|Shot 80| • Time II • |Stenbrough|

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(They are now 16-17)

It's been a year since I left Derry, and now I have to go back. My parents finally did enough damage to get me taken out of their custody, so my uncle will get full custody of me. At least until I'm 18.

He and I made the long drive back to Derry in the Summer, immediately unpacking as soon as we pulled into the driveway. Since my parents were thrown in prison, we got the house. It hadn't changed much, but it looked a little better now than it did a year ago.

"What do you think, Bill? The house look the same to you?" my uncle, Andy, asked.

"I guess" I shrugged.

"Okay, buddy. Gimme a hand with these boxes?"

I sighed and grabbed the box from his hands. Together we unloaded everything and made the house seem not so empty. As I made my way out to the car, I spotted a boy with golden-brown curls. He was almost as tall as me, maybe five foot eight to my now five ten frame.

He was cute as hell, and he sat quietly reading a book in his spacious front yard.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to our neighbors?" Uncle Andy suggested.

I shrugged and strode over to the boy.

"Uhm, hey, so, I just moved in and-"

"Bill!?" the boy perked up.

He practically threw his book on the ground and stood up.

"Oh my God, Stan!" I embraced him.

"You asshole, when did you get here? You didn't call or anything! I missed you so much" he cried.

"Shh...Stan, I'm sorry, I'm here now, I'm back, and I'm going to explain everything"


I led him inside my house and let him catch up with Andy for a moment, before Andy had to leave to pick up a few things for the house.

"I'll be back later. I left some money on the table, Bill. You kids behave, it was nice to see you, Stanley" he smirked, and left.

"We will" I smiled, and turned to Stan. "So...how's life been, Stan?"

"Hell" he said bluntly.

I frowned.

"It was hell, Bill. I missed you every day. I waited for your call every day. Some days I even hoped I'd see your face popping up at my window again like you used to" he wavered.

"I...I'm so sorry, Stan. I missed you like crazy and I thought about you every day. I just...I couldn't handle the heartbreak and I didn't want to hurt you more by calling you when I was so far away" I explained mournfully.

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder in true love, Bill"

"I guess you're right...you're always right, Stanny. I'm sorry" I said sheepishly.

We stood awkwardly for a moment before I broke the silence.

"Have you, um...have you...had any other relationships since I've been gone?" I asked hesitantly.

I didn't want to know. I didn't even want to think about it. Yet I had to know. I was curious.

"W-Well," his cheeks flushed red, "I was dating...Richie...but that didn't work out"

"Good" I mumbled. You're mine I thought.


"I said that's too bad...what happened?"

"I realized I still had feelings...shit, a lot of fucking feelings for you. And Richie finally realized he loves Eddie"

"Well I have a hunch about what those two are up too" I joked.

"Leave them be" Stan giggled.

"Stan, I'm just...fuck, I'm just so happy to be back. I love you, Stanny"

"I love you too. Wait! You should see the others!" he exclaimed.

"I'll go say hi to everyone then. Want to come with?" I offered.

"I let you go once, I'm not letting it happen again"

I smiled and pulled him in for a kiss. God, I missed him.

I missed his soft lips, his soothing voice, his captivating caramel eyes, his handsome face, his shorter frame that fit in mine perfectly, his irresistible laugh and smile, his tender touch, everything.

He reached down to hold my hand and I intertwined our fingers.

"I'm never leaving you again, Stan. I promise" I whispered.

"Good" he smiled. "I don't ever want to lose you. I missed you like hell"

"Me neither. I missed you so much, Stan"

He kissed my cheek and led me outside. I took a deep breath. As much as I used to hate Derry, I missed it.

Or at least, I missed Stan and the Losers.

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There will be a part two tomorrow, and possibly a chapter for The Photographer, but no promises! I'm working on it ~Jae👑


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