7. Moving On!!

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Anastasia's POV

Jack took small baby steps towards me, in his utmost dominating-bossy look, while I took each step back, following his rhythm.

I couldn't understand what was going on his mind, he looked miserable. Finally there was no more backing off as I had hit the table behind me. Jack came closer and closer to me, with a very domineering look on his face. With his eyes focused on mine, he rested his hands on the table behind me, confining me, as if telling me that I had no where else to go.

I knew this wasn't going to be easy for me. I had to keep myself as strong as horse. All these looks on his face were very familiar as as I had witnessed them on Christian's face too when once he was angry with me for making him deliberately jealous. Those thoughts were again and again coming to my mind distracting me.

Straight off he forced his mouth onto mine giving me just no time to even take in the situation properly...His kiss was full of urgency, pushing his tongue inside my mouth, biting my lips, roughly claiming my mouth, taking out all his anger, bruising my poor lips, and suddenly I kissed him back....

Taken aback by Christian's thoughts in my mind, I was relishing that moment between us. It was as if Christian had returned back to me after these two long years. Jack's feel on my lips was just like Christian's, so hard and so rough. The urgency, need and lust was just the same.

When Jack kissed me once again but this time with love and affection, I realised it wasn't him, it wasn't Christian, it was somebody else. Christian's lips always felt so sweet on mine, just like honey. His lips always brushed against mine, lightly-and till now, only the thought of it sent shivers through my nerves, shivers that made my whole body tremble. ..

As soon as I realised what I had done, I broke of the kiss and burst into tears. I headed straight to the couch and started weeping vigorously cupping my head in my hands. I was totally broken, completely devastated. Jack came to sit beside me on the couch tugging my face to his shoulder, holding me tightly providing me all the warmth I needed. Not making a single move and not uttering a single word, he continued to sit there.

At that moment I felt so guilty. I had betrayed Christian and his love, How could I kiss any other guy? N especially I had insulted him by comparing his kiss which was always full of possession and said that I was his and he was mine . I was comparing it to somebody's who was forcing it on me and I also felt guilty as I must have hurt Jack's feelings too as for leading him on the wrong path, giving him fake hopes by kissing him back.

I just couldn't bear the thought in my mind... I just wanted to cry everything out... I needed to go home, back to Ted and Kate, the only people who at that time could have helped me not to shatter...


When I rose from Jack's lap to go out of his office he didn't say a word. His eyes were tense, full of concern, giving me a soft look. I asked for his permission to go home early today and he accepted it, also offering to drop me.

"No, Mr. Hyde, not today..Thank you very much for your concern" I said coldly because i didn't want to lead him on.
"And I am sorry for my actions earlier, but Mr. Hyde, I just want to tell you that I can never move on from Christian! It has always been him and it'll always be him! My one and only, my Mr. Perfect, My love, My Christian!!

I saw that look on Hyde's face, like I had hit him hard with my words, but I had to make it clear to him that there was no chance! My heart has closed it's doors and nobody can take his place....

Jack took a step forward but stopped him there, I didn't want his pity or anything. Though from inside I knew what was the actual reason.... If I would have felt anymore sense of care or concern from his side, I would break...Spill my heart out to him.. Even though I wanted all the warmth and love I could get but still I refused him and went back home...

I unlocked the apartment and went in looking for both Ted and her. The house was quite with no sound at all. I didn't care much to find them as I was not in that condition at the moment. They both must be out shopping, lunch or something, I thought as it was just afternoon. I went to the fridge and poured myself some vodka and headed straight to my bean bag. That time alone with myself, led me to think more and more about that episode that took place at the office. Silence was hovering me and I started to cry again.

Suddenly I heard footsteps reaching me, It was Kate who had emerged from her room. She must be sleeping, i could make that by her eyes.

"Ana what's wrong my dear? You are weeping so badly, it woke me up? Whats the matter? Did Jack do something again? " she asked me thousands of question giving me no time to speak..

"Not Jack, I did.." admitted I, guiltily.

"What are you saying, tell me clearly, I am not able to understand anything??"

"I kissed him!!" It sounded more unbelievable to me when I said the words aloud..

"For god's sake tell me the complete thing Ana.." she said in a frustrated tone, snatching the glass of vodka from my hand.

I narrated her the complete episode of whatever had happened, starting from the lift to the time I broke and started crying... Kate's expressions kept on changing as I moved from detail to detail...

"Ohh mon dieu Ana... Jack is such a sweetheart you see..... He stopped at once when he realized that you were uncomfortable, he just wants the best for you my babygirl, so what if he wants to be the one to give it all to you? We all know of him as a person whose the writer of his own book of life, who gets everything the way he wants it to be.. Can't you see that he's trying to change for you?"

Her words were all going over my head... Though physically I was with her but mentally I wasn't... I was recalling the time when I was having second thoughts about moving in with Christian.. Kate had always been a continuous support to me, always showing me the path...

But know what I was thinking was that, Was she RIGHT when she convinced me to realize my true love for Christian or was she WRONG as he was the one who left me!! Is she now RIGHT when she's taking Jack's favor or........

I was just fckng disappointed by myself.. I didn't know why the hell was I having these kind of thoughts?! How the hell could I FORGET Christian and think of considering Jack??

Actually I was sick and tired of giving myself fake hopes, of living with just memories of him. I was just 28 and I am only a human, I had a kid to raise and my whole life standing ahead..... I could no more be someone mad in love with a person who didn't love me back, and neither could because he was dead.. Yes I accept that, he was dead. I had to move on in life.. I must give Jack a chance at least...

With my head on Kate's lap, I was processing all my thoughts, she sat there, comforting me, giving me the time I needed to think it through... I was lost when suddenly a knock on the door startled me...

At first nobody bothered to get up and disturb the arrangement we had with Ted taking his day nap in the room but there was hard knock on the door this time which forced us to get up.

I rose from her lap and smoothened my clothes while she went to the door to see who it was. She stood on her heels and tried to look through the peephole...

"It's him" she exclaimed both with confused and a joyous expressions on her face......

Will Ana be able to move on in her life? Will she forget Christian ? Let's see what turn does her life takes...

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