4. Something You Should Know

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Coran was walking through the halls by himself when he suddenly heard somebody throwing up, he ran over to the bathroom and saw Pidge looking pale again, now he knew why she did.

Coran: Pidge? How long have you been sick? Do we need to get you to a pod? Do you need to sit a mission out?

Pidge: I-I'm fine Coran, it's just a bug.

Coran could tell she was lying but decided to play along and figure out what was really going on.

Coran: Alright then, but do Allura or the other Paladins have to be notified?

Pidge: I'd rather not, I told Lance a few days ago that it was a bug and if he knew the bug was still there, he'd never leave me alone and I really can't stand the thought of Lance being on my back every hour. I need my privacy, and apart from this I feel fine.

Coran: Hm, okay, point made... but, you and Keith seem to be close... why not tell him at least if you won't tell the team?

Pidge looked at Coran before speaking.

Pidge: Look, Keith already knows, we were trying not to make our relationship obvious to the rest of the team but the truth is...

Pidge rolled up her sleeve, revealing a clear mate mark.

Pidge: We're actually together...

Coran: Oh Pidge that's wonderful! Why not tell the team about this?

Pidge: Keith and I don't want to hurt Lance and Shiro like that, knowing that the people they are deeply in love with have already been taken would crush both of them, we don't want to do that especially if it's going to prevent us from forming Voltron during missions. So, if we really have to tell them about the relationship, then both of us would rather tell them when the war is over. If they were to find out during a mission or while this war is still happening, we could have trouble forming Voltron, and we'd be more likely to lose the war and cause the deaths of so many innocents...

Coran looked at her, that was definitely true. But, why was she sick?

Coran: Pidge, I have a feeling you are not being completely honest with me... why are you truly sick?

Pidge: Coran... like I said it's just a bug, it's really nothing to worry about...

Coran: Pidge, you're lying again...

Pidge sighed and turned to Coran she was about to speak when the two suddenly heard Keith walk in behind them, clearly unaware that Coran was in there too.

Keith: Katie? How are you feeling? How's the- *sees Coran* Ah Coran!

Coran: The what?

Keith: Uh... I...

Pidge: Keith, he knows we're married I told him...

Keith calmed down.

Keith: Oh...

Coran: 'Katie'? Is that your real name Pidge?

Pidge nodded.

Pidge: Yeah, Katie Holt, but I had to change my name when entering the Garrison so nobody would recognize me, but since Keith and I were hanging out a while before the Garrison he recognized me immediately and asked me out on a date. Then I had to change my name to Katie Kogane because we got married. So, yeah... oh right, we had to pretend Keith and I were gay for a while to prevent everyone from finding out I was a girl.

Coran: J- What the- You pretended you were gay?!

Both nodded blushing.

Keith: Hehe, I knew Pidge didn't want to be suspected as a girl and we wanted to be able to own our relationship without any suspicion so, I kinda had to...

Coran tried to hold in his laughter but failed.

Coran: Bahahaha! Keith trying to pretend to be gay?! That would be too priceless to watch!

Coran continued to laugh as Keith and Pidge started giggling and laughing too. The two continued laughing for a moment before Pidge gagged and covered her mouth before she turned back towards the toilet and vomited again making Coran and Keith stop laughing as Keith got up and sat next to her and pulled her to his chest.

Coran: Y-you still haven't told me why your suddenly so sick! What in the universe is going on?!

Pidge: Um... I've actually been sick for a couple Earth months...?

Coran: MONTHS?! Pidge what the quiznack has gotten into you both?! How did we not know- Wait... *points at Pidge* you were running off when we weren't looking, *points at Keith* and you were trying to make sure we didn't see it... Why didn't you tell us?! What exactly is so awful about what is going on, that you both absolutely HAD to hide it from the team?!

There was a bit of silence between the three.

Coran: I also saw Pidge hiding something behind her back when you came back after we thought you ran away, what was it?

The two Paladins looked at each other before Pidge pulled out the mysterious object she was hiding out of her pocket, it was a folded picture which confused Coran.

Pidge: This.

She held it in her hands looking down at it before she sighed and looked up at Coran.

Pidge: Coran... there's something you need to know that... Keith and I should have told you weeks ago...

Coran: And what would that be exactly?

The two looked at each other again and Pidge handed Coran the picture.

Pidge: Look closely at it and tell us what you see, if you see anything at all...

Coran hesitantly unfolded the picture and looked at it. The Paladins held each other nervously for Coran's reaction as Coran's eyes widened and he let out a horrified shriek when he saw what was in the middle of the picture.

Keith: Coran please don't freak out!

Coran looked again at the blurry picture. He looked over to Pidge's stomach and saw that she had lifted up her shirt to reveal a small bump on her stomach.

Coran: Wh- Y-you're with child?!?! During a war?! Why didn't you tell us...?!

Pidge: Coran quiet down!

Coran: Let me have my reaction!

Coran continued freaking out for a bit before calming down to let them continue or explain themselves.

Pidge: Like I said before... if Shiro and Lance knew about Keith and my marriage, that would crush them, and to make matters worse they would feel even more heartbroken if they knew about the baby, Keith and I just couldn't do that to them...

Coran looked at the picture again seeing the small jelly bean then looking up to the baby's parents as Pidge had her hand on her stomach.
(A/N- dun Dun DUN!!! Pidge was pregnant the whole time!

That was such a bad plot twist like YIKES!!! Sorry...)

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