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A new story everyone! And its even counterpart shipping! Sooo its been awhile since I last posted a story, I hope you like this one! Anyways! Enough of my rambling! Lets begin!

Name of Story: The Dragon's Captive.

Warnings: Fairly rated PG for some death scenes, violence, and fluff, also shounen-ai!

Pairings: Yuto/Yuya Sakaki (Basically counterpart shipping)

Options: None whatsoever!

Summary: Will be posted on the front of the story.

Requested by: Queen of Light (Hope you enjoy!)


A boy with crimson eyes ran fast to the forest, his feet pounding harshly on the ground as he tried to slip away from his captors. His harsh breaths were the only thing heard, as branches and plants snapped on impact upon his arms and legs. The shouting of the village pursuers could be heard as they followed the boy into the wilderness. The slim looking youth frantically looked around, trying to see if there was some place to hid, the shrill screams of his pursuers bled through his ears.

"After him! He mustn't escape!" one of them yelled to the other as they followed the boy around like a predator.

Fearing for his life, the tomato haired boy dashed out of their view and ran again as fast as his legs would sprint, he was losing oxgyen fast and he needed to stop soon where as he would be safe. The delicate branches grazed harshly upon the boy but he ignored it in favor of getting away.

Not far from almost getting caught, the crimson eyed male slid down to a hole beneath the roots of a burnt tree. Hoping and praying that the village men would leave him alone, he hid further until almost zero visibilty could be seen. He hoped their was no snake inside the small creepy looking cave.

He could fell the deliberate movement at the top as the men tried looking for him. Surprisingly, they never even considered checking the hole on the burnt tree. Huh, maybe their tale of being brave was not true, they couldn't even come in the dark little hole! Once the men left, grumbling under their breaths, it was already night fall that the boy had finally came out of the little hole he was in. He looked around and sighed in relief, he was safe for now. Checking his surrounding, he started walking deeper into the woods, trying to find a way out. Several moments later, the boy heard a branch snap and he quickly whirred around in fear.

The only thing he could see was a black blob, and glowing steel grey eyes. Before he could even react, the blob quickly lunged at him and carried him away. The creature revealed its wings and flew out into the open night sky with a screaming male held upon its grasp.

The Dragon's CaptiveWhere stories live. Discover now