Chapter 3:

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      It was Sunday Morning, a day off but most of the time a stressful day of anticipation for school in the morning. My mind was still spinning from yesterday's events. I am usually dreading school but my new found hope in having a relationship with Samual is keeping my spirits filled.

      I started to plan out what I was going to wear for school. After about an hour of going through my clothes, I decided on a pale blue short dress, white calf-length leggings, and some thin strapped sandals. I was so glad my school didn't have a dress code.

      My family did not go to church and did not care. My parents never talk about religion and it doesn't seem that great, so I never looked into what it was all about and I've never been to church. I think there are a few Christians that go to my school but they don't seem that much different than everyone else.

      I never thought if Samuel was a Christian or not. He seems to be normal but there is something different about him that I'm not sure about. It's something good whatever it is. If he is, I hope he doesn't get all religious on me and force the Bible down my throat. He seems too nice to be a Christian though. Christians seem to be super uptight, mean and think they know everything. I don't really want anything to do with them.

      I went downstairs and had a bowl of cereal. I was usually the only one awake Sunday mornings. It seems like the rest of the family sleeps in till about noon every Sunday, probably because they had a busy week. My mom and I are the only ones here anyway. My little brother is coming home sometime in the afternoon.

      After eating, I plopped in front of the TV and got into a show about women having makeovers to look younger. It wasn't that good but I sat there a while watching mindlessly.
After a while, I heard my mom in the kitchen. "Do you want anything to eat?" She called me.

      "No, I'm good. I had cereal." I replied.

      "Ok, after I eat something, I'm going into town to do some shopping for the week. Do you want to come?"

      "I'm good staying here, thanks," I said as I heard her using the toaster. She always ate this horrible organic bread that she thinks is the best. I really hope she doesn't come home with a bunch of icky health food.

      After my mom was done eating, she left. I decided to be productive so I turned off the tv and went upstairs to clean my room. After my room was clean, I had an idea to go through my clothes and donate some to charity.

      I managed to get 2 paper bags full. I was proud of myself. I had nothing else to do that day so I decided to take my bike to the charity about 3 miles away. I found my bike in the garage and attached a little bike cart to the back to carry the bags.

      On the way, I passed by the place where Samuel helped me and it triggered the memories from that day. I really hope I can at least be friends with him. I will see him tomorrow at school, so hopefully, my confidence doesn't fade before I see him. His smile and his sweet personality were stuck in my mind the rest of the way to the charity center.

     When I got there, I parked my bike, locked it, and brought my bags in. The charity center was a big blueish building and was open 7 days a week. They help homeless people and families in need. They receive food, clothing, and toy donations and are similar to a food bank. I have only been here once donating toys when I was little.

     I went up to the donation station. "Hello, my name is Sadie. I'm here to donate some clothes." I said to the lady working in the station.

     "Hi, Sadie, I'm Nancy. I work in clothes distribution. You can just set the clothing there." She said with a smile.

     "I came here when I was a little girl. It has definitely helped a lot of people in need." I commented as I turned to leave. I glanced to my left and had an inner panic attack. I saw Samuel working in the food distribution. I wondered whether I should go say hi or not. I stood there staring for what seemed like a long time. When I came to my senses I felt stupid for stopping and staring but I don't think anyone noticed.

      I sucked up my fears and walked over. "Hey Samuel!" I said a little too enthusiastically.

      "Hey! What are you doing here?"

      "I came to drop off a donation. I haven't been here in a few years, It really has progressed!"

      "That's cool, I've been volunteering here after church for a while and after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays."

     Church! So he is a Christian. He seems too nice though. Maybe It's a mask and he is really evil inside. "Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow!"

     "Bye Sadie, See ya later!" He said as I left.

      I went to where my bike was parked and to my horror, it was gone and in its place a broken bike lock and some trash that had been in the cart. I sat down and thought about what I should do. My mom wasn't answering her phone and there wasn't anyone else I could contact for help. I guess I could try to walk back but It's getting dark. A young girl alone on the streets, in the dark, is not a good idea.  I sat there for about 20 min and then I saw Samuel come out the door.

     Before I had time to hide from embarrassment, Samuel walked over. "What happened!?" he asked as he saw me holding the broken lock with a desolate look on my face.

     "Someone stole my bike," I replied. "I don't have a ride home.

     "Well, I can take you! I'll be done in an hour. You could come in and help if you want?"

    "Thanks, that's awesome! Do I need to fill out any form to help volunteer?"

     "There is a short form that you need to fill out and sign; it'll take less than five minutes."

     "Sounds great! I'll be happy to volunteer." We went back in. I filled out the form and started to help Samuel sort food.

     I don't know what got into me but I couldn't keep my thoughts about church and Christians to myself. "So you said you help out here after church?"

     "Yep, I go to church with my Mom and I drop her off at home and drive here." He replied while ripping open a bag of donated food.

      "Your Mom, what about the rest of your family?" I said while accidentally grabbing a rotten old banana.

      "Eww. I'll get you a rag to wipe that off "he said while handing it to me. "My parents and divorced and I have one older brother and he lives in Tennessee with his girlfriend."

     "Oh, sorry to bring it up."

      "It's totally fine!" He said smiling reassuringly as he threw away a rotten bag of oranges.

      "I've never been to church."

      "You haven't! May I ask why not?"

      "My parents said they brainwash you to believe a bunch of weird lies. They also said that Christians are mean and uptight living a prideful life for themselves."

     "Well, maybe some Christians are like that but non-Christians can be like that as well. We are all human. I'm a Christian and do I seem to be those things you mentioned?"

      "Not at all! You're one of the nicest people I've ever met. There is something about you that is different than most people."

      "Well, that's good to hear. So you've never heard the gospel before?"

      "I haven't really. I guess I've heard twisted vague versions of it if I even know what it is."

      "Would you like to hear it?" He asked with excitement in his voice.

      "I would love to hear it!" I replied as I almost slipped on some old food on the ground.

     "Well, here it goes..."

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