Chapter 6: The Mysterious Stranger

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"Chapter 6: The Mysterious Stranger"

As Yuya and Yuto both lazed about in the hot afternoon sun, while the wind blew idly by, the village was in turmoil about a stranger who was mysterious that passed by in town earlier.

The occurence had started not so long ago, ever since a cloaked stranger came by the lively town of Standard. The figure as they identified was male, had a strange aura around himself and could seem to suck the life out of you by just speaking in his authorative voice. The strange thing was, whenever the towns people would follow him, the man would vanish in a blink of an eye and they were left to stare in horror as to where the stranger was.


Yuya yawned and curled up in a ball as he tried to get some sleep. He tossed and turned several times but found it useless once his mind would not cooperate and would keep him awake, he sighed and sat up, wondering what it would be like to see the outside world and explore it again. Sure he still feared the others if they ever recognized him, but. . maybe Yuto could be of help?

Springing up on his feet, he rushed off to find the aforementioned dragon, locating the twist and turns of the hollow and narrow tunnels. The light at the end of the cave grew brighter as the tomato haired boy pushed past the dark confines of the darkness, and he was once again greeted by the shining rays of light. His crimson eyes scanned the area, searching for a certain dragon that he needed.

Not far from his vision, he saw a sleeping large figure, curled up by the side and dozing away. The lithe teen grinned and strided over to the napping dragon, gently tapping the creature by its back. "Hey Yuto?" he called, hoping the dragon would hear his beckon. Silver gray eyes opened, and Yuto shifted to a more comfortable position, facing Yuya and almost yelping in surprise at how close the young male was. "Y-Yuya! You scared me right there!" he stuttered out and drew back, a small distance between them. Yuya smiled apologetically and sat down infront of Yuto. "I apologize my dragon friend," he chirped and added; "Can I ask something from you?" he begged, pleading with his eyes.

Yuto's inside melted at the adorable look Yuya was giving him. He looked like a new dragonling, begging to be picked up. The dark dragon chuckled and shook his head fondly, messing the boy's hair with one of his talons, and Yuya let out a noise of protest, trying to swat the claw away gently. "Of course, Yuya. What would that be?" he had a strange feeling about the crimson eyed youth's request. . but what could it be?

The youth fiddled with his fingers and smiled sheepishly as he darted his eyes to the ground, he blushed a bright crimson as Yuto's calculating eyes seemed to pierce through his very soul. "Uhhmm, Uhh" he acclaimed, doing this a few more times before finally blurting out; "Can I go to town and explore?"

Gray eyes widened in surprise before melding into one of concern. "Are you sure Yuya? What if they recognize you and chase you out again?" he asked, biting his mouth mentally. Yuto was afraid of what would happen to the young male if he ever left the dragon's side, as Yuto had developed a rather soft spot for the crimson hued teen. Yuya looked up and grinned again, rubbing the back of his neck, a small blush painting his cheeks. "I was just going to ask you about that. . could I possibly borrow a cloak from your treasury or any other materials I can make for a cloak? Like some fabric, needle and threads?"

The dragon hummed and looked thoughtful for a moment.

Yuya fidgeted and bit his lip nervously.

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