Chapter 8: A Day In Town

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"Chapter 8: A Day In Town"

The steady flapping of dark wings were heard, as Yuto and Yuya both soared through the air, letting the wind caress both their hair. The green-red haired male was grinning widely as they both soared higher and the black dragon was also having the time of his life, just being at ease while Yuya rode on his back.

Their flight ended shortly and the young teen climbed off of the back of the dragon, hopping down with a silly grin on his face as he waited for Yuto to shift into his human form. The dragon let out a huff, smoke coming out of his nostril before shifting into his humanoid form. Yuya yelped and waved his hands in front of himself frantically, trying to clear away the misty breath of the once dragon. Yuto's voice pierced through the mist. "My hood Yuya?" he requested nicely and Yuya gave the article of clothing to his counterpart. The ravenette chuckled and donned the cloak, covering his bare upper torso (much to Yuya's dismay).

Yuya tilted his head over to the other man. "You coming Yuto?" he asked, blinking owlishly that it made Yuto chuckle as he nodded. "Of course Yuya."

Both males then headed into town, hood covering their hair and facial features. They followed the dirt path that led to the village each companion walking in comfortable silence. The dirt path ended and out came the village in all its magnificent glory that Yuya almost forgot how to breath at the sheer and cheerful noises the villagers made. The young teen gulped nervously, looking around for any signs of the ones who chased him out of the village. He was snapped out of his momentary panic when he felt something wrap around his hand. 'Yuto's hand' the green-red haired male thought. It was strange, to feel his companion's warmth, but he certainly did not mind it, and he could have been imagining it but had it just become a tad bit warmer?

Yuto had noticed his human friend stiffen and his breath quicken and become sharp with each inhale he took. The ravenette did not know what was going on, he did the only thing that he did know how to calm anyone down. He gripped the other's hand and gave it a small squeeze, indicating Yuya that he was here and would not let anyone harm him. The dragon felt the young teen tense before he slowly relaxed and looked over him with bright crimson eyes, thanking him with his red orbs. Yuto swore he felt his face heat up but he did not pay any mind and instead smiled. "Shall we go?" he asked, and the lithe teen nodded as they walked hand in hand.


"Wow!" Yuya exclaimed upon once again seeing the village. It had started improving after the few weeks he had left. The young male could feel a grin spreading on his lips as he twirled to absorbed all the new additions in town, making the dragon humanoid chuckle. "Enjoying yourself?" He asked.

Yuya nodded, his cape bouncing up and down as he jumped, "Yes!" He exclaimed filled with enthusiasm, the tomato haired male saw a sign saying 'Circus' in big cursive letters. "Yuto?" The young man asked and Yuto hummed in acknowledgement. "Yes, Yuya?" The pointing of an index finger was all what the dragon needed to know as he stared at ruby red orbs. "Do you want to go?" "Yes!!"


After the two look alike got their ticket. (Courtesy to the booth, mind you) they found a seat where they could see clearly what it was all about.

There was something sad about it. Yuya noticed that the circus tamer had metal hooks in their rods, and how the elephants were showed with a performance that looked like perfection, animals of all kind that could be tamed and broken. Yuya and Yuto felt sick at the faint scars on the backs of the animals.


"That was horrible." Yuya whispered as he gripped Yuto's hand, the ravenette squeezing the boy's hand. "Yes, it was sickening, Yuya. I know from all those faint scars on the backs of the animals, they were calling for help." He whispered back as they went from stand to stand, trying different things and buying some of them.

Somehow they could not shake the feeling that they were being followed by someone but they tried ignoring it and instead went about their way on viewing of the new attractions of the city.


The two were still a bit upset from the earlier occasion as they trudge on back to the forest. Yuya was thankful that he did not run into his bullies of the past as they went back deeper into the forest. Yuya bit his lips and stopped, opening his mouth then closing it again. Yuto noticed this and stopped a few feet away from the lithe teen, turning to his way and tilting his head. "What's wrong, Yuya?" He asked' the aforementioned gulped nervously and tuck a stray bang behind his ear. "Yuto," he started' hesitating at first. "What would you do if you saw what they did to the animals on the circus?"

The dragon was startled by the question; as to why the young one would ask such thing. Nevertheless his expression hardened and he looked down, fist clenched tightly as he replied tensely. "If I do, then I would have destroyed them or worse. ." He turned away, eyes being shadowed by purple locks. "I would kill them."

Yuya bit his lip as he stared at his once captor. Without any further thought nor hesitation, he walked over to Yuto and gave him a hug from behind, twining his arms around the humanoid's waist. "Please, don't kill anyone, Yuto. I don't want your hands to be tainted by blood." He pleaded, the dragon blinking and flushing at the contact but he did not mind it one bit and rested his hand on top of Yuya's own slender one. He sighed as he looked down regretfully. "I'm afraid I cannot promise you that," the ravenette felt the young teen falter. "But I will do my best not to fall in bloodlust." He said, and Yuya nodded, a bit relieved. "Alright."

"Let's go home, Yuto" Yuya whispered, then contemplated. Home huh? It slid so easily out of his mouth. Home is where Yuto is. He grinned to himself as he felt steel gray eyes stare at him in awe.

Yuto smiled, "Yes, let's." The dragon shifted into his original form, his hood being thrown at Yuya as he did so, the teen catching it. The tomato haired teen climbed on Yuto's back once the dragon lowered himself.

Yuto felt a grip on his mane and smiled to himself as he opened his wings and went to pick up speed so he could fly, shooting out of the sky and flapping his wings as they gained balance. Yuya smiled and rested his head on the soft mane of the dragon as they went home.

"I love you. ."


Sorry for the lateness of this chapter! I'm having writer's block!! Waahh! And I hate cliff hangers! I hope you won't give up on this story! See ya next time!

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