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"Guys! Open the door!" Yoongi groaned and looked around with a blurry vision. He was currently laying on Jungkooks chest who was still sleeping.

"Are you sure that they aren't dead?" Yoongi heard but this time more clearly. "Brat get up they're calling you." He mumbled while shakings Jungkooks body. After a few more minutes he finally got fed up and decided to do what every person in this situation would do.

Scream. He stood next to Kookie's ear and screamed loud into it making the younger shot up. "Open the door, they're calling for you." The fairy explained. The maknae nodded lazily and opened his bedroom door to be face to face with an angry Namjoon.

"I told you to go sleep early! Go get ready you brat." He said. Jungkook got ready in a matter of seconds and almost flew out of the room. When Namjoon turned around, he saw the fairy on the bed struggling to put on his now dried boots. "You know, we should probably get you some clothes."

Yoongi looked up and scoffed "I saw the clothes they sell here, it's all pink." Yoongi almost threw up just at the thought of him wearing pink. He hated it, but he had his reasons.

"Let's just eat something I'm sure we'll find some actual clothes for you." Yoongi flew past him into the kitchen. He still was traumatized because of the incident with Namjoon. I mean who wouldn't when they almost drowned?

Of course, everything Namjoon offered to eat was either way to sugary at the moment or just too big for Yoongi's small hands. "Let's just get you a piece of apple, I'm sure that that will fit into your mouth."
Yoongi looked at him with a disgusted face making the giant facepalm. He got himself a glass of juice but the fairy already had other plans.

He flew right to Namjoon with full speed and bumped into his nose to make his fairy dust spread everywhere making Namjoon sneeze. Very. Loudly.

It was so loud that he accidentally pushed the glass into his chest so that his white shirt now was orange. "YOONGI!" He screamed.

"Yes, that's me" The fairy grinned evilly. He just rolled his eyes and took off his shirt. "Ew stop I don't need to see your boobs"

"I'm a male you stupid turtle face." He said angrily.

"I'm sorry, Moobs" Namjoon was already praying that someone could sit on him. "You know I really don't understand you. You first are one of the sweetest guys here and now you're the devil himself."

This somehow triggered something inside Yoongi. He gave him a death glare before flying upstairs before Namjoon could even blink.

He hid in Taehyungs closet and stayed there. Namjoon was already freaking out when he didn't see the fairy anymore so he went upstairs to look.

The path of fairy dust made it easier for Namjoon to tell were the fairy went but it didn't really help much.

"Yoongi! Where are you?" He asked nervously. He just woke up 15 minutes ago and he already lost the fairy. And it wasn't like he knew what he did wrong, he was just joking with Yoongi.

After a few more minutes he actually panicked thinking that Yoongi flew out of the house. He called Taehyung in a hurry saying that he lost Yoongi while in reality, the fairy was just taking a nap in his own closet.

Taehyung hangs up after a couple seconds so Namjoon assumed that he was on his way.

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