Popular! America x Unpopular! Reader

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You saw yourself as a plain Jane. You weren't drop dead gorgeous but you weren't ugly. Your grades were ok and you had a few good friend so nothing was very special about you. Alfred on the other hand was good looking amazing at sport had straight A's and was surrounded by people all the time, every one but you. To you he was like a rare diamond best to look at behind the glass cause you know you couldn't afford the price tag.

You were studying in the library during self study hour. You were studying alone for the big (worse subject) test tomorrow. You were struggling to stay focused. Sitting oddly quiet next to you was Alfred. He was staring at the paper in front of him for some time now. The look of confusion made you so curious as to what was on that paper.

You cleared your throat gaining his attention. He looked at you with a weak smile. "Oh hi. your Arthur's friend... (your name), right? How long have you been here?"

"Long enough to know something in bothering you." In truth you were there long before he was.

"Yeah...you noticed." He gave you a weak smile. 

"Do you want to tell me? I might be able to help." You said just trying to be nice.

Alfred slide the paper your way. It read: 

                                                                              My dearest Alfred 

I want you to know how much I love meet me behind the school after class today

(Girl's name)

"A love letter?" You asked.

"She won't take no for an answer!" He suddenly shouted.

"Alfred, you know we're in a library right?"

"Ah, sorry it's just frustrating." He lowered his head to the desk.

"What's wrong with (girls name)? She pretty, popular, and she's on the girls soft ball team." You said as you patted his back.

"Yeah sure but she's also bitchy, loves to spread lies, and always starts drama. I can't handle all of that." Alfred replies. "School is over after this. What do I do?"

You thought for a moment, the normally confident Alfred reduced to this it must be bad. "Why not tell her your already seeing someone?" You suggest.

"Sure but who?" Alfred asked.

The bell suddenly rang and you said the first thing that came to mind, "I'll do it." Alfred looked at you wide eyed. You cheek suddenly felt very hot. "I mean if you want me to."

"Dudette that's so cool of you!" Alfred shouted as he threw his arms around you. Just as he did that one of your few friends walked.

"You wanker! Get your filthy hands off of (Your name)." Arthur shouted.

"Guys we are in a library." You said calmly.

"(your name) is my girlfriend! I will but my hands where ever I want!" Alfred shouted back

"Don't get a head of yourself Alfred! I'm only doing this to help you." You shouted to Alfred who hadn't let go of you yet.

"What the bloody hell is going on here?" Arthur said obviously confused.

You quickly explain the situation to him not wanting your friend to think you were seriously dating his younger brother.

"I see. That's just like you (your name)." Arthur said in a loving tone. "Alfred don't you dare do anything to disrespect her or you'll be dealing with me."

"Yeah, yeah." Alfred shrugged off Arthur's warning. "Come on (Your name)." He dragged you by the hand.

Behind the school (girls name) was waiting. The look of death in her stare had you regretting you ever suggested this.

"Alfie, who is this?" Her tone was stained as she spoke.

"I'm sorry, (girls name). I shouldn't have hidden it for so long but (your name) and I have been dating for some time now." Alfred said, you hadn't planned the story but it seemed he had it under control.

"Oh, really. How did you two met?" (girls name) said with her arms across her chest. She wasn't buying it.

Alfred was silent for a moment. So you stepped up, "We met because I'm friends with Arthur."

"Oh I get it. You stole your big brothers girl." She said before turning around and walking away.

"Ignore her (your name). There will be rumors tomorrow but I'll get Arthur to go along with our story so play along for a little longer." Alfred said softly so only you would hear him, you nod in response.

You walked to school the next morning as you always do the one major difference this morning was Alfred had come to pick you up and along the way several of his groupies joined you on what would normally be a peaceful walk. Alfred walked with his arm around your shoulders.

"Is it true you stole your brothers girl?" One of the jocks asked.

"Let me make this perfectly clear. I was never Arthur's girl." You stepped in before Alfred had a chance to say anything. You slipped away from Alfred. "I have to get to class. I'll text you later."

As you walked away you heard on of the girls ask Alfred, "why in the world are you dating such a boring girl?"

You couldn't deny that she was wrong. This is only temporary. He'll just make up some lie about you that would make you look good in their eyes.

You were right after a couple of weeks it came to an end when you  both agreed the night before to get into a fake fight in the middle of the hallway.

"Shut up! I can't beleive you!" You shouted as planned.

"Wait (your name)... I can explain." Alfred said reaching out to you.

You backed away, "I don't want to hear it!" You shouted before running away from him. The plan was for you to just go home early that day but you were stopped by Arthur.

"Love, why don't I take you home." Arthur offered.

"That's okay. I'll be fine on my own." You pushed passed him and ran the rest of the way home. You threw yourself down on the bed.

"Well at least my walks to school will be peaceful from now on...but...it was fun to have others to laugh with. I can go back to eating lunch with Arthur and the other...but it was funnier with Alfred there. I can go straight home after school..." You looked around the empty and silent room and remembered the so called dates Alfred would take you on. "Was my life always so boring before Alfred?" Not long after you said that out loud the door bell rang. You hurry to answer it. Alfred stood there with a shy smile on his lips.

"Can I come in?" He asked. You stood aside letting him in.

"So listen (your name) I'd been thinking...it's been super cool to be with you and all so I was wondering if maybe you would be my girlfriend for real this time."

"I was just thinking how much more interesting my life became after I meet you so...yeah I would love to be your girlfriend for real this time."

"So would it be okay to kiss you?" He asked.

"Yeah..." You said shyly.

He cupped your cheek in his hand and slowly leaned in just before your lips touched. "What the hell!? Alfred!" Arthur shouted from your front door that you forgot to shut.

"I thought I told you not do anything disrespectful to (Your name)!" Arthur shouted.

"I'm not! I asked her first." Alfred replied.

You couldn't help but smile. "This will diffenatly be an interesting relationship."

High School (Hetalia x Reader) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now