Chapter 3: Why Won't You Speak?

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"Chapter 3: Why won't you speak?"

Dawn broke through the sky, as Yuya fluttered his eyes open. Still half asleep, the boy yawned and sat up, not registering where he was. The tomato haired boy rubbed his eyes and the last remnants of sleep left him as he registered where he was right now. His crimson orbs widened in fear again and he frantically looked around his surroundings. The dragon was nowhere in sight, but Yuya was still not convinced.

He tried looking for a way out, but the only exit of the bone prison was to climb up the slippery cartlidges of dried skeletal structure. He huffed in frustration and tried climbing up the prison, yelping in the process when he fell over. The crimson eyed youth, growled softly and tried again, resulting in more failure. "What are you doing?" came an amused throaty voice, making Yuya halt in utter fear.

The gray eyed dragon was at the entrance, staring down at Yuya with some form of amusement, he swore to himself that if the creature was human, he would be smirking and crossing at his arms before the wimpy looking teen. Granted, he might even be grinning! This day could not even start of worse.

Heavy silence hung upon the end of the dragon's sentence, Yuya's form tense as he stared at the gray eyes, his own crimson hues asking a question that said; 'What do you think?' this boy was feisty even though he was silent and very much that it could be deafening. The dragon sighed heavily and shook his head, flexing its wings in the process, before sitting down. "Kid, don't expect me to release you to those fools, they were chasing you and wanted your blood.'' the dragon stated a matter of factly, making Yuya tense up.

How did he--

His thoughts were cut off and he was surely thrown off by the sudden change of topic that he literally had his eyes bugging out of his skull. "My name is Yuto by the way. .what about yours?" asked the dark scaled creature now known as 'Yuto'. Silence once again reigned, never even considering to lift up. Yuya opened and closed his mouth, trying to make his voice come out, but never succeding as he bit down on his tonue, the horrible memory of almost being forcibly taken flew by his mind. The green-red haired male turned his back on Yuto, taking deep and calming breaths, in attempt to hold down the panic that was bubbling upon his chest.

Yuto blinked at the silence the boy gave him. Usually, humans would be vocal and lively, when they wanted to talk and they sure as hell could scream. But this kid-- he was complicated and a maze yet to be figured out. He was complex as much as the dragon was, serving to him as a challenge, a code yet to be solved. Deciding not to push the subject, he tossed some fruit to Yuya's direction with his large claws, the delicate food rolling gently to tap at Yuya's back. The aftermentioned, snapped his head up and looked down at the fruits in his cell, shooting a silent question as to why the dragon cared.

The steel eyed dragon huffed in frustration and rolled his eyes before speaking in his deep voice. "I can tell that you are very much hungry, considering you are very thin and look once step ahead like the dead." said he, his tone flat, making Yuya blink in surprise. The pale teen hesitantly picked an apple up, putting it near his lips and biting into the red flesh. In a matter of seconds, the fruit was gone and the boy picked up another one of the fruit, eating it like there was no tomorrow. Yuto had to restrain himself from laughing as he imagined the silent male looking like a chipmunk. It was a rather funny and adorable looking sight to behold.

Yuya ate the last of the fruit, belching when he was done, but he quickly covered his mouth and directed his fear wide eyes to the dragon, afraid of being eaten, but then again he was of no use right? Yuto only shook his head and smiled down at Yuya as much as he could probably managed with his dragon mouth, considering he had really sharp teeth. He flexed his wings once again, sighed. Reaching out his claw, he started descending it down to the bone prison, making the crimson eyes widen in surprise and shock. "Calm down kiddo, I'm not going to hurt you." he assured, earning him a look from the teen when he said 'kiddo' his eyes seemed to be speaking again with a hint of annoyance in them; 'I have a name you know' it read silently, that made Yuto chuckle and gently pry away the prison. "Sure you do, unless you do not tell me then I will keep calling you a kid, or do you prefer I call you tomato?" the violet maned dragon teased, earning him a glare from the boy currently on his palm. Though there was still some traces of fear in his system, he tried ignoring it, telling himself that he shouldn't fear the dragon. It did little wonders but it also assured him a small bit. He was still queasy and wobbly but he did not voice it out.

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