6. Birth

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Two Months Later
The team was ending a mission when suddenly the other Paladins heard Pidge let out a small and short scream as her eyes widened and started clutching her stomach. Pidge cut off the contact to all Paladins except for Keith and Coran.

Keith: Katie? Are you okay?!

Keith immediately knew what was probably happening, and started looking around for a place to land frantically.

~Pidge: *shakes her head quickly* N-no!

Keith: Katie! It's okay, we're going to figure this out if what I think is happening, is happening. Is it?!

~Coran: Keith, Pidge what is happening?!

Hunk managed to temporarily contact Pidge and heard something that made his stomach drop.

~Keith: Katie, do we need to land our lions?!

~Pidge: Keith- AHH! The baby's coming!!!

Keith didn't need any further confirmation and found an object a little ways away, but it would do.

~Keith: Hold on! Land on that planet there I'll help you!

~Pidge: GAHH! Keith please hurry!!!!

~Coran: I'm on my way as well! Sit tight, both of you!

Hunk's communication cut out again after hearing Pidge screaming in pain. Hunk saw the two lions flying to the planet as he was still trying to comprehend what he heard. As the other Paladins saw the two flying to different spots on the planet which they couldn't see they started getting suspicious.

~Allura: What's going on? What are they doing?!

~Lance: I can't contact either of them!

~Allura: Coran- Coran? Where did he go?!

Hunk: Guys, I know what's going on-

~Shiro: You don't think all three of them are doing something behind our backs do you?

Hunk: Guys! It's about Pidge-

~Lance: W-Pidge?!

~Shiro: Don't tell me they ran away again...


All of the other Paladins went silent.

~Lance: Y-you're not serious are you...?

Hunk: No, I am! I managed to get through the block in the communication and I heard Coran, Keith and Pidge freaking out about, something...

Hunk stayed silent about the other thing, after all he was still in shock himself.

~Shiro: Wait she was pregnant?! How did we not know?!

~Allura: She could easily still be in the early phase. This might be news to them as well.

Hunk: How are you so calm about this? I also said they were yelling and freaking out. Somethings happening!

~Allura: Well if that's true, Pidge had to land her lion because something was happening... Possibly a miscarriage, as grim as it sounds...

All Paladins were silent.

~Shiro: Why didn't they tell us...?

~Coran: I know why. If you don't mind me popping over to them to give assistance. You all may resume the fight. Everything is under control.

All Paladins: CORAN!

~Allura: You have some SERIOUS explaining to do!

~Coran: And explain I will. Paladins, they both knew that Shiro loved Keith and Lance loved Pidge and they didn't want to hurt any of you. That's why they were willing to hide the baby. Keith and Pidge were actually planning on telling you all about the baby when Voltron's formation during a mission couldn't be interfered. Because if there was severe emotional damage it could seriously impede our success on missions. And even cause us to lose the war and cause hundreds or thousands of deaths.

~Lance: What does Keith have to do with this- Wait... are you saying Keith is the father?!

Hunk felt a shiver as he heard anger in Lance's voice mixed with shock.
Keith landed his lion and ran over to Pidge's which was already landed, the green lion let him inside as he ran in and helped Pidge to the floor and got her ready, the two stayed there for an hour before Pidge was finally at ten inches, and Pidge started pushing.

Keith: It's okay Katie just push!

Pidge pushed and screamed in pain as the mission was completed and the other Paladins landed on the planet trying to find them. Keith went Galra to try to keep the baby warm for when it would come out as he eventually had the babies head in his hands and smiled slightly.

Keith: There you are... Almost there Katie! One more!

Pidge gave one final push along with a shriek that the other Paladins heard and followed, as Keith caught the crying infant in his furry arms smiling brightly and joyfully laughing and looking at a Pidge. He cut the chord, hugged the baby, and gently nuzzled her tiny cheek.

Keith: It's a girl... we had a baby girl...!

Pidge smiled as Keith cleaned her with a towel and then held her in his arms, the baby cuddled Keith's fur, almost making Keith cry. He then grabbed a blanket the two had stashed in their lions just in case. Keith got up and sat next to Pidge who was beaded with sweat and panting as she looked at the baby girl who had stopped crying.

Pidge: H-hi...

Keith: You did it... look at her...

Pidge smiled, happy tears pricking her eyes.

Pidge: I am...

Pidge turned her head allowing the two Paladins to connect their lips. Unfortunately unknown to them the team found their lions as Coran rushed to the site in an escape pod. He walked in and saw the two holding the small bundle which was making tiny noises, he walked over and looked at Keith who was still Galra and was about to go human again, much to his body's disdain, when he saw him but Coran stopped him.

Coran: No, you can stay Galra, that human form of yours isn't even the real you. Besides, the child looks cozy.

Keith nodded and stayed Galra as Coran looked at the baby in her father's arms that was sleeping.

Coran: Boy or girl?

Pidge: Girl.

Coran looked at the baby who had her fathers fluffy cat ears, a tail, tiny fangs, her fathers same birthmarks although at this generation they were very faint like Keith's who's were slightly more visable, Pidge's pale skin, darker brown hair, and Keith's deep blue-ish grey eyes with bright golden flecks in them.

Pidge and Keith had already picked out a name for a boy or a girl.

Pidge: Look at you... our little Samantha...

Keith held Pidge closer, they'd decided already that they wanted to name their child after Pidge's father or brother. An figured that Samantha made a good name, Samie for short.

Keith lightly pecked his mate on the lips when suddenly.

Allura: What is going on here?!

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