9. Detachment

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Three Weeks Later
Pidge had not said a word since the mission had ended. And it was beginning to worry the Paladins. Hunk and Lance especially. Coran knew the reason.

Hunk had not been told the details of what happened, all he was told was that Keith was a traitor and they left him behind to get picked up by Zarkon and his troops, assuming they cared enough about him to try and retrieve him in the first place. However, Hunk was skeptical of this.

Lance had repeatedly tried talking to Pidge, and was met with a death glare every time. It soon became obvious that he still had feelings for her, she clearly wasn't amused. Hunk couldn't blame her.

Pidge was giving everyone the cold shoulder, and it seemed like her eyes had dulled, and that she wasn't the same person anymore. Hunk wondered why Keith was so quickly called a traitor. He got that he was a Galra, but that couldn't have been the only reason, right? There must have been a more logical explanation, if there was, he wasn't hearing about it.

He finally decided to ask Coran about it, as Shiro, Lance, and Allura wouldn't answer, and Pidge was completely unresponsive anyway.

Hunk: Coran?

Coran was more focused on something at that moment. But it was small, and if anything it was to dull what he was feeling at the moment. Still, he seemed reluctant to speak to Hunk.

Coran: Yes? What is it?

Hunk immediately felt uncomfortable with his tone.

Hunk: I—I just wanted to know why Keith got left behind. I couldn't see what happened, and the others won't tell me.

Coran cocked his eyebrow, and rolled his eyes a bit as he answered.

Coran: Well, you were told, weren't you? It was the first thing they stated when they got back. It was fairly obvious too even before they said it. Keith was a Galra. Pidge and I were the only people that knew leading up to the mission. Is that good enough for you?

Hunk tried ignoring the venom in Coran's words and shook his head.

Hunk: No, it isn't.

Coran suddenly snapped at Hunk.

Coran: Well, what do you want me to say?! You were on their side, right?! Why are you questioning me?! You got all of your answers from what I just said! Keith was a Galra! He was a traitor! End of story! How do you want me to elaborate?!

Hunk was taken aback, and looked down. Coran was clearly upset, so he started to back up. Feeling a bit of fear pool in his stomach.

Hunk: Okay... I'm, sorry I bothered you...

Hunk just left after that, trying to accept that Keith's species might have been the only piece of evidence for him being a traitor. Or that his question would never be properly answered. He disliked both options. This didn't sit right with Hunk, but with what just happened, how was he supposed to complain...? Nobody wanted him to ask, so why couldn't he just let it go...?

Still, this bothered Hunk to no end, he wasn't on bad terms with Keith at all, and to say that he was a traitor would be an extreme accusation to make. Either Keith was a really good liar and actor—which Hunk doubted—or he was being told lies, and wasn't told the whole story. He didn't like either option.

There had to be at least one other reason for Keith being left behind, right...? Something that didn't involve his species...? Being Galra couldn't have been the only deciding factor, could it...? But, if there was another reason, why wasn't he informed of it...? Was it really that bad? Surely they knew that this reason alone would spark doubt and suspicion... Hunk didn't know, and he didn't feel like he could ask anyone at this point, though he was still desperate to hear some answer to his question. He didn't care what the answer was, he just needed to know.

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