BTT x Reader (France's Route)

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You considered your options and decided there had to have been a better way to get Francis's attention. You left Matthew saying you were going home but in truth you went to a nearby park and sat down on the swings. You were illuminated by the street lights above you

"All alone mon cher?" You looked up quickly.

"Hello, Francis." You said quietly.

He looked at you shocked, "Have we met before?" he said as he sat down on the swing beside you.

"Maybe...not that you would remember." You mutter. "No one does."

"Mon cher, you are in love." He said as a matter-of-fact.

"How did he know!?" You start to panic.

"I can see it on your face. Who is he? Your best friend perhaps." Francis said.

"You are the one I love." You thought.

"A c-classmate." You stuttered out.

"Why not talk to them or write a letter to him." He suggested.

"I'm talking to him now and I tried writing a letter but you never responded to it." You thought.

"I...I tried." You said.

He sat there quietly from a few minuets.

"What do I say? What do I do?" You thought, your hands shock from your nervous.

"What is your name, mon cher?"

"(Y-your name). You stuttered even though you tried not to. "You won't remember that though." You said more to yourself but he heard you say it.

"I won't forget, I promise." He said in an almost loving tone. "If I keep my promise then you have to promise me something."

"What's that?" You said curiously.

"You have to tell me who you love."

You stood up, "Okay but you really shouldn't make promises you can't keep." You started walking away and only got a few steps away before he grabbed your arm. You spun around quickly. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it without saying a word. He slowly let go of your arm.

You gave him the best smile you could manage. "Good night, Francis." You walked away again this time fast and faster till you were sprinting to your front door.

"Damn you (Your name)," You cursed yourself, "You had your chance. You should have just come out and say it. You will never get a chance like that again."

The next day you pulled yourself into class unwillingly. You walked right passed Francis and no surprise he didn't see you or even look in your direction. You took your seat next to Matthew as always. Today was your day to give up on Francis at least that was the plan but after last night it sparked new hope that you clung to for dear life.

"(Your name) are you okay?" Matthew asked. 

You nodded in truth you weren't. You  always stole glances at the trio in question mostly Francis. In classes he was a huge flirt and let everyone know it, but you know how mature he could be. In fact that's why you feel for him.Suddenly one of the prettiest girls in class bumped into him. He quickly turned around and started flirting with her which gave you an idea. 

You barley paid any attention in class your mind wandered in a million directions. Thinking of every possibly scenario.  After class ended you intentionally bumped into him. He turned around like you hoped. He looked at you and you at him. You looked away first and stared down at your hands. 

"Sorry." You said quietly before walking away. You got to your locker before you heard your name being called in a thick french accent. You turned around slowly. Francis leaned up against the wall behind you.

"I kept me promise. Now you keep yours. I could help you win his heart." Francis said with a smirk.

"Fair is fair." You said with a heavy sigh. "The one I love" Your voice was barley audible.

"Come again." Francis said stepping closer. 

You couldn't look up at him. "I love you." Again your voice was just above a whisper.

"I can't hear you." Francis said.

"I love you, Francis." You said louder.

He cupped your cheek in his hands. Forcing you to look up at him. "You could have just said so last night. I knew you liked me."

"You were just teasing me." You said now embarrassed to the point you could die from it.

"Maybe, but I wanted to hear it from your beautiful lips." Francis traced your lips with his thumb. You hadn't noticed till then that the bell had already rang and you were the only ones left in the hallway.

"Will you skip class with me, mon cher?" Francis whispered in your ear.

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