How it all began

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I felt the wind blow through my loose braided hair. Looking out over past the mountains, the sun was slowly going down for the night. The birds were singing their summer songs. The sky looks the best during the summer. I looked over at the tan horse, who was eating the bright green grass. I got up from the cooled rock, and walked over to the horse. While I was walking I started to hum the song Picture by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow. That song always makes me think about when I used to play that song whenever it was band night at the old diner. Every Friday night at the old diner they would have band night. It is where all the people in town can sing a song. I used to love it, but ever since mom died I never go because it upsets me. Whenever I do start thinking about mom I just go to my favorite spot. It is the best spot to see the sunset. Rain or shine, I always go when I'm upset. Mom always took me out to that spot during the summer time. We would ride our horses, and then find our special spot. Her favorite song as well was Picture by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow. So I would always play that song. It has been 4 years since mom has past, and it still hurts me every single day. My dad left when I was only two years old. I have no clue if he is still alive or not. I am currently 23 years old, and have no clue who my father is, and have no one. I looked at my old tan ish horse Mikey. This horse has been there for me for a really long time. I got off of the special rock, and walked towards the horse. Slowly hopping onto the horse, I looked out one last time at the sky. I made my way home.

While putting Mikey in his stall, I heard a knock on the barn door. "Hello Mr. James! What can I do for you?" I asked while closing the stall door. "Ashley I was wondering if you could help me out a bit. My nephew Matt is coming down for the summer, and I would like it if you could show him around? I have a lot to do the next few weeks since the county fair is coming up, and I have to get this town ready. Is that okay?" Mr. James asked with hope. I gave the old man a smile. "Of course I can do that for you!" I answered. He gave me a huge smile. Mr. James brought his nephew into the barn. Oh boy. The boy looked to be about my age. I thought Mr. James was talking about a younger boy. The boy was texting on his phone. His nose crinkled up a bit when he smelt the barn. "Why does it smell bad in here?" The boy asked while taking his eyes off  his phone. "That would be from the horses. Hello I'm Ashley Walker. Your name is Matt right?" I asked trying to make conversation. He mumbled out a yes while looking at his phone once again. Mr. James gave me a weak smile. "He will be here for the next two months. Ashley is it okay if he stayed here since you have a lot of space in the house?" Mr. James explained. " I'm here for two more months! Uncle Todd why two months?" He whined. Mr. James sighed. "Your parents want you to find a job, or a passion, and wanted me to help you out!" He kindly added. Matt sighed. Two whole months with a city boy. Great. 

I started to make dinner for now two. It has been an hour, and he still hasn't talked to me. "What's for dinner?" He grumbled. I brought  the two pans out of the oven. "Chicken and fries," I responded annoyed. "I want to go home. I miss my friends. No offence sweetie, but you are very boring, and nothing is going to ever happen between us. You aren't my type," he stated. I rolled my eyes. "Okay? I wasn't interested in you anyways, so I could care less. I am just doing your uncle a favor," I added. "What is your problem lady?" He asked trying to make me sound old. "Nothing. Why are you making me sound old?" I asked annoyingly. "Um...40?" He asked stupidly. I laughed a little. "I'm 23 sweetie. I'm not 'old'!" I responded annoyingly to the boy. He rolled his eyes. 

After dinner, I left the house to go out to the barn. I needed to get out of the house. I don't care what that kid does. I just need to get away. Slowly making my way over to my horse, I heard the barn door squeak open. "Hey lady can I please go to town? No offense, but I just want to go to the bar, and meet some babes," He asked while scuffing his cleaned sneakers on the dirty barn door. "I'm not letting you take my car I hope you know," I answered. He huffed, and rolled his eyes. "Fine. Will you take me?" He asked with annoyance. I gave him a fake smile. "Why sure I can," I answered sarcastically. We both walking out of the barn, I grabbed my keys to my old truck. Matt gave me a weird look. "What?" I asked while sighing. "This is your car?" He asked disgusted. I looked at the old truck, then at Matt. "Hey the truck was cheep, and worked perfectly, so this beauty is all mine," I responded confidently. He rolled his eyes, and struggled to get into the truck. I plugged in my phone, and turned on some 80s music. He gave me another weird look. I sighed. "Now what?"I asked annoyed. "Really. You have to put on 80s?"He asked with a judge mental voice. "Yes because it is the best!" I defended myself. He gave me a look to change it. I let out a deep breath, then changed the song. Picture by Kid Rock came on. I was about to quickly change it, but Matt told me to keep it. He started to sing Kid Rock's part. "This song is my favorite!" He added with excitement. I smiled, then started to sing Sheryl Crow's part. I looked at him, and he looked back. We both smiled at each other. I quickly turned my head back to the road. 'This is odd,' I thought to myself. 

We made it to the little old bar in town. The music was blaring outside. People were coming, and going out of the bar. "Hello Miss Ashley! How are you today?" I heard a lady greeted. I looked over, and saw Mrs. Dopper was sitting at one of the old wooden tables with a glass of red wine in her hand. "I'm good how are you? How is Dotty?" I asked friendly. She had a huge smile on her face. "I'm good, thanks for asking. Dotty is doing well! She loves it up at her school. She misses home, but she is making a lot of friends. Who is the gentleman with you?" She asked suspiciously. I looked at Matt. "This is Matt James. He is Mr. James's nephew. He is staying with me since Mr. James has no room for him," I answered. She smiled at Matt. "Hello Matt!" She greeted. "I'm Mrs. Dopper," She introduced. She held out her hand for him to shake. He took her hand to shake. We both walked away when her husband came over. We headed to the counter to order. The bartender came over to us. "What can I get you Ashley?" Jake asked while staring me down. "One Bud Lite, and," I paused waiting for Matt to tell the man what he wanted. "Make that two please," he added. Jake went to grab the drinks. I sat down onto the wooden stool. Matt sat down next to me. "I thought you wanted to go meet the babes?" I asked while laughing. He smiled a little. "I will. I mainly wanted something to drink. I didn't know you like to drink?" he asked while trying to make conversation. Jake handed us our drinks. I took a big sip of my beer. "When there is nothing to do, that's all I do is drink," I responded. He nodded his head. "Tell me more about you," he said, then took a sip of his drink. "Well, I've been living here since I was born. My dad left my mom and I back when I was two. I also lost my mom a few years ago. I loved to play music, but it's been a while," I answered. "I'm sorry for your loss," he said with sympathy. "Did you used to play an instrument?" He asked.  I nodded. "I used to play guitar, It's been a little hard playing. I really don't want to talk about it," I answered. I started to drink my beer a little more. Things got silent. I looked at Matt, but he was staring at a blond chick from across the bar. He got off of his stool, and made his way over to the girl. I was left all alone. Jake came over. "Who is that?" He asked concerned. "He is Mr. James's nephew. He is from the city. His name is Matt, and he is living with me," I responded annoyed. Jake giggled a little. He gave me a warm smile. Jake and I used to have a thing together. I still like him, and he still likes me, but it is hard for us to date. I Really want to be with him, but we have such a good friendship. "So, how is Mikey doing?" He asked me. I took a sip of my drink. "Getting old, but still trucking," I answered with a giggle. Jake scratched the back of his neck. "Hey Ash, are you free tomorrow night?" Jake asked nervously. I gave him a smile. "Why yes I am. Why do you ask?" I asked dumbly. "Well, I have tomorrow off, and i was wondering if you would love to go out to dinner with me?" He asked while continually scratching the back of his neck. "I would love to. Let me know what time, and where we are going," I said. He nodded, and had a huge smile on his face. He had to walk away because of a customer. Matt walked back. "Wow you get a date, but i just get a girl who finds me weird," Matt said annoyed. I laughed, and I got up. I looked back at Jake, and gave him a smile. Matt and I walked out of the bar. I was very happy about all of this. 

                       Nothing could ruin this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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