Chapter 1:

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      I lay awake one night going over the day in my head. "Should I have said that? Should I have done that?" These questions plague my mind and I think to myself "Am I the only one who is troubled with thoughts like these as I try to sleep."

      My name is Sadie Marshall, I live in the city of Evertt, Washington. My parent's names are Janet and Chuck Marshall. My mom is yoga pants- wearing health freak and had her light blond hair is in a ponytail pretty much all the time. My whole family is super athletic and healthy but I don't care that much about it. I think myself to be overweight even though my friends say I have a perfect build. My little brother has brown hair and brown eyes like my dad. I have long, dirty blonde hair which I have down pretty much all the time. My eyes are plain and don't really have a color; I guess they could be called blue? I don't think I'm the most attractive being slightly overweight and my hight being 5'2", a little shorter than most girls but It's not about looks, right?

      I go to Cascade High School and I love it except for one thing. I have a crush. If you have never had a crush on a boy, you are so lucky. Crushes take over your mind and it's all you ever think about. I haven't told anyone but I have the feeling that the whole world knows and what makes it unbearable to think of is that he might know. It's silly, I know but I need some serious help. I don't know if he'll ever notice me.

       The boy I am absolutely crazy about is Samuel Peterson. He is 17. He has light brown, wavy hair that is perfect length; not too short and not too long and it's cut to be longer on top and short on the sides. His eyes are a unique shade of green filled with wonder. He is about 5' 10" tall and has a medium muscle build. I am absolutely in love with him! Not just because of the way he looks but his charming and kind personality. I don't know what it is about him but he's different than most boys.

      I am trying to come up with a plan to start to get to know him better but I really don't want to be awkward about it. I am thinking I'll start to dress cuter and wear more makeup and that will help him notice me. The more I think about it the more stressed I get. I just need to act normal and try not to show my obsession I have for him that is probably noticeable. My mom might be able to help, but will that make it worse? I'm desperate so I'm going to tell her in the morning. It's Saturday tomorrow so it's the perfect time to talk so I can be ready on Monday for school.

     When I woke up the next morning, I was eager to talk to my mom but I had a lump in my throat that made me feel hesitant to bring the subject up. I left my little room which was right across from my 9-year-old little brother Jack's room, went down the hard wooden stairs, and walked into the kitchen. My mom was there making pancakes. She didn't think she was much of a cook but I always look forward to the light, fluffy, delicious pancakes she makes. "Good morning," I said, totally forgetting my plan to talk to her about my crush.

     "Good morning. Would you like some pancakes?" she asked knowing I would say yes.

     "Of course! I love everything you cook." I replied while I reached for a plate.

      I sat there eating them silently, missing a perfect opportunity to talk. I probably ate like 10 pancakes full of butter and syrup. After all the food and dishes were put away, my mom said she was going to a ladies club she had just started with her friends. "Would you like to come?" she asked me. I don't even know why she bothered to ask. I am so not interested in going to a boring "ladies club".

    "Umm..." I said while trying to think of a reply that doesn't sound mean. "I already made plans to hang out with my friends today. Sorry."

     "That's fine. I didn't think you would be interested anyway." She said as she grabbed her keys and walked out the door, her ponytail swishing as the door closed behind her. A few minutes after she had left, out of nowhere, I remembered that I wanted to talk to her about Samuel and what I should do. I missed the perfect opportunity and I don't know if I'll have another chance to talk before school on Monday. She seems to always be super busy on weekends. I guess I'll go call my friend Amy Parker and see if she wants to hang out. Amy was thin and lanky, taller than me and has straight brown hair and brown eyes. She has a bubbly personality and I consider her to be my closest friend.   

         As I started to call Amy's cell, I started to think about what we should do. Maybe we could go chill at a cafe? No, I don't feel like doing a normal everyday thing. I feel like doing something to get my mind off Samual. A minute went by with no answer. "I wonder why Amy's not answering?" I said out loud to myself. I guess I'll just go for a walk because there's no one here to hang out with anyways with my little brother at a friends house and my dad on a business trip.

I quickly got dressed in a cute, red, flowy dress and some strap sandals. I ran down the stairs from my room and headed out into the warm sunshine making sure everything was locked up as I left.

I don't think I really go on walks too often. It's kind of nice just walking around in the nice warm breeze and the smell of the earth and grass lingering in the air.

As I was walking I began to daydream... I was at school on Monday, on my way to class. Out of nowhere I bump into Samual and drop all my stuff. I look into his caring eyes as he asks me if I'm okay while picking up my things for me. "Wouldn't it be awesome if this really did happen?"... I muttered dreamily. Maybe it will. Who knows?

"Ow!" I exclaimed out loud while I tripped on a root, sticking out of the crack in the sidewalk. I fell and hurt my knee and twisted my ankle. There was more blood oozing out of my knee than I was comfortable with. The pain was growing worse the longer I sat there. Where was I? How long have I been walking? How could I have been so stupid and careless?

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