Bad Boy! Prussia x Nerdy! Reader (Part 1)

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In one word you were a nerdy. You carried around a thick book every were you went. You were straight A student and every one came to you to do their homework. Including Gilbert, the schools resident bad boy. You did his homework in exchange for his protection from other bullies. It was exhausting writing multiple papers on the same subject. Some nights you barely got two hours of sleep. On one such occasion you got help from an unlikely source.

There was a huge paper do the very next day you had about 5 papers to write. It was 6 am when you finished by then you had to get ready for school. You got up from your desk and felt dizzy. You thought a cold shower would help you feel better and wake you up.

By the time you got down stairs and opened your front door Gilbert was standing there waiting for you. He held his hand out it took you a minuet to understand what he wanted. You pulled the papers you worked all night on out of your bag. 

"Danke." He said putting the papers into his own bag then throwing it over his shoulder. "Jou needed help jou knov vhere to find me." As he was talking a dizzy spell over came you. You grabbed a hold of him before he walked away. "Jou OK?"

You suddenly pulled away realizing what you were doing. "I'm fine." You said knowing that you real weren't. As odd as it was to you Gilbert stood there watching you. "You should go before someone sees us together." Gilbert may protect you by averting his bully buddies away from you but being seen together was out of the question. However, he ignored your warning. 

"Jou should go back to bed." He said as he ruffled your damp hair. He then turned away and you watched him leave.

There was no way you could miss school today so ignoring Gilbert you went to school. The jocks and preppy girls waited for you at your locker they surrounded you as you handed them their finished homework unlike Gilbert they paid you cash for the work you did. You never demanded money from Gilbert, just knowing the hell he was keeping away from you was good enough.

You went to your classes forcing yourself to stay awake and pay attention. The dizzy spills came faster and more intense as the day went on now you were only halfway through the day.

As you were taking notes you heard the teachers say, "good of you to join us for a change, Gilbert."
Gilbert hardly ever showed up to any of his classes. He took the seat beside you.
"Well aren't we daring today. Taking a seat in the front row." The teachers commented to which Gilbert didn't reply but you could just feel his eyes on you. The bell suddenly rang signalling lunchtime. Gilbert without warning grabbed your arm and dragged you out of the room.

"Ich told jou to stay home." Gilbert said but he didn't sound angry. 

"I can't...." Before you could finish a dizzy spell came on and your vision went black.  You felt light as if you were float on air then you were lowered onto a cloud. 

Went you woke up for a second you had no idea where you were. The more you looked around the more it became clear you were in the nurses office.

"Finally awake I see." The nurse said pulling back the curtain. "I never imagined that one day Gilbert would carry someone in here. Normally he comes here to sleep. There's a first time for everything. Well, you best hurry there isn't must time left before school is over for the day."

"End of the day...My notes!" Just as you flung your legs off the bed Gilbert walked in and held out your note book.

"Mien handwriting isn't zhe best but ich got jour notes for jou." You took your note book from him. 

"Thank you." You held the notebook to your chest.

"Don't push jourself so much." He ruffled your hair before leaving again.

"Does Gilbert.....cares about me beyond our agreement?"

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