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"Fuck!" I yelled as I was knocked down. I looked up at Dean who was holding his hand out to me. I smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him down with me.,"Damn it!" We laid on the leaf covered ground. Out of breath, I sat up and looked at the pale blue sky. It was a nice day today. I stood up and Dean got to his feet. He spaced himself from me, "Ready?" I smirked and launched myself at him, catching him off guard but he grabbed my arm and knocked me into a tree. I growled and he ran up behind me, I grabbed his arm and flipped him over my shoulder. "Dean, it's not nice to sneak up on people!" He laid there on the ground and gave me a smart smirk, "Maybe you should pay attention to your surroundings more." I rolled my eyes and walked around him and he grabbed my foot, "I pay attention to my s- Shit!" I face planted and Dean was rolling on the ground laughing. 
I sat up next to him who was still laying on the ground, "Dean?" "Yea?" "What got you guys started on hunting?" He got a look in his eyes, "My father. I'm not telling you the rest, that's for another time." I sighed. Sam walked out of the bunker and exclaimed, "Guys food is in the kitchen. Come get it, don't let it get cold." I smiled and helped Dean get up. We went inside and sat at the dinner table eating.
I looked at them, realizing that alot has changed since now and when Jason died.

I asked them to train me to become a hunter, trust me, it took a while to get them too. It's been 8 months since Jason's death and I am now a hunter still not really good. Dean and Sam taught me how to fight the freaks of the world, the freaks of nature. I go on hunts with them but never by myself cause they say I am not ready. I stay with them in the bunker also. Life isn't bad, it's been great. I honestly thought it was going to get worse. Although being in a house with two stubborn boys is infuriating. They tend to find something to argue about everyday, and I'm the one who ends up having to tell them to "shut the hell up" and to "sit the fuck down", like I said it can be infuriating.

After dinner Sam left to go get food. Me and Dean to the shooting range and practiced shooting. I was attempting at shooting one of the guns but failed, "Dean-" he already knew and walked over to help me. He stood behind me and placed his arms and hands over mine, guiding me. I couldn't really concentrate, his smell was intoxicating and his arms around me where warm. "Rox? Rox?" I was snapped out of my daze, "Huh?" "Are you even listening?" I realized that my arms have fallen to my sides and I wasn't pointing the gun at the Target. We were pressed together. I couldn't help but look at his features, his beautiful green eyes, his dirty blonde hair, his freckles, then his lips. We were both frozen in place, not moving, and barely breathing.
His hands placed themselves on my hips, I dropped the gun and held onto the front of his jacket, I leaned forward. Our lips almost touching, when we heard footsteps. We broke apart, both of us were trying to process what around happened. Oh my God, me and Dean almost kissed. Sam walked in, Dean ignored him and left the room. Sam shrugged, "What's wrong with Dean?" I felt my face heat up, "I-I don't know. Ask him!" Sam frowned, "Alright, maybe he will open up with-" He opened one of the bags in his hand and pulled out a pie,  "this!"

I laughed and started taking some of the bags in his hands and helped him put stuff up. Maybe it was just a little thing, we both don't see each other that way. At least I don't think... Like of course he is hella handsome, he can be a jerk but he is a big teddy bear on the inside. I've only seen that teddy bear once. Okay I like him but I know I have no chance in hell. So I look for others instead, I would go for Sammy but he has turned into too close of a friend. Once we were putting everything away Dean came in and started eating the pie, right out of the tin and not cutting it. I looked at Sam, "Got anything?" He grabbed a news paper while he was out and he was reading it, "Yea I think I have one... I honestly don't know." I grabbed a fork and took a peice of Dean's pie, ignoring the look he gave me, I popped it in my mouth and washed the fork. "You tired?" Sam sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Yea, but I'm fine." I grabbed his shirt and dragged him to his room, "Get some sleep." "Roxanne-"
Dean poked his head in the door above my shoulder, almost giving me a heart attack, "Listen to her Sammy, get some sleep. You don't look to good." He wasn't wrong, Sam had circles under his eyes and was pale, I think he is sick. Sam shook his head and said quietly, "Okay..." We closed the door. I tried to ignore Dean as he was behind me. We went into the kitchen, I was doing dishes and he was eating his blasted pie. I could feel his stare burn through me. He does this Everytime we are alone, sometimes it's more intense than others. I slammed the silverware down in the sink and turned to look at him, he wasn't at the counter eating his pie, he was right behind me...

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