Chapter 4: Story Of The Past

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Warning: Attempted rape

"Chapter 4: Story of the Past"

Tense silence hung upon the air as the crimson hued male seem to froze, his resolve all but crumbling. Yuya's mouth still was half way parted as he struggled to keep a hold of himself. Yuto himself, seemed hesitant and all but held his breath, partially feeling guilt eat away at his core. The dragon was about to open his mouth, preparing to offer his apologies, when Yuya stopped him from doing so.

"It happened many years ago. ." he admonished, voice quite and hoarse.


"Mother! Please! You're going to be okay right?" a fifteen year old Yuya asked his ill mother. Sadness and concern swirling inside his crimson orbs. Yoko only smiled and weakly grasped Yuya's hand in hers, a small pain filled chuckle erupting from the back of her throat. "Its alright Yuya, my dearest boy. I am merely going to rest for eternity."

"No! Don't say that!" he begged his guardian but the blonde-orange woman only shook her head, sorrow evident in her azure eyes. "Forgive me my Yuya. But. ." her breathing came out in ragged gasps. "I love you. I am dying. . please." one last heave of breath, before Yoko closed her eyes. "Cherish that gift you have. ." she sighed out, taking in her last breath, a small tear trickling down her cheek.

Yuya stared in horror and grief, before registering that his mother had died. "Mother?" there was no answer, nor will there ever be. "Mother! Mother! WAKE UP! MOTHER! MOTHER!!!" he screamed hysterically, shaking Yoko's limp and albeit warm hand frantically. "MOTHER! NOOOOOOOO!!!" He broke down into fits and sobs, tears spilling out his eyes as he could no longer hear or see his mother anymore.


"Freak!" a stone hard punch was delivered to his gut, making Yuya cry out in pain as he skidded and fell to the ground, holding his sore stomach. The bullies surrounded the green-crimson haired boy, all grinning menacingly as they cracked their knuckles. Yuya quickly scrambled up on his backside, crawling backwards, using his hands to skitter away, his eyes wide with fear. "W-what do you want from me?!" he yelled, tears streaming in rivulets down his pale flushed cheeks.

He was already miserable! What more could they want from him?

There was a tense silence before anyone could even dare say a word, the crimson eyed youth suddenly found himself pinned by four of the bullies and the leader stood in between Yuya's legs, lewd desire visible upon his eyes. Yuya's eyes grew more in fear. No! He was goin to be..!

"You're right. What more could we want from you?" the leader asked as he knelt down and licked Yuya's pale neck, letting his tongue slide over the junction of Yuya's neck. The currently pinned male shivered in pure fear as the leader started trailing rough kisses on every inch of skin that was shown. When the leader's hand started to wander at the hem of Yuya's pants, pure adrenaline rushed through his veins.

The next thing he knew, his leg became free and he kicked the one on top of him then collided his head with the leader, rendering them both dizzy and feeling dazed. Recovering quickly as the goons got off of him to assist their leader, he quickly got up and sprinted off, fast and very much like the speed of the wind. He was no longer in his present state of mind, but rather, fear had taken hold of him, making him rush straight home and locking his own room door with a loud resonding bang.

When he finally arrived at his corner, he screamed so loud that it reached the heavens and broke down into fitful tears and violent sobs, his body wracking unnaturally.


The crimson eyed youth would hurry to work every day, his body tense and very much on defense. Yuya was traumatized to say the least, and this had caused him to become silent. It had been a few days since he was almost stripped off of his innocence. He quickly rushed to his workplace and donned his apron, starting to cook, remaining silent. His coworkers asked him what was wrong, but the boy would shake violently and would shake his head vigorously, almost terrified. Seeing that their boisterous and cheerful companion would not utter a sound, they would not question him, and continued on with their works, each wearing a concerned look marring their faces.


Yuya was scared, he was most definetly filled with horror as he ran away, blood seeping through his clothes as he ran away from the ones who had tried to rape him! He started to tear up and picked up the pace of his run, sprinting to his home. "Don't let him get away!" the leader shouted.

Upon hearing that voice, Yuya felt the fear creep in, and that made him run so fast. He quickly opened the door to his home and swiftly locked the front door, hearing the bullies shout as they banged at the door. "You'll never get away with this tomato head!" one of the bullies reminded, making Yuya's breath quicken and uneven. A few second later, he heard them all leave but he did not have any time to sigh or sink in relief.

Instead, he broke down and cried again.

~End of Flashback~

". . . And the rest in history." Yuya finished his story, his body shaking violently as he tried to keep his balance. Yuto felt his heart clench in sympathy and very much understanding, as he digested Yuya's story. Upon noticing that the boy was swaying, the dragon held out a scaled claw, catching the green-red haired male before his body could so much as collapse.

"That is horrible silent one. I wish they would have not done those things to you." The dark dragon said, offering his apologies to the boy. "Forgive me for bringing up such painful memory." it was sincere and Yuya broke down in sobs as he felt Yuto's tail wrap around him, pulling him closer to the dragon's warm and scaly body. The crimson eyed teen, cried hard as he blubbered out his fears to the grey hued dragon, clenching both his hands, as he muttered out the things that was holding him prisoner. Yuto felt his heart break at every sobbed and tears escaping from the crimson eyed teen. Sure he might seemed like a murdering creature but it was not true, as dragons were very much friendly and the foolish humans made up stories of his species being evil, he almost wanted to snort from their indolent and foolish minds. Yuto tried to offer the boy some comfort, wrapping his tail albeit tighter, but not enough to suffocate Yuya, and whispering assuring things to him.

A few hours passed before Yuya calmed down, his eyes bloodshot from his recent bawling. The dragon let out a huge sigh and shook his head, as the lithe teen curled up inside his tail, starting to fall asleep. Yuto quirked a brow in amusement before doing the same. However, before his eyes drooped, the dragon could not help but question. "What is your name, silent one?" he asked gently, hoping not to scare the boy.

There was no immediate answer, and Yuto had to wait for a few minutes before a faint and sleepy filled voice answered, nothing but above a whisper;

"Yuya Sakaki." Answered the now dozing teen, and the dark dragon was satisfied with his answer, following Yuya into the realms of sleep.


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