5. Explaination

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Three Months Later
Keith hugged Pidge from behind, rubbing her stomach gently, feeling the baby moving.

Coran: Paladins! I found the vest!

Keith: Uh, 'vest'??

Coran: It is a vest that is designed to hide one's pregnancy without harming the child. It works like a regular vest and is flexible to accommodate every stage. And once activated releases an aura that makes the illusion that nothing is happening. It isn't really an air either, more like the force field that we used to have around the palace. Which also means you can wear the vest under your shirt, and I heavily recommend that you do in case Allura recognizes it. Although... once you go into labor you will be required to take the vest off... since it could either impede the progress or actually harm the child. Not so much in nature, just for the sake of there being as few things clamping down on your body and slowing your air-supply as possible.

Pidge picked up the vest.

Pidge: We'll definitely need this then...

Pidge carefully wrapped the vest around her five month swollen stomach. She spotted the button to turn it on, and pressed it. Then the bump disappeared like there was nothing there in the first place.

Pidge let out a sigh of relief at this.

Pidge: Thank you Coran...

Coran jokingly waved it off and fiddled with his mustache.

Coran: It's no issue... really, those things have been lying around for ages, might as well use them right? I'd like to think that none of our previous technology is going to waste. Especially considering how useful it was all those decaphebes ago... However, I'll admit that a good chunk of Alteans did not like these, as you'd expect someone would sometimes use one to cover up infidelity, or to hide their conditions so they wouldn't have to stop fighting. They were actually banned from Altean military families for that reason.

Keith: I don't blame them...

Keith hugged Pidge and gave her a kiss on the cheek and Coran was giggling before he suddenly stopped and stared at them, turning pale as a ghost. That was when Pidge felt soft fur grazing her skin and looked at Keith.

Pidge: Keith?

Pidge's eyes widened when she saw Keith.

Pidge: Oh no... Keith...?

Keith noticed something in her voice and looked at himself seeing that he had turned Galra... right in front of Coran. They both looked back at Coran, who was too shocked to speak of move.

Coran: W-wha...? HOW?! Alright, so not only have you been hiding this pregnancy of yours for quiznack knows how long, but Keith, the baby's FATHER, is a GALRA?!

Pidge: Coran quiet down!

Coran seemed to go off on a bit of a tangent.

Coran: We're complete idiots!

Keith panicked and tried cutting him off.

Keith: Coran please...!

Coran: Our teammate, half Galra?! And we never had a clue?! Not even when we used the cryo-pods?

Pidge: Coran they'll hear you! Please!

Coran: How did we not realize this before?!

Keith: Please don't tell the team!

Coran: Why not?!

Pidge responded quickly to cut him off from ranting again.

Pidge: Because, we're going to tell the team about the baby at some point but if they knew that Keith and the baby are Galran then quiznack knows what they'll do to them both! Besides, going back to why Keith and I were hesitant about sharing news about the marriage and the baby, this would just be another huge thorn in our heads! Even worse, thorns that can get Keith and the baby killed!

Coran looked at Pidge suddenly realizing what she said.

Coran: I'm not going to hurt your child or Keith. Goodness no, especially not after everything Keith did to assist us in taking down Zarkon. I wouldn't even think to harm that child, they've done nothing wrong, they're completely innocent. Pidge, think about it... do you really think the rest of the team would have the heart to do something like that?

Keith/Pidge: Possibly.

Pidge spoke again.

Pidge: I just don't want to risk it, but I feel a lot better about you knowing after saying that. So thank you, Coran.

Coran: It'll be fine... Keith, you are their team member, and the child also belongs to Pidge just as much as it belongs to you, it'll be just as human as it is Galra so I don't see much reason for them to harm either.

Pidge: Just, don't tell them yet... please Coran, we're begging you... we're just not ready for them to know about it... and if we do tell them, we'd like them to be told on our own terms, as by ourselves.

Coran: *sigh* Very well, I won't tell the team, it is your responsibility anyway.

Pidge hugged Coran, or rather suffocated him.

Pidge: Thank you Coran thank you!

Pidge pulled away from the hug and leaned on Keith comfortably as he wrapped his arms around her.

Coran: What do you think the child will look like then? I don't think I've ever interacted with a hybrid like this before.

The two Paladins shrugged, but curiosity still radiated off of them.

Keith: We're honestly not sure, but we're excited ether way.

Coran: You both certainly have reason to be, since being a parent is a huge turning point and usually brings genuine happiness with it. Well, at least to those who want to be parents.

Pidge placed a hand on her stomach. More hopeful, but unable to stop the dread that was still there.

While Coran certainly made the pair safer and more comfortable. She still couldn't say she felt as safe with the other team members. Allura especially. She very openly hated Galra, and seemed to take pains to bring up her hatred and distrust of them whenever they came up in conversation. She always made sure Keith was at least in earshot.

This obviously made Keith increasingly uncomfortable, and frankly, guilty. As the more Allura cursed his species, the more he felt guilty for being born a member of that species. And even worse, being a descendant of a military member, the one Galra she despised the most.

Keith couldn't guarantee that he'd get much backup himself. Even Shiro was brutally tortured by the Galra. So he had every reason to despise them as well.

He felt trapped, honestly, and felt guilty for also bringing a child into this. He was happy about this, and that he was with Pidge, there was no question about that. He just felt worried, and responsible for whatever hardships their child might go through because of their lineage.

Keith couldn't get it out of his head, but felt better after hearing Coran's support, and knowing Pidge's unconditional love. In the very least, he had them.

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