch her... wiping her tears she opened the wardrobe and took her bridal wear... she recalled it was so heavy that her shoulders were aching till next day but today she wanted to take this weight on her body, she wanted to become Rishab's wife today.


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