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Krystal's POV

It's been weeks since Dumbledore's death, and it hasn't been pretty. Snape became headmaster and he for sure wasn't a good one. He was ignorant. He didn't care. He was torturous. He's as bad as Umbridge, and that says a lot. It's a difficult time right now.

The golden trio has fled for a mission of who knows what and refuses anyone else's help while the D.A. was pieced back and sticking together as much as possible. In is current state, it's what we need. To stay together. And make sure we don't get stabbed in the back. Some of the guys created a radio station and stuff. I don't know why but I let it be. They're our last hope for some lightening up.

Me and Draco are in good terms. We've been sticking and comforting each other all daily now and it's been helping. Even if it's only by a little. At least it's helping.

Everything has been so tense. The Great Hall wasn't a cheerful or happy place anymore. It was depressing and tense. Knowing that our headmaster's murderer sat in the same room, it was hard to spark a conversation. Nobody says anything. Enter, eat, exit. And of course, always stay as silent as possible. It's already awkward, why add fuel to the fire? I can't help but glance at Snape angrily whenever we enter the Great Hall. And sometimes I get called out.

"Is there anything you'd like to say, miss Eleanor?" Snape called with his usual stone cold voice. Though his tone was irritated. "Nothing", I replied before taking my seat. And as usual, enter, eat, exit.

We usually talk in the halls. I had a free period and so did Draco so we just roamed the halls. "I miss the old times. Before this dark lord comes to the picture and everything was like a muggle high school story", I spoke. Our hands were entwined and he gave a little comforting squeeze. "Me too", he replied. "Autumn is coming soon. It's my favorite season. But honestly, the depressing mood we've all been in doesn't help excite me for this season", I said. "I know. I truly do", he sighed sadly. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we continue to walk. "What are we going to do about this? We can't possibly experience this until we graduate, right?" I mentioned. "Let's just hope that Potter comes back with something helpful that'll lead for a more promising future", Draco replied. "Let's hope so, I hope whatever Harry, Ron and Hermione are doing, it's going well", I said, with slight hope showed in my tone.

"What do you do when you're sad usually in the muggle world? You know before coming to Hogwarts or when you come home for holidays", Draco asked. "Me? I just sulk in my room, listening to sad songs and make myself even sadder to the point where I start to cry, it's more effective during rainy nights", I said, chuckling a bit. "And how does that help?" He asked curiously. "It doesn't. Just...I don't know", I replied. He scoffed. "You and your muggle ways. I swear", he rolled his eyes. I playfully hit his arm. "Shut up. You know how it feels like when you actually do it. Though you probably think it's stupid", I replied. "I do", he replied. "You're such a pureblood", I rolled my eyes this time. "Hey, I thought labels don't matter?" He responded with an annoyed face. "It doesn't, it's just so you though", I chuckled. "You're weird", he replied with a disgusted face. I rolled my eyes again. "I already know that dumbass", I said with another chuckle.

It's things like this that distract me even for a little while. It gives me a tiny drop of joy or amusement to this life that's slow and painful not to mention dragging on. I was so thankful to have him by my side.

He's there for me.

He holds my hands and grip them tight when they're shaking.

He gives me comforting hugs when my anxiety is bothering me nonstop.

He interrupts my toxic mind with his words and that helped.

Most of the things he does did. They help. And that makes me grateful.

"I love you", I said.

"I love you too".


"Do you think they'll come back soon? Harry, Ron and Hermione", Neville asked everyone in the room. It was the meeting place for the D.A.

"No", one said.

"Yes", another said.

"You think we stand a chance against Snape? And defeat You-Know-Who?" Neville asked another question.

"We can only hope", Ginny answered.

"All we can do at this point is bear it all until that golden trio comes. And well, hope they're successful in whatever they're doing", I said, sighing.

Everyone agreed and just talk amongst ourselves to kill time. I turned to Luna, Ginny and Neville. "I don't know whether I'm pessimistic or optimistic about this anymore. I'm just saying whatever comes to my mind at this point and trying not to feel anything", Ginny said. "It's better than dwelling in sadness", I pointed out. "But you know, there might be something, or someone that helps these situations and take your mind off the repeated topic even for a while. It makes you feel more hope that the end of the world won't near", I said, thinking of it as I say it.


"True", Neville said. "Things or people that brings optimism to one's heart is always pleasant, for me at least", Luna spoke up. "I swear...I've been so emotional lately", I confessed. "It's probably because you've fallen in love. With him apparently. Would've never seen that coming", Ginny scoffed and lightly chuckled. "Who did though?" Neville replied. I nodded along in agreement. "I couldn't say I was surprised though. I knew there was a possibility something toxic like hate could always bloom into something much more beautiful", Luna said. "Of course, wouldn't expect anything less from you", I told Luna with a smile.

A/N : I wanted to cry so badly writing this chapter because I was listening to my sad playlist (which is VERY sad but relatable) while writing this to give me the feels and vibes.

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