the sixth month

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Smiling to herself, Emily drew small circles on her belly with her index finger. She had just worked through another file and she had decided to take a short break. Six months pregnant, her belly had grown a lot the previous weeks and even though a pregnancy was more exhausting that she had thought, she enjoyed every day of it. Well, she did since the morning sickness had stopped. 

The team was on a case in Los Angeles and had been gone since yesterday. It was a rare occasion that Emily found herself in bed alone, but Aaron had been on FaceTime with her until she had fallen asleep. JJ had just texted her that they expected to be back tonight.

"Daddy will be home soon", she whispered to her son and sat straight up again.

Glad that she wouldn't have to go to bed without her boyfriend, Emily opened the next file, suddenly all motivated again.

Nearly two hours had passed as Emily took a look at her watch. It was around four pm, if she got lucky, the team would be back in a few hours. 

"One more file", she sighed to herself and was just about to read it, as her phone rang all of the sudden. It was JJ.

"Hey you", Emily grinned. "Please tell me y'all will be back soon!"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you", her best friend sighed. 

"Ugh, why?", Emily mumbled. Her hopes had been so high. Too high, probably. 

"I - um -", the blonde was obviously not finding the right words, which made Emily quite curious. This was very unlikely for JJ, apart from something bad going on.

"JJ", she asked. "What happened?"

She didn't receive any answer and panic started to shoot through her veins. "JJ!"

"He - he told me not to tell you why we're getting back later, and I planned on lying to you, but I just can't, you're my best friend and I'd never-"

"Why would Aaron say that?", she whispered, now shaking. "What happened to him? Is he okay?"

"He is alive", JJ assured her and it felt like a ton of stones had been lifted from Emily's heart. "We were going after the Unsub and he caught a bullet in the lower stomach, he was already in surgery and is going to wake up any minute, but the doctors want to keep him here for two days."

Too many thoughts were spinning on Emily's mind, it were too many information to proceed. "Wait - wha - he was already in surgery?! Why didn't you call me earlier?!"

"He told me not to call you, but I just couldn't take it anymore", JJ whispered. "I'm sorry."

"I - I'll come over there, I'll take a plane -", she stuttered.

"Emily -"

"No, I need to see him!", Emily said harshly before hanging up and grabbing her bag.


"You're such an idiot", she whispered, not letting go of his hand.

She had grabbed it every since she had rushed into the room. Her boyfriend had already been awake, waiting for her after the others had told him about JJ's call. Emily had been clinging to his torso, carefully though, and his arms had automatically wrapped around her. She had cried a lot, and he'd be lying if he said that his eyes had been completely dry.

"You shouldn't have come here", Aaron mumbled, still in pain and tired. "Being on a plane is not good for the baby."

"And taking a bullet is not good for my boyfriend", Emily hissed. "Where the hell was your vest?!"

"We didn't expect a gunfire", he replied. "So I didn't take it with me. It was supposed to be peaceful, I swear."

"Next time you'll wear it again", she whispered. "I don't ever want to receive another call like this. A call which you didn't want JJ to make, by the way."

"I didn't want you to worry."

"You didn't want me to worry?! And what about you? Your surgery? Did you ever plan to tell me about it or did you plan on telling me when I'd discover the scar on your stomach by accident?! You could have died, okay? I've seen people bleeding out from a shot in their stomach, and -"

"Emily -"

"No, shut up, I'm talking right now! You scared the shit out of me, imagine me, standing there alone, with our son to raise, telling him one day that his Daddy died because he didn't wear his bulletproof vest! After JJ called me, all I could think about was that I could never ever survive without you, even though she told me that the surgery went well. I want you to promise me to always wear your goddamn vest as well as let the others call me in case something happens to you, no matter how bad it is. Understood?"

He gave her a small nod and squeezed her hand lightly. "I promise if you promise, too."

"I promise", she replied and gave him a soft kiss to the forehead. 

"Good", he smiled and a small tear left her watered eyes. 

"Does it hurt badly?", she then asked. 

"Only a bit", he shrugged. "Could have been worse."

He saw the way her look was glued to the huge patch on his stomach, covering the huge scar. 

"Em, I'm fine", he smiled. "Especially since you two are here."

His lips found hers as soon as he had spoken, and a certain warmth filled both their bodies. 

"And we are glad that you are fine", she muttered against his lips before she kissed him again, one hand moving to his neck. 

"Lay with me?", he then asked.

"I don't think that there's enough space for the three of us", she chuckled.

"There is", he smiled and moved so she could fit next to him. "You can't sit on this chair forever."

Carefully, she climbed next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. He placed one hand on her belly, caressing it softly. Smiling to herself, Emily watched his hand moving.

"I can't wait to meet you, little boy", he whispered. "I'm sorry for stressing out you and Mummy so much, I never wanted you two to be worried. I hope you enjoyed flying over here at least a bit.  It's really impressive to have your first flight still in  Mummy's tummy, don't ever forget that experience."

"I bet he won't. Get some rest, babe", she then smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "You need it."

"Will you stay?"

"I won't ever leave your side."

"I love you", he smiled. "I love you so damn much."

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