Chapter Five

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"That movie was the best!" Sky gushed like a little kid as we got out of the movie house.

"I know! We've waited years! Incredibles 2 is the best!" I blurted out eating the remaining popcorn I had from the movie.

I ended up going to a date with Sky since my paps is busy for today. So far, so good.

He's actually really nice and fun to be with, all I could wish my first date would be, although I still felt really dizzy and anxious throughout the day but it didn't bother me that much.

So we're walking down the street since we just finished a movie and, now what? What do normal people do when they go out on dates?

I hope he doesn't notice that this is my first time going out on a date with a boy. Geez.

"Are you gonna go home now? Wanna eat dinner?" He looked at me.

"Nah. Dinner sounds good." Finally! I'm starving! I've been eating bits of popcorn all night. Thank God for boys who ask girls out for food!

"Perfect. Cause I made reservations." He chuckled, scratching his head. Wait, what?

"Where?" My eyes widened as we stopped walking.

"Here." He flashed a smile as he opened the door for me at what looked like a fancy vintage resto.

Wow, did he actually planned this? I don't know if he's a keeper or just an expert on chics. He's too good to be true!

Hopefully not the second one.

"Table for two for Mr. Aragon?" He asked the attendant on the front desk.

"Yes sir, thank you for coming." The attendant replied with a formal old english accent, "Right this way, sir, ma'am." He then gestured us to follow.

We arrived at a fancy looking candlelight table for two under a magnificent chandelier with a bottle of champagne waiting on the center.

"Here's your table, and these are for you, ma'am." My eyes widened as he then handed a gorgeous bouquet of flowers from under the table sheet.

"Wow, really?" I am in literal awe with all of this.

"Yeah, happy birthday, Lena." Sky greeted with a cheeky grin. Awww so cute! Can I just marry you right now?!

I hugged him and thanked him for the flowers, "I thought you didn't know?"

He smirked, "Haven't I told you that I'm your stalker?" My body both went cold and warm as he said those words.

"Please, enjoy the rest of the evening." The attendant flashed a smile as he left us with the acoustic band playing in the background.

This is perfect. Celebrating your special day with your first ever crush, having a spectacular meal with him, enjoying a relaxing music with him while you talk about life. I literally couldn't ask for more.

If this is what it feels like to be in love, then marry me, Sky.

The dinner went well, we laughed and joked about random stuff as it turns out we had a lot in common.

Ahhh this could be the best birthday ever if— I wasn't this sick.

As the hours went by, I can't help but feel warmer and warmer, like my whole body is burning, though I feel freezing cold at the same time.

"Hey, you're shivering," He stood up and put his coat around my shoulders. "Wear this."

"Thanks. I'm kinda— still sick." I frowned.

"Eh? I thought you're already fine. Let's get you home to rest." But I don't wanna go home yet, I still want to spend time with you.

"—Is your dad home?" He asked looking at me.

Fine, I do feel a little horrible. "Nah, he's at the hospital, he'll be home tomorrow."

His eyes somewhat lit up. "Really?"

"Yes, why?"

He cleared his throat. "Hmm, that's a bummer. Do you want me to stay at your place, to— uh take care of you?"

"Whaaat? That would be amazing!" I hugged him.

Okay, this is too good to be true! Tell me, is he not the best guy?!


So we got home and as soon as we arrived he looked around and immediately asked, "So, where's your room?"

"Oh, upstairs." Wait. I haven't brought a guy to my room yet, "Why? You wanna go up?" I feel somewhat anxious and scared of the idea of bringing a guy into my room, let alone, him. But I'm sure it's just all in my head.

"Yeah, I'm tired. And you should go get some rest too." He stated.

I nodded and led him upstairs to my room. I then opened Netflix on the tv so that we wouldn't be bored throughout the night.

Right after, he switched off the lights and jumped into my bed, gesturing me to come sit next to him. I felt tingly and my whole body was shivering so I went right in and laid beside him.

"Goodnight, Sky. Thank you, especially for tonight." I yawned.

"Hmm, no problem." He smirked and kissed me on the cheek.

I dozed off as my body felt weaker, and hotter, I can't help but feel anxious as I tossed and turned to go to sleep until I felt something warm around my chest.

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