10. Reunion

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Pidge and Hunk got out of Red and began looking around. The jungle was dense, but they were clearly in the right area. Pidge didn't necessarily remember what the surrounding area looked like, because she was in her lion or someone else's lion for the majority of the time.

Hunk however, remembered it really well, looked in one direction and pointed towards it.

Hunk: They ran this way I think.

The two ran in that direction for a few moments, seeing nothing, before finding red on the ground, but no body. Pidge was obviously upset, but both Paladins felt a bit of hope as they went back to Red. It wasn't old blood, it was there just recently. Keith's body had to be somewhere, along with Samie's body. They had to be.

Hunk: Maybe they're just somewhere else? We'll need to look.

Pidge nodded.

Pidge: I hope they're just somewhere else. A part of me is also still worried about what the others will do when they realize that we're gone... especially that we're back at this planet.

Hunk huffed slightly.

Hunk: Any other time I would agree, but frankly. Knowing what they've already done to you, they can worry all they want, they lost any right to know this information when they killed Keith and your daughter.

Pidge looked at Hunk.

Pidge: I know, I can't trust them again either, but, if they're willing to forget about Keith being their teammate so quickly, what would they be willing to do with us...?

Hunk looked down, understanding her point. He spoke again, feeling sick in the stomach as he recounted what else happened.

Hunk: Yeah, but they didn't just kill Keith. They killed your daughter. She was just an—an infant! How on earth could they—?! Why would they see anything justifiable about that...?

Pidge looked down.

Pidge: I don't know. But our best bet might be to get this over with for now, and just be careful. I don't want to know what else might be worth risking to them...

Hunk sighed.

Hunk: Me neither. Pidge, again, I'm so sorry...

Pidge gave Hunk a weak smile.

Pidge: Thank you...

The two walked the rest of the way to Red in silence. Red tried to comfort them when they entered, and it worked a little.

Red began flying around, having to pause every couple minutes so the two Paladins could look around. Most of the time however, they found nothing. This process took about two hours, at which point they started getting tired, but didn't want to give up. So they kept looking.

Finally they found one big tree and landed a few yards away from it, making sure Red was out of view in case the others came looking for them. The two Paladins found a trail, someone or something going back and forth to the tree. Both Paladins felt sickness pool in their stomachs at the idea that an animal got the bodies. So much so that Hunk got ready to throw up, or hold Pidge steady if her reaction was really extreme.

Still, they walked forward, until they heard something. It was coming from around the tree, but they couldn't see anything. The tree was covered in large vines and leaves, and they looked around for the noise but were unable to find it. However, Hunk and Pidge brought their attention back to the tree, and began climbing the massive roots.

Meanwhile, the remaining lions flew to the planet and began looking for them, unable to spot them due to the dense foliage. Coran refused to help them, so they went with no navigation.

Red's low growl alerted the two Paladins that the others had arrived. So they climbed a bit faster. Hunk nearly fell several times, but since Pidge had her bayard with her, she was able to get him back up with a bit of unintentional tasing. They were lucky the vines were thick and heavy, so they didn't move much. Even if they were more difficult to actually climb.

Pidge happened to feel a numbness between her thighs as they got tired, and Pidge knew what caused it. After all, she felt it ever since that day on that planet. She had to bite back her emotions so she could see.

They were able to pinpoint where the noise was coming from, it was a high pitched meowing type noise. The noise came from inside a bundle of vines and leaves, so they began going through. When they did make it through, they found a small room with objects to hold water and food. However, the center of their attention was in the other corner, where they heard the noise, and saw something moving.

Pidge walked forward, seeing whatever was in the crevice squirming. She kneeled down, and felt a sense of euphoric relief flood over her the moment she recognized her daughter's face. Her eyes filled with tears as she gently picked Samie up and held her to her chest.

Pidge instantly began crying from relief and joy, and cuddled her daughter as Hunk heard a noise outside.

Samie cooed and smiled as she recognized her mom, Hunk peered outside of the hut.

Hunk: Uh, Pidge? The thing that was going back and forth is coming back up.

Pidge tried wiping away her tears, and tried figuring out a way to climb back down the tree with Samie in her arms. But she didn't need to.

The Paladins had evidently underestimated how quickly the creature could climb the roots, and within moments Hunk was face to face with him.

However, instead of screaming, Hunk gaped in surprise and spoke up.

Hunk: Keith...?

Pidge looked up from Samie, and her eyes locked with Keith's. Pidge's eyes filled with more tears as she saw Keith smile at her. Hunk grinned in relief and moved aside so Keith could get to Pidge and Samie.

Once the two reached each other, neither could let go, Pidge was crying from happiness, and Keith was beaming and hugging Pidge tightly.

Pidge: You—You're both alive! I missed you so much!

Keith hugged Pidge tighter, and smiled.

Keith: I missed you too, Katie...

Keith eventually turned to Hunk and reached an arm out as he saw Hunk crying too.

Keith: Hey, I missed you too, come over here.

Hunk smiled, but he heard something outside. He opened the vines, closed them, and gave the two a panicked look.

Hunk: Um, I don't want to ruin this, but the others are here! And I think they saw us!

Keith's ears went down immediately and the pair hugged each other tighter.

Keith: Okay, thanks for telling me. Katie, don't let go of Samie this time, okay?

Pidge nodded as Keith hugged the two more protectively.

Pidge: Keith?

Shiro: Pidge? Hunk? Are you in here?

The vines separated, and the three were met with Shiro looking into the pocket of the tree.

Keith slowly backed away from Pidge and held both his arms up. Pidge hugged Samie tighter.

Shiro: Keith?

Keith nodded, Shiro could see both of his ears down with dread.

Keith: Shiro...

Shiro didn't move, and it was starting to unsettle the group. Keith saw Shiro's metal arm activated. However, Shiro still didn't move, and saw Pidge backed into the corner holding something.

Shiro: What are you holding, Pidge?

Pidge tensed up immediately and hugged Samie tighter, she made sure her daughter was alright, but still didn't trust Shiro.

Pidge: I won't answer until I know that nobody will get hurt.

Shiro then sensed the mutual distress and nervousness in the room, and nodded.

Shiro: Okay, if you're alright with it, maybe we can continue this conversation on the ship?

The three glanced at each other, and hesitantly agreed.

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