11. Mission- Finding Christian!!

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Christian's POV
As soon as I got up to leave, the doctor emerged suddenly. Before me leaving he asked if there was someone from her family he could inform about her condition, who could maybe stay with her in my absence until she's awake...

I didn't know of any of her friends except Kate who was dating my brother...

As the doctor and I were talking we observed Ana, who was trying to move on her bed. As soon as I realized that she might wake up anytime now, I once again bent down to place a soft kiss on her forehead and left.

I then decided to call Kate and check on Ana! I was in touch talked to Elliott atleast once a week to keep updated on the situation and i knew Kate was the only one i could trust where Ana was concerned.

Ana's POV.

There is only pain. My head, my chest . . . burning pain. My side, my arm. Pain.

Pain and hushed words in the gloom. Where am I? Though I tried, I couldn't open my eyes. The whispered words became clearer . . . a beacon in the darkness.

"Her ribs are bruised, sir, but her vital signs are stable and strong."

"Why is she still unconscious?"

I could hear two manly voices, assuming the one to be the doctor, I wondered about the other...

I know I was stupid to think that but the other person sounded like Christian, My Christian.... His voice so manly and bold but still soo comforting...

I try to open my eyes to see the two guys I could hear but my head was to heavy. Everything is heavy and aching: limbs, eyelids, nothing will move. My eyes and mouth are resolutely shut, unwilling to open, leaving me blind and mute and aching. As I surface from the fog, consciousness hovers, a seductive siren just out of reach.

I suddenly felt somebody bending over me and the guy placed a kiss on my forehead. That touch and that sensation was soo familiar to me that it brought a bundle of memories to my mind. I was sure it was Christian. Only his touch could do things to me.

I wanted to see him. I try. I try. I want to see him. But my body disobeys me. I tried to push my eyes open but all I could see was that other man leaving the room, And unconsciousness claimed me once more, stealing me away from the pain..



I had a pressing need to pee. I open my eyes. I'm in the clean, sterile environment of a hospital room. It's dark except for a sidelight, and all is quiet. My head and my chest ache, but more than that, my bladder is bursting. I need to pee. I test my limbs. My right arm smarts, and I notice the IV attached to it on the inside of my elbow. I shut my eyes quickly. Turning my head-I'm pleased that it responds to my will-I open my eyes again only to find Kate who was sleeping with her head placed on my bed. I decided not to move or else she might wake up. She looked soo tired. She must have been here for god knows how long.
The memories of the earlier events came flooding back. I was soo sure it was Christian. What I just had to do now was to find him. I anyhow had to do something...

But how? He was dead. How could he even be here? Was he alive? Was that death only an act to leave me? So why would he want to meet me now? He didn't even love me anymore. Hadn't he rejected me? So why now... Why only today when it was the 5th of January, the day when he had dumped me 2 years ago... Why?..Why?.. and Why?

I needed answers now.. I tried getting up from my bed. As i lifted my legs Kate woke up with a sudden jolt!! She hugged me really tight and held to me until I broke off....

"Chris-, The hospital called me up telling about you and I immediately came here.. Don't worry Ted is at home with the babysitter and must have slept by now... I have been here for around 5 days Ana... Oh my god Ana... I was sooo terrifired.... What happened to you?" She went on and on without even taking a single breath."How did that stupid car driver didn't see you on the road and was about to hit you??" she asked.

I wanted to tell her about everything that happened back at SIP but as her questions played in my mind again I felt strange about it...

Was she going to say Christian had called her? And how did she know that I was gonna get hit by a car? Is Christian really back? Was it him? Did he call Kate cz he didn't want to meet me?

I was just so confused... I didn't know what was happening with me.. "Whom did you say called you to inform you about me?" I asked giving a questioning look to her.

"The-The doc- The doctor from the hospital called, I told you right away, isn't it. Why do ask anyway. You just take care of yourself!!

That was all, that was enough for me to know that she was lying to me. Whenever she lied to me, she fumbled. I also wanted to ask her about how did she know about the accident, but I didn't. But her answer to my previous question made me 100% sure that Christian was here and was the one who had saved my life, It was only him who had called her to come here.... I then decided to ask her no more questions and I simply gave her small hug. She returned it assuringly but her expressions didn't gel with her actions. Her look was mortified, She must have realized what she had said and must have known that i have caught her lie.

Then I just asked her to go back to home and take some rest as she must have been tired. I also told her to bring Ted along with her the next morning as I missed my baby badly. I talked to her in a very normal tone as I did't want her to doubt me about anything. Saying this I closed my eyes and acted to have slept already. I heard the stool move and also the door closed after some time, she must have gone now.

I knew Kate from a very long time, She has always been an overprotective friend to me and a sister I never had. I just knew, had I asked any further questions from her, she would definitely make up stories and not tell me about Christian. Also it would beware her and she would be more careful with her words.

Now I was back on my mission once again, Mission- finding Christian!


I hope you guys enjoyed this update.. Gonna write Kate's POV next. What do you guys expect??

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