the fourth month

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"It's all going to be fine, I promise", Hotch smiled and gently stroked Emily's arm. He could easily tell how tensed she was, how all the worries were spinning on her mind.

"I'm scared", she whispered, and she truly was. Emily Prentiss was not a woman to be scared of a lot, but telling the team about their relationship and her pregnancy really scared the hell out of her. She had imagined different scenarios, different how they would react.

He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. "No matter what is going to happen, I am here. And as long as I am here, there is nothing you have to be scared of."

She smiled weakly. "I love you."

"And I love you two, more than anything.", he smiled and they slowly made their way out of his office.

Emily cleared her throat as she stood in front of the desks of her team. Hotch had already made his way to the conference room, waiting for them. "Um -", she started, but every word seemed to be stuck in her throat. "There is something I need to tell you."

As soon as they had all sat down around the table, all eyes were on her. She didn't like that feeling at all, it made her feel weak and uncomfortable, even though these were her friends, her family. Panic crept up her stomach and she just wanted to run away, but as soon as her eyes met Hotch's, she took a deep breath. As long as he was there, there was nothing she had to be scared of.

"I probably should have told you earlier", she began. "But y'all know me and how much I love my job so I tried to keep it a secret as long as possible, but I think I won't be able to hide it anymore soon."

Her hand slowly moved to her belly, hidden under her wide blouse.

Nobody understood what she was talking about, confusion and silence surrounded them.

"I am pregnant.", as soon as the words left her mouth, she regretted it. Oh god, no.

Garcia was the first to speak up. "Oh my god, I am going to be an aunt! I told you I saw a belly!", she grinned at JJ.

Emily's best friend smiled widely and got up to hug her. "Congrats Em, this is amazing!"

"A mini-princess or a mini-prince!", Morgan cheered and hugged her as well. "Congratulations!"

After Rossi, Garcia and Reid had finally congratulated her as well, it felt like someone had lifted a huge weight off Emily's shoulders. For a slight moment, she had completely forgotten about all her worries and was just excited to become a mother.

"How far are you?", JJ asked.

"Fourth month, actually", she replied.

"Fourth?!", Rossi exclaimed. "Does this mean you were already pregnant when you went after this unsub alone last month?"

Emily bit her lip and nodded.

"God, are you out of your mind?", he sighed.

"Hey, nothing happened", Emily smiled, remembering how much Hotch had freaked out as well. He had been really mad at her.

Nobody had recognized how silent Hotch had been next to her all all the time, even Emily hadn't, until Garcia said: "So spill it, who's the father? I'd like to add that I am truly mad that you didn't even tell me about a new guy in your life."

"Yea, me too!", JJ nodded.

Emily's eyes shot open and suddenly, she was forced back to reality. She knew what was going to happen next. She swallowed thickly and took a deep breath.

"Okay - um - I -", her eyes searched for Hotch's, asking for help. As soon as they met, she slowly reached out with her hand and he interlaced their fingers, hoping that this was already enough for the team to understand.

"I'm the father.", Hotch calmly said, waiting for any reactions.

"And once again, I told you there was something going on!", Garcia whispered to JJ.

"How long have you two been together?", Rossi smiled.

"About seven months", Emily mumbled and bit her lip again. She hoped that none of them would think that their relationship was too young to deal with a child yet.

"Damn, Princess and Bossman, that's seriously the best thing ever", Morgan grinned. "Congratulations, you two, once again!"


"See, it went better than you expected", Hotch smiled, once as the team had left and it was only the two of them left.

"Way better", she sighed, clearly relieved. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For handling me, even though I'm a stubborn coward."

"Coward, no. Stubborn, yes", he grinned and she chuckled.

He moved closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and carefully pulled her closer. She rested her hands on his arms, smiling up at him.

"How are you feeling?", he whispered.

"Like someone took all my worries away", she replied. "Even though there are still plenty left, but the heaviest are gone. Plus, I won't have to wear these ugly, wide shirts anymore. I look awful in them."

"You don't!"

"I do!"

"You look good in everything", he said.

"Oh, stop it", she grinned and brought her hands up his neck. As she began to draw small circles on the back of his neck, he immediately relaxed in her touch. He affected her in many ways, but she did the same to him.

"We have an appointment with the doctor next week", she then announced excitedly.

"We do?", he asked back.

"Yea, next week I am twenty weeks far, so we can find out whether it's going to be a girl or a boy", she smiled.

A wide smile crept on Hotch's lips. "I can't wait!"

"Me neither", Emily chuckled. "Jack told me he would like to have a brother."

"That doesn't surprise me at all", Hotch laughed. "But I'm sure that no matter if he gets a brother or a sister, he will love him or her with all his tiny heart."

"I know", she smiled and finally leaned up to kiss him softly. "And now, we have to get back to work, Mr. Hotchner."

"Office duty starts now, Mrs. Prentiss", Hotch grinned, gaining an annoyed look from his girlfriend.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't."

"No, I really don't."

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