|Shot 79| • Time I • |Stenbrough|

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Seven days of utter heartbreak and romance.

That's what Bill gave me before he left Derry...and me...behind.

I knew the reason why. I understood. I slowly accepted it. But it still didn't take away the hurt that my boyfriend had to leave and I couldn't be with him.

~ 1 week earlier ~

Bill's parents couldn't stand Derry anymore. Everything reminded them of their beloved Georgie. Unable to cope with the loss of their young son anymore, Bill's parents became abusive and more neglectful than ever.

Bill would often knock on my window and I'd pull him in to reveal a new bruise or cut or heartbreak.

But they were finally caught. Bill's uncle legally adopted him and now they have to escape Derry.

"I'm suh-suh-sorry, Stan. I w-wish to hell I c-could stay w-with you forever, buh-but I have to g-go" he explained mournfully.

I began to sob but he quickly yet ever-so-gently cupped my face and wiped away my tears.

"Shh, d-don't cry, Stan baby. W-We still have a w-week left. Let's go c-crazy together"

"Goof" I smiled as I sniffled. "Okay, let's go crazy together"

"That's the spirit" he smirked, and I swear I could see tears in his eyes too.

Every day he took me somewhere fun, and kissed me endlessly. Derry park, the Quarry, Derry's ice cream parlor...and on the last day, he took us to our spot...a clearing in the woods of Derry.

"Dance with me, Stan" he extended his hand as our song played on the stereo.

Our song always brought tears to my eyes, and now it was worse.

"No, Bill...I can't...I can't dance, anyway" I protested.

"Stanny, come on, please? Just...dance with me for awhile. Dance with me and pretend the world doesn't exist" his eyes pleaded as he extended his hand again.

I smiled somberly and took his hand. He twirled me around a few times, picked me up and made me giggle...and then he pulled me close to his chest and held me tight as we embraced and swayed to the music.

"Just enjoy this moment, Stan. Just know that we both love each other. Know that I will always love you. Always" he whispered soothingly.

I cried into the crook of his neck as he smiled and held me tight. I melted into his arms as I wrapped mine around his neck, his arms locked around the small of my back, gently swaying to the soft music.


"Hey, Bill? I'm sorry to rush you, but we need to go, son"

"One...one muh-moment, Uncle Andy" Bill said mournfully.

I wrapped my arms around him and sunk my head into his chest. He held me so tight, neither of us wanting to let go.

"You're my all, Stan" he whispered. "You taught me everything I know. You helped make me a better person. You're everything to me, but I need to leave. I'm sorry. You deserve better anyway" he quivered.

"I-I l-love you, Bill. And don't s-say that, you're everything to me. You're all I w-want, you're all I'm ever g-going to need" I sobbed.

He smiled with pain in his eyes as he pulled me close and kissed my lips. Every time we pulled away, he pulled me in for more and more.

"I love you, more than you'll ever know" he said softly.

"I already know"

And when he grasped my hand, I didn't want to let go.

"Goodbye, Bill"

"Bye, Stan"

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