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Krystal's POV

I was searching for the cabin with Draco in it. I wanted to talk to him. Or at least just see him.

I went to the cabin he usually was and even approached his Slytherin friends. "Where's Draco?" I asked. "Don't know. You bitch probably broke him or something. We haven't heard from him the whole 2 weeks. Thought he was supposed to be with you!" Pansy exclaimed. "He...left", I admitted. "Of course he did. Who'd wanna stay with you?" Pansy huffed. Her words undeniably sting, but I focused on looking for Draco. He was nowhere to be found. I gave up and just sat in the cabin with Harry.

"Where's the rest?" I asked him. "Ron's with that Angel girl. I think they have a thing for each other. And Hermione's with Neville, Luna, Sherlyn, Chalisa and Fel", Harry informed. "Why'd they wanna squeeze like that when there's so much room in this cabin?" I chuckled. Not that I mind though, I thought.

"Another round of school. Too bad the holiday was only 2 weeks", I sighed. "I don't want why I even bothered to go home. The Dursleys despise me", Harry groaned. "You should come over to mine. Draco and Luna did", I said.

He then turned shock. "Draco?" He asked. I nodded. "Draco? Why Draco? It's Draco this Draco that lately and I don't understand. You deserve someone better. Someone who cares for you", he said. "He's not that bad", I said. But then I heard him whisper something to himself, clearly not wanting me to hear but I did anyway. I didn't wanna bring it up because I didn't want to make him uncomfortable so I just pretend not to hear even though I was screaming madly inside.

"But I care for you and like you. Not Malfoy", was what he whispered. I looked down, flustered.

We just talked most of the time through the ride, it was so nice. I really did like Harry. He's amazing.


It was early and I finally found Draco. He didn't notice my presence as I was behind him. I was excited and happy.

I touched his shoulder and made him turn around to me. "Draco-"

"Ew! Don't put your mudblood hand on my shoulder! Don't give me your gross germs!" He said, disgusted.

I was completely taken aback. It was, shocking. "Don't mess with me, Draco. Stop with the jokes would ya?" I asked. But he looked dead serious. "I'm not joking. I don't want to ever see you and your ugly mudblood self. You're too stupid and is not good enough to even speak to me so please, don't waste my time and energy. Oh and whatever we had, that's over. I don't care for that anymore", he insulted before turning his back on me.

Then I saw a flash of light, Draco was immediately crashed to the floor. It was Harry casting the stupefy spell on Draco. I was bewildered. I froze on the spot.

"How dare you say those words to her!" Harry shouted, Ron and Hermione behind him. Felicia looked disappointed at Draco. A lot of people had gathered to watch. "You were all lovey dovey with her before! You can't just treat her like shit after!" Harry defended me. "Draco has always been an asshole, mate. Ain't surprised", Ron said. "Indeed", Hermione agreed.

"I don't fucking care for her anymore, Potter. She was a huge mistake and a regret", Draco said.

That did it for me.

I ran away crying. I could hear a fight broke out. Spells casted everywhere.

I couldn't take it anymore, what he said extremely hurt me and I couldn't bare with it anymore. I ran to my dorm and cried. Some Ravenclaws who were watching rushed to me and comforted me. "He's bad news. Always had been. Just ignore him", Cho said.

I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. The tears just won't stop flowing. "I don't even know why I'm so upset. He's just a casual friend, who I was only close with for a short period of time", I croaked out, still sobbing. "" But Cho cut herself from saying the sentence. "What?!" I asked, curious. "J-just...what if you like him, Krystal? You just don't know it yet. I mean it makes sense, no?" Cho said. Many other Ravenclaws agreed with her. "But that can't be true I like-"

"Have you ever heard of something called a love triangle? You do know that it's not impossible to like 2 guys at one, right?" A Ravenclaw blurted out. I sighed, she was right. But I couldn't like Draco?! That's absurd!

"I don't know how I feel anymore. I'm mentally confused", I said. "It happens. Just calm down", Cho said. Luna agreed. "How can he say such hurtful words when he was so nice to me though?" I asked. "No one knows. But what's for sure is, I need to check out the fight that broke out. I wonder if anyone's injured", a Ravenclaw said as she stepped out. "I want to come!" I said. She looked at me and all of us Ravenclaw girls went back to the place where Draco and Harry fought.

I looked around. It was a whole mess. It was clear that a fight had broken up. There, I saw Draco and Harry being scolded entirely by Professor McGonagall and Snape. Dumbledore was just beside them, observing the situation with a quite disappointed face. He was sternly telling them off as well.

"So be ready for your detention tonight", Snape ended the conversation as they left.

Draco gave Harry a glare before leaving with his Slytherin friends who seemed delighted that he was now back to hating me. Harry saw me and ran up to me. He hugged me. Draco looked back at me and Harry. He looked like he wanted to murder someone as he clenched his jaw. He gave a stinging glare and left.

I hugged Harry back. "I can't believe he did that to you. I'm sorry you had to deal with him, it's just wrong. I told you that you should leave him", Harry said. "You're right", I said, "but are you ok?"

He nodded and I felt relieved. He pulled away and I gave him a  sincere grateful smile.


I just needed up crying myself to sleep. Even after he said those hurtful words this morning, Draco just kept on teasing me and treating me like I mean nothing to him. I probably don't, he said it himself. He won't leave me alone and I couldn't bring myself to fight back and defend myself. I have no idea why. So my friends defended me and threw insults too, it was painful to watch.

My friends were so worried about me, they felt melancholy as they saw me in my state being. Defenseless and hurt.

"C-cheer up, ok? The Triwizard Tournament is tomorrow! You'll get to cheer for Harry and Cedric. But I'm pretty sure that Felicia and Chalisa will already cover Cedric's part. They're crazy over him", a Ravenclaw joked. I chuckled lightly. But I ended up crying myself to sleep, anyways. I felt so hopeless for no reason.

I didn't know how to explain it. My heart felt hurt but it didn't make any sense. I was usually treated this way by him...but I think I got used to the kindness that I forgot how it felt to be mistreated by him. I clenched my fists, I should've known better than to think that after the bet, he'd still wanna be friends. And that this girlfriend thing was just a joke.

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