Chapter 5: To Conquer Your Fear

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"Chapter 5: To Conquer Your Fear"

Another day broke through the sky, a fresh day to start may I add, but not for. . a certain tomato haired boy, so it seems.

Yuya tossed and turned in his sleep, seeming to battle an imaginary enemy. He let out a few cries and whimpers of distress as his body seemed to twist in unimaginative angles. Sweat coated his brows, as he tried to slip away from the nightmares, and with one final struggle. . he did, screaming his lungs out and jolting up with a snap. "AAAHHHHHHH!!!"

Startled, the dark dragon was abruptly awakened from his peaceful slumber by the boy's ear piercing shriek. Yuto quickly averted his eyes to the shaking teen. "What is the matter?" he asked softly, his chest rumbling from his speech. Yuya whipped his head up at the dragon and shook his head, as if saying he was fine and not wanting to trouble the dragon with his own problems. The black scaled creature only snorted and shook his head. "If it is troubling you, isn't it better if you talked to someone rather than keep it all inside and let it destroy you?" he reasoned, gentle and assuring, not wanting to scare the silent tomato haired boy.

Yuya blinked and looked down, biting his lips in a guilty manner. He really did not want to trouble Yuto with his own problems, after all it was his and not the dragon's. He looked up again and shook his head once more, as if saying. 'I do not want to talk about it. Please don't intrude.' The lithe teen sighed and trudged out of the cave, leaving the majestic dragon inside the dark hole. The steel eyed dragon sighed softly, his chest moving as he did so. What was wrong with the boy? Surely he would've opened up to him by now, but Yuya was being persistent!

The dragon sighed once again and stood up, following the boy out of the cave, keeping a watchful eye over the places where they both twisted and turned so they could get out of the dark and more likely cramped space of the high walls of the dark tunnel. Yuya squinted his eyes as he used the palm of his hand to trace where they were going, over the wall. For a normal person, he was quick to memorize the way out of the cave, even if it was dark and spooky, by just touching the edges and bumps on the stone walls of the cave. In no time at all, both the dragon and human boy were out of the cave. Yuya could not help letting out a small smile split his lips as he sprinted down the mountain with a distraught Yuto being left behind.

"Yuya! Wait!" the dragon cried out, his eyes bulging as he tried to catch up to the boy. Spreading his wings, he took of and snatched Yuya before he could jump down to his demise. "Don't run off! I don't want you hurt you know!" the dragon scolded, and Yuya's eyes widened in fear, remembering his tormentors. "L-let me go. ." he whispered hoarsely, trembling underneath Yuto's hold. The dragon looked at the young red head in confusion before it morphed into realization. "Oh shit. . Yuya I-!!" He never did get his chance to finish as Yuya let out a shrill scream, pounding on Yuto's palm, crying and shaking violently. "LET ME GO!! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" He screamed, the nightmare once again flashing in his eyes, while the tears streamed down his face. It was maddening and filled with agony, that Yuto could not help at feeling guilty for his abrupt actions. "Hush Yuya. . They will never hurt you again. I promise. It's only me. . Yuto. Do you not remember?" he was on the verge of cooing, as he soothed the young tomato haired teen.

It took about a good half an hour or so before Yuya realized it was Yuto. He cried again, and embraced the dark dragon's chest, sobbing and apologizing for all he was worth. Yuto could do nothing but hold him close as he whispered sweet comforting words, trying to let the boy ease himself. And to the dragon's great surprise, the young teen's head lolled to the side, passing out from his breakdown and mental exhaustion.

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