7. Separation

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Pidge: G-guys! How did you?!-

Allura: Hunk managed to hack into your communication for a brief moment and he heard you panicking! Then Coran explained why you hid it.

Allura calmed down a little and gave them a much softer expression.

Allura: I can really appreciate that you two were trying to keep the universe safe... but knowing about this, we would have accommodated for you! You didn't have to go through this alone! Well, not alone per se, you at least had Coran and Keith—Keith...

Allura started to stare at Keith, then she saw the baby, she looked livid.

Allura: I will communicate this to the others.

Keith's ears went down with dread. He heard murmuring from outside and hugged Samie closer, before Lance and Shiro walked in, both looking at Keith with scared/disgusted expressions.

Like Keith was dreading, Shiro simply turned away from Keith, and looked at Lance before leaving.

Shiro: Allura gave you an order, didn't she? Coran, please get Pidge back to the castle.

Pidge: Wait, what about—

Lance: Shiro and Allura said go.

Coran hesitantly complied, picking Pidge up and carrying her out, as Lance took his bayard out, activated it, and began to approach Keith.

Keith knew what he was going to do and gently stood up, clutching the baby to his chest. Although, this made it impossible for Lance to see her. Especially with the blanket.

Lance: Get back down! What are you holding, anyway? A communication device for your Galra superiors?

Keith didn't answer and tried to run, he managed to make it out, but Lance began running after Keith.

Lance: Hey! Get back here, Galra!

Keith was in full panic mode, he was now being handled like any other Galra soldier, just like he was afraid of. Especially with the baby in his arms still, what would they do to her? It's obvious that she was Galra too. Would her age matter to them...?

Keith started to full on sprint, but unfortunately, Shiro was still faster, and caught up to him, grabbing him and gripping him tightly so he wouldn't get away, by this point the blanket moved to completely cover Samie, so nobody could see her. More dread and panic settled in Keith's stomach as he saw Lance angrily approaching.

Keith: Guys, please—

Lance: Shut it, traitor! How long have you been spying on us?

Keith: What? I'm not a traitor or a spy! I swear—

Lance: You lie to me one more time and I'll kill you! Start talking!

Keith started trying to struggle out of Shiro's grip, but nothing helped. This only tipped Lance off.

Lance: Count of three, if you lie again I'll kill you sooner! 3...

Keith: I'm telling the truth! Who told you I was a spy?!

Lance: Alright, you're funeral.

Then Lance lifted Keith's bayard, since Keith made Lance drop his own bayard to catch up to him. And he stabbed Keith through the shoulder, unable to go through the chest because of the struggling.

The intense pain and wound made Keith scream in pain, the sword went all the way through, and scraped the baby's head and shoulder. Nothing fatal, but there would definitely be a scar later.

Shiro finally let him go, and after they assessed the damage, they thought it was good enough, and he removed the bayard from Keith's shoulder. They also figured that letting him die slowly was a good punishment for what he did to them and especially Pidge. This made Keith collapse onto the ground, already losing consciousness. The Paladins just looked at him without emotion and walked away.

The next thing he heard was the lions flying away, and he kept losing consciousness. Until Samie started to cry, Keith looked at her immediately, and saw the injuries on her body. Keith frantically checked for other injuries before beginning to console her. He tore a bit of the fabric on his armor to clean the blood off.

The situation completely dawned on him then, he and his newborn daughter were now stranded on a planet with no shelter or nearby water, with no way to keep Samie fed. There was no source of milk on this planet that he could see. And if he didn't find a way out of this soon she was going to starve.

Keith held Samie close to him, using another piece of fabric to use as a bandage for her. And began to cry in helplessness. There was no solution he could think of that didn't involve the plan failing, or him being separated from Samie. He didn't like any of those options. He didn't know what was on this planet, if there were dangerous animals, or if there were people, he would likely get killed, their planet was just attacked by Zarkon's fleet...

Still, Keith got up, he didn't want to accept that his daughter would die this young, and from starvation or an attack. He had to find some way to at least save Samie.
Pidge woke up and was finally let go once the remainder of the team entered their hangars. The moment she was, he started to frantically look around for Keith and Samie, instead, she saw Lance exit his lion and hand Keith's bayard to a pale and unresponsive Coran. Allura took it instead.

Pidge looked at Coran.

Pidge: Where, where are they?! Keith, Samie, what did they do to them?!

Coran became more pale and shook his head, shutting his eyes tightly.

Coran: I'm sorry, Pidge... I'm so sorry...

Pidge just about shut down as she realized what happened to her husband and daughter. Only to pass out from lack of blood, and to be taken to the cryo-pods.
Keith was still stranded on the planet while holding Samie protectively. It was starting to get dark, and Keith was prioritizing finding shelter for him and Samie. He knew that the team was smart enough to make sure he couldn't use a ship, and didn't leave any of theirs. So he had to figure out something else.

Once he found shelter, he was going to try and find water and a food source for Samie. He knew she would die if he didn't. He could only imagine how Pidge was feeling, but he had to focus on getting him an Samie out of this bad situation.

Allies to Traitors [A Voltron Fanfic] [Kidge]Where stories live. Discover now