Germany x Reader (Skipping P.E.)

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Your hate of P.E. was greater than your hate of (something you hate) and that is saying something. Unfortunately for you this was the only time you get it see him. You had a crush on the overly strict Ludwig. You were no exceptions to his strict nature. When it came to P.E. he was right at the teachers side barking commands like he owns the place. However, you knew he had a soft side to him.

"(Your name), come on!" Feli grabbed your hand and pull you out of the gym. With Ludwig not far behind.

In the short time you had been in school you and Feli had become close friends. He knew about your crush on Ludwig and promised not to tell. So far he was good to his word.
The two of you had become very good at out running and hiding from Ludwig, of course you both paid the consequences for it later.
Feli pulled you under the staircase and the two of you stayed very quiet till you heard footsteps run by.

"I think we're safe for now." You said with a deep sigh of relief.

"(Your name) when did you know you loved Luddy?" Feli asked out of the blue.

"Well... I don't know exactly but when I first started school Ludwig was instructed to show me around. Too be completely honest I was terrified of him. In comparison I am a small and rather weak country." You paused for a moment. Feli waited silently for you to continue. "Ludwig actually helped me a lot." A small crept up on your face. "He never got mad at me every time I got lost and he even saved me from Francis. I guess all the little things he did for me just added up till I fell for him." Just as you finished the bell rang signifying the end of the day.

"You'll keep your promise, right?" You ask Feli.

He smiled back at you the way he always does. "Of course, Bella."

"Zhere jou are!" Ludwig shouted. Before either of you had a chance to run he grabbed Feli by the collar of his shirt and grabbed your arm. His grip was tight but not in a way that would leave any marks or would hurt you.

"Jou zwo have skipped ouz on class zoo many zimes."
Feli whimpered and you stayed silent.

He dragged the two of you to the track and field area. "Jou zwo are going zo run 50 laps before you go home." Ludwig made his demands clear.

"Impossible!" You shout mostly out of shock. "Me and Feli would drop dead before we finished." You said.

"Vell if you zwo vould'nt have run avay zo make ouz jou vould'nt have zo do zhis."

"Make out...wait you got it wr-" Before you could finish Feli covered your mouth.

"Ve~ you're right, Luddy. We're sorry."

You couldn't believe what Feli was saying.

"Gut if jou understand zhen start running." Ludwig said with a hint of sadness in his voice that you didn't miss.

"No way! Could Ludwig like me too?" You thought.

You and Feli ended up running the laps with Ludwig pushing you all the way. By the end you and Feli were lean back to back against each other breathing heavily.

"Here." Ludwig handed both of you a bottle of water. You swigged down half of it before putting the lid back.

You were expecting a lecture on not skipping out on P.E. but he simply stood there with his arms across his chest, head down as if his shoes were the most interesting things in the world

"Um... Ludwig?"  You said softly.

"Ich don'z care whaz jou do together just don't skip ouz on class so do it." He suddenly walked away.

"You should talk to him, (your name)." Feli suggested.

"What can I do?" You said, "He thinks the two of us are dating."

"The little things add up." Feli said.

You suddenly started laughing. "Using my words against me, are you?" You looked you at the darkening sky. "Alright." You jumped up and started after Ludwig.

"Ludwig! Wait up!" You called.

He stopped and waited for you to catch up to him.

You drew in a deep breath. "I don't want you to have to wrong idea. Me and Feli aren't dating or anything." You looked back at Feli still sitting there grinning for ear to ear. "The truth is I... like you." Your face suddenly felt very hot and only got worse when Ludwig didn't respond to your confession.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." You said quickly trying to get out of the situation you put yourself in. You turned your back to him and started back towards Feli tear threatening to spill from your eyes.

Ludwig suddenly grabbed your shoulder. "It's late ich valk jou home." You could only nod scared your voice would give away the fact that you were trying not to cry.

The walk home was silent you kept your head down hoping your (color and length of hair) would hide the stray tears. You got to your front door ready to run in and throw your in your bed to cry yourself to sleep.

Ludwig suddenly cleared his throat before you could say goodbye.

"(Your name), ich liebe dich."

Your head shot up, looking up at him his cheeks were tinted pink.

"You mean it? Your not just saying it out of pity?" You said, wanting to believe it but also wanting to be sure.

"Ich mean it. Ich alvays zhought jou und Feli vere dating so ich never told jou." He said quietly.

You threw your arms around him taking him a bit off guard. He slowly put his arms around you as well. No words would come to you but you didn't really need them. You pulled away enough to look into his bright blue eyes.

"Can ich kiss jou?" He asked in a hushed tone.

"Yes, of course."  His lips met yours softly at first but slowly grew more intense. You pulled away first.

"Instead of me and Feli skipping P.E. maybe you and I should instead."

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