Chapter 5:

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      The bus pulled into the school parking lot. My nerves are tense and I don't know why. Maybe from that dream I had. I did feel weird like I knew something or had a secret after hearing the gospel. I felt like if I didn't find Samuel I couldn't have peace. I needed to talk to him more about Jesus and the gospel. I hope he wants to talk. Maybe I shouldn't approach him. My mind is filled with worry. Amy went to the next hall to her locker and  I walked into the crowded halls and headed to mine. She was 18 and a senior and I was a junior so we were in different classes. I would soon need to get to my first class, my mind started spinning. "What is wrong with me!" I quietly exclaimed to myself as I closed my locker a little too hard and right when I did, I saw Samuel.

       My heart jumped.

     "Hey, Sadie! How are you?" Samuel said as he walked over to me.

     I felt awkward. Why did I feel so weird today. "Hey Samuel!" I said with a fake smile. " I'm great!" I really wasn't. I feel like a war was going on that I could not see. Samuel turned to walk away; he was headed for class. "Wait!" I almost screamed. He turned around.

      "What is it?" he asked with a worried look that turned into a sweet smile as he looked at me.

      "I...was wondering if you could tell me more about the gospel and how to become a Christian?" I asked sheepishly.

     "I would love to!" he said grinning from ear to ear. "How about we meet up at lunch?"

      "Sounds good " I replied. "How will I find you?"

      "We can meet at the table outside where no one ever sits and just in case, we can exchange numbers. Sound good?"

      My number. My heart felt warm and bubbly. It wasn't a romantic number exchange, but it was something. "Sure" I replied simply. We exchanged numbers.

     "Well, we should get to class before we're late."

      "Yes, we better!" We started walking. I thought he had a different class schedule and he was walking to the same classroom as me. I wonder why? As we entered the classroom, I saw that there was one double desk area left.

     "Welcome, we're about to get started. You two can take seats there," she said pointing to the empty desk. "We decided as a school board to rearrange the class schedules and seating." I was so surprised! I was now deskmates with Samuel. I was overjoyed but nervous. Samuel and I took our seats and he smiled over at me. I tried not to act obvious that I liked him so I didn't return the smile even though it was hard. I don't want to look like a couple...yet, I guess.

      I felt tense and awkward for that whole class time and I was glad it was over. There were always a short recess in-between classes. I walked out to gather my books for the next class, not knowing I was being followed.

      "Hey" it was Samuel. He put his hand on the back of my shoulder. I turned to face him. "Are you okay?"

      I didn't want to answer but I started to share anyways. I didn't want to try and be fake and make him like me and play games with him. "I'm feeling super off today," I replied. "I don't know why but the only way I can describe it is that I feel like there is a war going on but I just can't see it. It sounds weird, I know and I'm not doing okay."

     "I have definitely felt that way before. I hope the day goes better for you and we can talk more about it later if you want."

     "Thanks for listening, Samuel, It means a lot." We headed to our next class. I felt better after sharing with him. I never really share how I'm feeling with anyone, sometimes not even my best friend, Amy. When we got to class, I was relieved because we had our own desks and I wasn't next to Samuel. 

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