13. The Truth Revealed

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Ana's POV

It's been two weeks that I have been grounded by Kate. She is so frustrating oh my god! After she got to know what had happened that day with me at the office, she was adamant on not letting me go back to that place. But I had to go, it was my dream job after all! Also as Elliot was back from his business trip so Kate had been busy and I was feeling lonely, all alone by myself, at home.

Today was finally the day that I had convinced Kate to let me go to work. But I didn't know how would I even manage to step out as Teddy had become very clingy to me since the day I had returned from the hospital. Maybe he had missed his mother very much, I had also missed him alot, he's the reason why I'm living!
It had been very difficult but somehow I managed to leave Ted at the daycare and come to work. Standing outside as I was glancing at the building, I was feeling very nervous as I didn't know as to how will I face Jack again after that day.

I went inside the SIP building ready to face whatever this day here had to offer. I was shocked to see the state in which the office was. Everybody was working their ass off and had an expression of terror and fury mixed together, I just didn't know what was happening. I made my way to Jack's office and with a knock on the door, I let myself in.

As soon as Jack saw me he came rushing towards me and I sensed fear. "Well, look who's here. The bitch finally has the bloody guts to show up!" Jack emerges from his table. His hair is shorter. He's removed his pearcings and he's wearing a suit. He ambles toward me, oozing arrogance and hate. My heart rate spikes.

He gave me a smirk and grabbing a hold of my neck, he pushed me down to the floor, and my head hit the table.

"How dare you? Bloody bitch!!" he shouted...

I couldn't clearly understand the situation. All his stuff was lying there, packed properly in boxes. Was he leaving? But why? I hadn't filled a complaint against him to the police nor did I talked to HR about the incident. Nobody except me and Kate knew about what Jack tried to do with me.

"But what did I do Mr. Hyde?" was all I could say at the time. My head felt so heavy to even let words come out.



So he seriously lost his job!?! But how on earth did it even happen? What made him lose his job? I gave him a questioning look.

Jack snarls, and from nowhere he lashes out, backhanding me hard across the face. The ferocious, unprovoked blow knocks me to the ground, and my head bounces with a sickening thud off the concrete. Pain explodes in my head, my eyes fill with tears, and my vision blurs as the shock of the impact resonates, unleashing agony that pulses through my skull. I scream a silent cry of suffering and shocked terror.

"That's for SIP, you fucking bitch!" Jack screams.

"Your bloody BOYFRIEND has destroyed my life once again Ana! Now this time I am not gonna leave you... You are going to pay for what he did!!............................................

He left you 2 years back god dammit! Why the hell can't he leave you alone, I cannot understand! Why is he still after you? Why does it matter to him so much if I or anybody else wants to fuck you?" Jack was saying all of it in a harsh whisper close to my mouth as he grasped me by the back of my neck.

"Christian's alive? Are you saying that it's because of him that you are leaving your job?Didn't he- Didn't he die? Didn't he commit suicide? WAS IT ALL FAKE!?!?"

Once again Jack smashed me on the floor and laughed hysterically. He bent down and grabbed me by my hair.

"So he didn't tell this to you even?!? Wow, now that's new...He didn't die sweetheart. He just pulled out an act so that he could run away from the world, from you! Don't you know that his company was on the verge of shutting down? How do you think did it survive? And who else do you think has the capability of running such an huge business if not him? All the allegations which were put on his company were fake, one of his enemies were trying to bring him down, dear. That is why he had disappeared. You know he had to or else the law wouldn't have spared him as the case against him was so strong! But that lucky son of a bitch got through this! But why do I care about it!! I don't even give a fuck about anything but you!! Why is he trying to take away from me what now is mine! You are mine now Ana!! Only mine! FORGET HIM!!And the truth remains that he broke up with you before he decided to play out this suicide game!! Why is he even after my life if I want you? "

My Christian was alive! He wasn't dead! He didn't commit suicide! I knew it! I knew there was a purpose as to why I was alive until now, I was living only to find him, my love! I knew it was him that day, he was the one who saved my life that day, he called Kate to take care of me! I understood everything now! I was sure he didn't leave me two years back on purpose! I was sure there was some other reason! Afterall everybody has their own reasons to do everything!

I wasl so happy... But my bubble broke as soon as Jack pulled my hand and tugged me tight to his chest.


Christian's POV (a few weeks earlier)

I came back from the hospital and ordered Taylor to appoint personal security for Ana. Sawyer and Prescott were now responsible for taking care of her... for following her every move and protecting her at each and every step!

I had to find out what had happen to Ana yesterday. Why did she came running from her office building? She could have got hit by that car... Only having this thought in my mind killed me a thousand times... I don't know what would I have done if yesterday she-... if the car-... if she got.....................

The next day I called Kate to check on my love. She told me that her vitals were okay and she would get discharged in a day or two.

When I forced her to tell me about what actually happened to Ana that day, she told me that Jack Hyde, Ana's boss, the fictional editor at SIP had tried to forced himself on Ana. My blood started boiling as she continued to explain me the situation. I thanked Kate for letting me know and also because she was there for her all these years and was now taking such a good care of my fiancée. I wanted to thank her for everything that she done to support her in the two years when I wasn't there for her, for keeping her and our child safe. I wanted to see Teddy but I decided that I didn't want to rush things and so i'll give it time.

I wasn't at all planning to spare Jack after what he had done! I was gonna make his life a living hell! How the could he even think about doing something like that with my Ana! He was gonna it have hard this time.
"Welch! I want all the information on SIP and especially On Jack Hyde. Quick!" I directly got on the point as soon as he picked up the phone and dialed my personal detective.

"Very well sir, I'll get back to you ASAP." He sincerely obeyed my order.

It took around a week and a half's time and everything was now under my control, I had bought SIP and it was now a part of GEH. The first thing I did was kick Jack out of the company!

I wasn't gonna let anything happen to Ana and soon i'll win her back and she'll be mine FOREVER!!


Hey, as promised, here's your update!

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