Yule Ball

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Krystal's POV

I looked at the dress that my mom sent to me for the Yule Ball. I had just woken up.

"It's a beautiful dress", Luna said from behind, surprising me. "Y-yeah", I replied.

"I'm so...nervous oh my god", I confessed. "A lot of people are. It's just a dance though", a Ravenclaw said. I nodded my head.


I was really excited for the dance. It was obviously the main topic talked about during breakfast. I ate my food quietly listening to everyone talking. I looked to Draco, he was staring at me as usual. He saw me looking at him and gave me a smile. I smiled back.

Wow, his smile is pretty.

Snap out of it, Krystal. Can't believe you just said that

I gulped hearing my thoughts. I quickly looked down to my food.


Draco walked to me after I left the great hall, as usual. It's becoming a habit of his.

"Hey, babe", he greeted. I flushed red, after thinking his smile was cute just now I think I've become so embarrassed that when he calls me that it makes me flustered.

He was really close to me. Why was my heartbeat beating like crazy?! We've kissed before but just the thought of it made me red. I looked down and he furrowed his eyebrows.

He lifted my chin and looked at me directly in the eyes. The eye contact was honestly making me sweat and blush madly. Why?!

He noticed and smirked as he let out chuckle. He noticed he was making me blush and nervous. My heartbeat was really insane. My thoughts couldn't stop telling me to kiss him, he was so close. I looked at his lips, resisting the urge.

Wait what the fuck, Krystal?! What's happening to you?!

Draco noticed once more that I was looking at his lips and he chuckled again before slowly leaning in and finally closing the gap between our lips.

It was so sweet, it had been long since the time I kissed him, the time he stole my first kiss. I liked kissing him.

Ew what the hell, why did you just think of that, Krystal?!

My thoughts, heartbeats and feelings were fluttering weirdly. Like nothing else mattered and I was just melting into the kiss.

"Excuse me, Mister Malfoy and Miss Eleanor but snogging isn't allowed in the halls," McGonagall interrupted in a very irritated and angry tone. I immediately pulled away. "Sorry". So much for nothing else matters.

I looked at him smirk happily. He must've enjoyed that, knowing thay he had such control over me and seeing me basically pleading for a kiss. Made me feel like a slut.

Me and Draco rushed to Transfiguration, knowing we're late.

When we came in, a lot of students were snickering because they saw the incident just now. I rolled my eyes.

The school day went on, Draco regulary flirting with me.

It was so weird, knowing that he is my boyfriend.

The thought itself was disgusting. Yet a part of me didn't mind, actually feeling joy when he's around.

He's my boyfriend. Draco Malfoy. And I'm going to the Yule Ball with him. A mudblood.

I felt kinda sad knowing that he confessed to me but I just couldn't say it back...


It was time to get ready for the ball. I looked at the glamorous dress infront of me. Will I look good in it?

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