Chapter 10:

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     "Hey!" it was Samuel, "back off!" he came quickly over to the scene. The awful, Roy Richards turned around and his fists grew tight as he looked at Samuel.

     "And what are you gonna do about it!?" Roy yelled back at him.

     "Don't touch her or you'll regret it!" Samuel continued to defend me. He came up close to Roy. Roy turned around to face him. Samuel looked into his mean, cold eyes and just stared at him with a glare that seemed to communicate something stronger than words.

     Silence and tension filled the hall.

     "Fine!" Roy yelled as he turned to storm away, "I'll deal with you later!" Whatever Samuel did worked but it was weird because he didn't do anything but glare at him.

     "How did you get him to stop?" I asked Samuel as he started helping me to gather my things off the floor.

     "Let's just say, I've had to deal with bullies before. I don't ever fight them, I have a different way that really gets on their nerves."

     "And what's that?" I questioned with a hint of amused doubt in my voice.

     "For one, I do what the Bible says and love them no matter what they do, and I handle it like it should be handled, by talking to the people in authority over him about what he's done, which I know Roy hates. No one likes to tell on people but if no one does how will it ever stop?"

     "Wow, and it works?" I picked up my last book.

     "Sure does!"

     "Nice! I'll keep that in mind." I got up and Samuel gave me my things. " We should really be getting to class. We'll be late!"

     "You're right! Let's go," he said and we walked to class together and took our seats. I could see Samuel looking back as if to watch out for me. He knew how to handle bullies but I sure didn't. I'm glad he was there or I would surely be dead meat.

     School went by quick and I made my way to the cafeteria to get food before the line was too long. I wanted to have time to eat and not be rushed. I was going to volunteer at the Charity center with Samuel after we were done and it felt nice to have time to sit and relax before heading to another thing.

     I glanced around the room and saw Amy with her boyfriend Peter. They seemed to be happy and that everything was good between them.

     "Bing," I got a text from Amy.

     "Everything is all good between Peter and me, and he explained why he's been distant. I'll talk more about it later with you. I'll just say this, it wasn't another girl:) TTYL."

     "I'm happy everything is good," I replied back.

     I made my way outside which was beginning to be the usual. "I don't know why no one ever really sits out here, it's pretty nice," I thought out loud as I took a seat at the table. As I sat there eating my lunch, I started to think about Prom. It was near the end of September which was about a month away. I really hoped Samuel would ask me to go with him.

     "Oh man!" I exclaimed to myself. My birthday was in a few days. It was next Monday, so four days away. I doubt my family will do anything though, especially now that I'm pretty much invisible to them. I guess that's what I get for being a Christian.

     "I wonder where Samuel is?" I thought to myself. "I guess I expected him to come to sit with me like he had been doing a lot lately." Oh no, I'm starting to get attached to him and we're not even together. I can't believe myself. "Sadie, just let go. Samuel's not yours, just slow down. Slow way down. He probably likes another girl. I might as well forget him. No Sadie! Stop having these negative thoughts, Samuel's my friend. I don't need to forget about him."

     "Hey," it was Samuel. "What's up? I thought I heard you talking to someone." Oh no, I wonder how much he heard of my crazy babbling to myself.

     "Nothing. I was just thinking out loud to myself."

     "Haha, Okay. Well, I'm ready to leave when you are. That is if you still want to continue volunteering with me?"

     "I'm always ready to serve and I love volunteering at the Charity center!" I said a little too desperately. I finished my last bite and got up. "I'll be right out."

     "Okay, I'll see you in the car." I watched him as he left; his light brown hair blowing in the wind a little as walked.

     After putting my food tray away, I made my way out to the car.

     "Hey, Sadie!" It was Claire, Samuel's mom. "Are you ready to get going?"

     "Hey, Ms. Peterson. Uh... I mean Claire. How are you doing?" I said awkwardly as I got into the car.

     "I'm doing okay, been busy. I just started a new job working as an accountant."

     "That's awesome, do you enjoy it?"

     "It's a little difficult now but I'm sure it'll get easier when I get used to it and I bet I'll enjoy it more."

     "That's great!" I said trying to sound enthusiastic about it. I never wanted to be an accountant and couldn't imagine anyone enjoying it.

     "So, what do you like to do Sadie?" Claire asked me." Like what profession do you want to have after school?" Oh no, not this question. My mind quickly started to think of how to answer. Knowing what I like to do especially work professions have always been hard for me. I just don't know what I enjoy. I guess I would like to volunteer and serve but that's not a paying job I could do someday. I guess thinking of this now is a good thing, before college and everything happens. Maybe a nurse? Or a teacher? They get to help people.

     "Umm... I don't think too much about what line of work I would want to be in. I guess maybe someone who helps people like a nurse or maybe a teacher?" Both of those barely sounded good to me but I had to give her an answer. What I love doing are things that really make a difference and get nothing in return. I feel like that would be most rewarding, I don't care too much about money.

     "That sounds great! If you decide to become a nurse or even a doctor, you get to help people and make a pretty good amount of money doing it."

     "Well, I'll see what happens." For now, I am going to focus on school. Thinking about future things bring way too much unnecessary stress.

     The whole way to the Charity center it was pretty much Claire and me talking; Samuel was super quiet for some reason. He was acting a little strange at school too and he didn't sit by me during lunch which he had been doing. I wonder what is up with him.

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