the ninth month

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Max Grayson Hotchner.

Tears of joy ran over Emily's cheeks as she finally held her son in her arms. 

She had only reached some days of the final month of her pregnancy as she had gotten into labour. It hadn't taken that long, and now he was finally there. 

"He looks just like you", she whispered and looked up at Aaron, who had his right arm wrapped around her and couldn't take his eyes off their baby. 

"He's perfect", he smiled as a tear slipped out of his eye and he pressed a soft kiss to Emily's cheek. "Just like you."

Even though Hotch had once already gone through a pregnancy with Haley, this had been a lot different. He had stayed by Emily's side the whole time, holding her hand, letting her scream and shout at him, and in the end, welcoming their son together.

"You did amazing", he whispered and she smiled up at him. After some time, she handed Max over to her fiancé. Her heart literally melted at the sight of father and son together. Yes, she'd definitely want to expand this family one day, she thought. Aaron was the most amazing father she had ever met, she had already experienced that with Jack. 

"Hey you", Aaron smiled down at his youngest. "I know you're pretty new to this place, but I promise you that you will always be loved, with all our hearts. And you have a really cool big brother, who can't wait to finally meet you after nine months of waiting."

"I guess he'll be here soon", Emily smiled as well.

"I bet the team's quicker", he smirked back at her.

And he had been right. Only some minutes later, JJ and Garcia rushed into the room, followed by Reid, Rossi and Morgan. 

"I told them to slow down", Rossi sighed. "But they just went crazy."

"Oh my god, he's so cute!", Garcia squealed. "I already bought so many tiny clothes for him and I'm sure that he'll look even cuter in them, if that's even possible!" She kept talking to Max for quite a while, nobody daring to interrupt her.

"Congratulations, you two", JJ smiled at the couple and hugged them. The rest of the team gratulated as well, even Garcia managed to take her eyes off Max to do so.

"Isn't that awesome?", she still cheered as Reid carefully held the baby in his arms. "We finally have a BAU baby! You'll make more of those, right? Please tell me you do!"

"Whoa, slow down, Garcia", Emily chuckled and cuddled further into Aaron's side, since he was sitting on the edge of her bed next to her. "One baby is enough for us to handle for now."

"For now?", Aaron smirked at her, his voice so low that only Emily could hear it. She just smiled up at him knowingly.

"Well, that wasn't a 'no', so I'll take that as a yes", Garcia smiled happily. "Now hand him to me, I'm his favorite aunt!"

Reid seemed a bit scared by her gestures, so he handed Max over to his friend without any protest. 

"I can't believe I finally have a godchild", JJ grinned excitedly.

"Feels good, doesn't it?", Rossi chuckled. 

Deciding on godparents hadn't been an easy task for Emily and Aaron. They loved their whole team, but in the end, they had decided for their best friends. In Emily's case, that was JJ, and in Aaron's it was Rossi.

"It goes without saying that Hot Stuff and I are going to be godparents of your next child, doesn't it?", Garcia then said, pointing at her and Morgan.

"Hey, what about me?", Reid asked.

"You can have the third", Garcia rolled her eyes, making them all laugh.

"Seems like we have to get at least two more babies", Aaron whispered in Emily's ear.

"I don't think that we'll have to worry about this", she chuckled and gave him a short kiss on the lips.

After an hour had passed, Rossi suggested that they should give the small family some time on their own. 

"I guess the two of you should get some sleep", Aaron smiled at his fiancée and son as soon as the door had closed. "It's been a long night. I guess it'll be better if Jack meets him when we get home, what about you?"

"I guess you're right", Emily yawned as Aaron carefully placed their son in the little crib next to Emily's bed.

"Sweet dreams, little boy", he kissed his forehead softly. Max immediately doze off, obviously tired from being surrounded by so many people in the last two hours.

"Lay with me?", Emily whispered and patted on the empty place next to her. "You've been awake all night as well, honey."

Taking off his shoes, he climbed into the bed and wrapped  his arms around her. Immediately, she moved closer to him and rested her head on his chest before closing her eyes.

"Thank you", she mumbled.

"For what?"

"For being the most perfect man on this planet."

"You bring out the best in me", he smiled and placed a kiss on her hair. "Sleep well, babe. I love you."

"I love you, too."


This was the last chapter of this short story! Thank you so much for reading it. I had some difficulties writing this story - as you may can tell since I barely updated - but I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless! I've never written a pure fluff story, and it's a lot harder than I've actually imagined. I'm currently working on my new story "10 things I hate about you - Hotchniss", which is focusing more or less on a love-hate-thingy between Emily and Aaron. I'm totally hyped for this story and I think that I won't have any problems with it, which means regular updates! Thank you all so much for supporting my writings! Stay tuned & see you in the next story! xx  

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