BTT x Reader (Prussia's route)

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Backing out wasn't an option when you thought about Gilbert never noticing you. There was an old saying good girls love bad boys. That couldn't be anymore true to you. He was everything you wished you could be. He was confident in who he is and let everyone know it. Everyone knew who he was and wanted to be around him, he's the life of the party. If doing this no matter how scared you were got his attention you had to do it.

"If this really doesn't work I'll give up." You said calmly.

"Okay." Canada said with a sigh.

You started up the stairs to the ground floor. You reached for the knob but before you could touch it the door flew open. The night guard at the school stood in front of you. "What are you doing here!?" he grabbed your arm pulling you through the door. You glance back down the stairs where Matthew was. He was frozen in place as you were dragged away. You were pulled into the office where you found Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio.

"Another friend of yours?" He tossed you in the direction of the other three.  You feel to your knees in front of them.

"Nien, never seen her before." Gilbert said.

A quick sharp pain shot through your chest but you didn't have time to dwell on it you whipped out your phone and shot a text to Matthew.

Get out of the building I'll be fine.

You waited for a reply.

"So what were you four planning." The guard asked in a cocky attitude.

Matthew texted you back.

I'm not leaving without you.

"We don't know the girl." Francis said, "Even if we did we wouldn't tell you.

Please it's my fault your here just go

You glance up from your phone Gilbert was staring down at you, still on your knees from when you fell. The phone in your hand vibrates.

Just hold on I'm getting you out of there.

You slowly stood up and placed your hands in your pocket. You still had the glitter bomb. "It's now or never. This is to save Mattie."

The fire alarm suddenly went off before the guard could react to it you throw the bomb at his face and ran out the door while he was screaming and cussing at you. You glaced over your shoulder to see the other three were right behind you. Gilbert ran passed you heading for the exit where Matthew was waiting. You pulled ahead of Gilbert and got to Matthew first. You grabbed ahold of his arm and ran to a nearby park. The trio started laughing out loud while you were hugging Matthew.

"I'm so sorry Mattie. I should have never have asked you to do this with me. I was so selfish." You spat out all at once.

"It's okay, (Your name)." Matthew patted your back.

"Vhat are jou so vorked up over?" Gilbert asked with a laugh. You pulled away from Matthew looking at the ground.

"We should head home." You said softly.

"What happened back there?" Matthew asked. 

You shrugged your shoulder. Not wanting to answer.

"I'll tell jou vhat happened." Gilbert flung his arm around your shoulder. You stiffened up but he didn't notice. "She save saved us. Vhich vas pretty avsome. Of course not as avsome as me." he laughed.

Your face turned a bright red. "I was just trying to protect Mattie."

"Don't be so modest." Francis said with an arm around Matthew's shoulders.

"Jou two are alright." Gilbert took his arm away leaving his warmth behind. "See jou around." he said before leaving with the other two.

The next day in class you took normal seat in the back of the room with Matthew only there was one big chance Gilbert looked your way and even walked up to you.

"Ich never got jour name." He said calmly.

"(Y-your name)!" You stutter out.

Everyone around you started muttering and whispering to one another.

"Okay everyone take your seats. Class is starting." The teacher calls out. Gilbert takes the empty seat next to you. Not half way threw class Gilbert passes you a note.

The note read: Be mein freundin.

You read the note several times to be sure you were reading it right. You looked up at him and nod slowly. He gave you a mischievous grin. You aren't sure what the future has in store for you but let's hope you don't regret it.

High School (Hetalia x Reader) one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now