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"Yah! How the fuck did you lose him?!" Taehyung screamed when he basically came storming into the room. "You lost yourself at the airport!" Namjoon spat back. They glared at each other before Jimin came in between.

"Yah, stop it, Yoongi is lost and we don't have time to bicker about who is dumber." He said firmly. Taehyung grabbed his coat again and looked around the room. "Jungkook and Namjoon are coming with me to search outside, the rest stays inside and make sure that you find him."

"And what if we won't find him?" Jungkook asked. Silence filled the room. It's true, what will they do if they won't find him. Yoongi is a fairy of 2 inches and Seoul is a big city, there is no way that they even had a chance to find him.

"Just search for him," Taehyung said. He slammed the door and made his way outside to look for his a friend. Jungkook and Namjoon followed shortly after, leaving Jin, Jimin and Hoseok alone. 

"Well, you heard him. Let's just try to find him alright?" Jin and Hoseok nodded.

They each went different ways. Jimin went to the basement, Hoseok upstairs and Jin looked into the living room and kitchen.

The moment that Jimin looked inside the basement, he already regretted it. Spiders were crawling on the wall and the dust was older than he himself. 

Jin didn't even care about the food in the kitchen. Only Yoongi mattered at the moment.

Hoseok actually was on the verge of crying. He really liked Yoongi and couldn't imagine a life without him.

He went inside Jungkooks room first, since that is Yoongi sleeps too. He had to turn the room upside down just to conclude that he wasn't there. Next was Taehyungs room.

Hoseok actually had hope that Yoongi was here. Taehyung was his best friend after all. He searched for 15 minutes straight before finally finding the small creature, sleeping peacefully in Taehyungs white Gucci sweater. But when he gently lifted him, he heard his phone ring.

"Hyung! I think we found Yoongi!" Taehyung screamed into the phone before hanging up already. Hoseok looked at it in confusion, he literally had the fairy in his hand palm.

He tried to call the younger but he wouldn't pick up. He sighed and instead just went downstairs to tell the other two in the house that he found the fairy.

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