Chapter 18:

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      When I woke up, I jumped awake, thinking that I was sleeping late for school, but then I remembered that it was Saturday, and I could sleep for as long as I wanted, but despite that fact, I decided that it was no use staying in bed for any longer. I didn't have anything to do, but sleeping wasn't really a solution to anything except fatigue, and I wasn't tired, so I climbed out from under the covers.

The first thing that ran through my mind was breakfast, but I didn't want to confront my family so soon in the day, so I searched my room for something to do. Finding nothing, I picked up my phone to check for texts. My heart skipped a beat when I saw a text from Samuel.

I unlocked my phone and instantly clicked on the messages app.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been responding. I was at the hospital." The text would have alarmed me a lot more if it weren't for the fact that I already knew about his mother's accident.

"Yeah, I heard about your mom, I'm so sorry. Is she alright?" I texted back quickly.

"She's still in recovery, but the doctors say she'll live, so that's good."

"That's good to hear, I'm glad she's okay. I can't imagine what it must be like." I don't know what I would do if my mom had an accident, and my mom and I aren't even as close as Samuel is to his mom. It must really be hard for him.

"Yeah, it's been hard, but she's getting better now, so hopefully things will be getting better. I've been praying for her."

"That's good. I'll pray for her too."

"Thanks, and hopefully I'll see you soon, but I have to go now, so goodbye."

"Okay, see ya." I waited for a moment to see if he wanted to text anything more, but the screen remained the same, so I turned off the phone and threw it over onto my bed.

I sighed. I didn't want to go downstairs, but staying up in my room wouldn't do anything, so I wasn't sure exactly what to do.

I suddenly remembered that I had a deck of cards in the top drawer of my dresser. I could play a few rounds of solitaire before I went down. Anything to divert the inevitable. Maybe if I was lucky, they would leave to go somewhere for the day and I wouldn't have to interact with them at all, but that was probably not going to happen, with my luck.

I grabbed the deck of cards from my dresser drawer and settled onto my bed to play a few rounds. It wasn't my most brilliant plan ever, but solitaire is pretty fun, and besides, it gives me an excuse to avoid going downstairs, which is a big plus at the moment. I can't stand the way my family is treating me. It makes me feel cold inside just to think about it. They're supposed to love me, to support me, but instead, they're shunning me for something that isn't even that big of an issue. Some kids do drugs and commit crimes, and they still get their family's full support, but not my family. It's just so infuriating. If only I could make them see. Samuel helped me realize that true life only comes when you give your heart to God, but I don't know how I'm going to make my family see this as well. I wish I was better with words so I could explain the way I feel now that I'm a Christian.

But I'm not, and I can't dwell on that fact. The best thing I can do for now is just continue trying to live the way the Bible says, and hope that my family eventually sees that it's not a bad thing to be a Christian. At least, I hope they'll realize.

The thought strikes me like a blow to the face. What if they never accept it? When I became a Christian, was I unknowingly sealing myself off from my family forever? I didn't want that, but I couldn't help it. I would just have to see how things turned out; hopefully for the better.

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