Chapter Ten

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I Need Answers

Staying alive is different from living. You can say that someone is alive but deep down inside, they're dead.

"I'll leave you here," Cay stated as we arrived at our front porch. "Ya sure you're aight?" She held my shoulders worriedly.

Knowing that you're actually a succubus and knowing that your guy, who you almost fell inlove with has a girlfriend, in the same week, is not okay.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I spat out.

"Hmmm," She sighed. "But I have a weird feeling." She raised her eyebrow as she looked at me from head to toe

"Caia, I'm fine. I just need some- rest." I continued to walk inside.

"Oh, don't you dare do it. I've known you since kindergarten, Lena." She raised her voice.

"Goodnight, Cay." I bid her goodbye as she hesitantly turned around to go back home.

People have evolved throughout the years and mastered the art of hiding. Hiding secrets, hiding feelings, hiding emotions. You can never expect the happiest kid to be dead and depressed in the inside.

"Oh, Lena. You're just in time, I cooked dinner." Dad greeted me as soon as I opened the door. He prepared the food at the table acting like nothing happened the past days.

"Thanks," I smiled at him. "But I just ate."

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me, "Why? Did something happen at school?" He asked insensibly.

Life happened, dad. I'm a succubus???

I shook my head and looked away.

"Hey, what happened to your eyes? They're bloodshot red, let me check you up." He walked towards me, reaching his stethoscope from his pocket.

Ever since last night I haven't felt any better. I still got those weird feelings like feeling super warm and cold at the same time. Wanting to puke and to pass out at the same time. Feeling angry and nervous at the same time.

I hate it.

"Honey, you're still sick." He felt my temperature, caressing my neck at the same time checking my heartbeat with his scope.

"Dad, I'm okay. Really." I reassured him. "I just need some rest." I continued to run upstairs.

I feel empty... and tired. The worst kind of emptiness.

I laid on my bed and rest my eyes with all the unending thoughts circling inside my head.

There are so many questions I want to ask, so many thoughts about my dad, why did he do it? And why her? Why is mom like that? Am I going to be like that soon? Am I destined to be like this forever? Am I going to hell? What is she doing right now?

Mom... this all happened because of her.

I continued my paranoia as I heard someone entered my room, I raised my head from the pillow and saw a dark silhouette.

"Dad, I told you, I'm fine." I spat out in monotonous manner.

The wind blew from the windows making the room slightly chilly as the silhouette came closer ominously.

At this point, I started to believe that is ain't my dad. I felt the chills creep on my body as the silhouette crouched beside my bed.

"Helena," A dead brittle voice of a woman sounded as my body twitched in fright. "Are you really fine?" She asked maniacally as if she knew what I felt.

Before I can answer, she suddenly leaned on me landing on the moonlight's gaze from the window and since the lights were off it was the only light source from the bedroom, revealing her face.

Before I can react she opened her huge mouth revealing her shark-like teeth trying to gnaw my head.

I let out a high-pitched shriek as I opened my eyes.

It was already morning as the sunlight gazed through my window. I guess I fell asleep last night, it was all just a dream.

Was that my mom?

"Helena! What happened?!" The door opened as my confused dad went inside the room panting.

I turned to him still in shock, "It felt so real, dad." I touched my wet cheeks realizing I was crying the whole time.

He directly went to me and hugged me, "Awww Lena, did you had a nightmare?" He pat my back, hoping to comfort me.

I'm not a kid anymore. I'm not a kid, that's why there's no hiding anymore. I need answers.

"Dad," I broke our hug and gazed directly at his eyes. "Tell me directly, where's mom?"

Helena needs answers. Where will she find them? And will she go the extra mile or... dimension to look for it? Stay tuned by adding the story to your lib!! ☺️💖

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