Chapter 11: The Rescue of The Lover

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New chapter for 'TDC'! Y'all be excited for Yuto's rescue? Cuz I am too! One more chappy to goooo! And yes this story was requested by Queen of Light and i'm happy that she has stuck so long to this story QwQ reeeee! Lots of love! Onwards now shall we?


Chapter 11: The Rescue of The Lover"

"AH!" Yuya yelped as he was thrown in the room, landing on stone cold floor. He curled and whimpered, then looked up, tears in his eyes as he looked at his kidnapper. "Let me go! What has Yuto done to you?!" he yelled, his voice cracking.

The man smirked. "Now, now, darling, no need to be so ruffled. After all, we have a wedding to prepare." he snarkily said. Yuya managed to snarl. "Wedding?! I will marry no one!" he yelled.

SLAP!Yuya cried out as he was struck, cupping his face and feeling it sting. He glared at the man and his kidnapper glared daggers at him. "Silence! You are mine, you hear?! You do not have the right to deny!" the man bellowed. "And thats Lord Senku to you!" he growled.

Yuya growled, his eyes glowing. "You are not my Lord nor am I your prize! Let me go!" he demanded, getting up, trying to take a defensive stance even through shaking knees.

Senku smirked, his eyes glowing bright fuschia and his dark feathery wings opening. "Then you leave me no choice. I will have to force my way then." he smirked, arms outstretched as dark magic began to trail and wisp around his fingers.

The dark shimmering tendrils curled and

lashed then zeroed in on Yuya. Senku smirked.

Yuya's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to scream.

The tendrils lashed out and headed straight for the tomato haired youth.

A scream was heard in Mt. Oni.


Yuto panted heavily as he flapped his wings, shooting up to the craggy mountain of Mt. Pit, where Yuya's kidnapper was. He didn't knoe how or when, when he had shifted in an in between state of dragon and human. His wings and tail were sprouted out while he retained his human form. Maybe it ws from his mad desire to save Yuya but who knows? It was all wishful thinking but the ravenette wanted the tomato haired youth back.

He growled slightly and rested on a rock that jutted out proudly on the side. Yuto licked his dry lips and gulped, feeling his heart clench tightly, remembering the very reason of his anger and why he was here. Yuya had been kidnapped by that...that sorcerer! Yuto growled again.

'That little shithead dare steal my Yuya away!' he screamed in his mind, eyes narrowing and pupils turning into wild slits. He knew who had kidnapped Yuya. It was none other than Senku, the king of the necromancers.

Necromancers were nasty, sure they had good looks, but that was only a mask past their deadly and merciless exterior and Yuto hated them with every fiber of his being. One thing was known from the necromancers though; They love death like they love their dark arts.

Yuto took a deep breath to try and calm himself, it was no use if he let his emotions get out of control. That wouldn't be good.

Yuto had known all along that Yuya was special, and had unimaginable powers, even though he didn't look like it but his soon to be mate was quite capable of destroying the world if he so wanted. While Yuto, a dragon of darkness, was only capable of controling the darkness and summoning monsters. Polar opposites? Yes but there was no denying that they both stabilized each other.

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