No sleep

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He pushed me up against the car, his hands moved away from my arms, roaming my waist. I melted into his movements. His teeth tugged on my lower lips, and I granted him access. I moaned into the kiss as his hands tugged on my hair. He lifted me ontop of the Impala's trunk, but pulling me close to his waist. He moved his lips down to the sweet spot on my neck, I moaned really loud, embarrassing myself. I heard him chuckle and felt it vibrate through me. His hands traveled up my dress and to my clothed heat. His hand brushed against me, I whined at the tease, trying to scoot closer to his hand. He tisked and pulled his hand away. I growled and grabbed his belt, pulling him closer and dragging his face back to mine. I snaked my hand under his shirt, feeling his chest. I nibbled on his stubbly chin, and went down to the crook of his neck. He started breathing harder, and leaned completely into the car, I whispered in his ear, "Meet me at the bunker, in my room."
Before he could react I got down and ran to my car, quickly speeding to the bunker. The tires squeeled as I left the bar and got to the bunker. Just leaving the Impala was pain, but then again I didn't want to have sex in a parking lot. Well sex on or in the Impala sounds amazing, it's just the parking lot part. I made it to the bunker but didn't even get inside. Dean was already out of the Impala and had me pinned against the door, I pulled on his hair as he carried me into the bunker and too his room.
So much for my room.
He had me on the bed in seconds, I wiggled out of the dress, my hands slowly sliding along my body, throwing it on the floor. I reached forward, his shirt shaped around his abs, my hands rubbed his chest. My hands tracing his muscles, I tore his shirt off and he hovered over me. Our lips smashed together, one of his jean covered knees rubbed against my nether regions, making me suck in sharply.
He swiftly unclipped my bra, his hands slowly sliding my bra off of me. A look in his eyes caused me to bite my lips, lust fillung every fiber of my body. He bent down and pressed kisses down to the valley of my breasts. His kisses landed on my left breast, he flicked his tongue across it, looking back up at me to see me slightly arch my back and close my eyes. He flicked his tongue across it multiple times before he completely latched onto it. My hands flew to his hair, a groan rippled from his chest, his hand slowly went down my sides. His hands traced every curve of my body. His hands and actions seemed so fast yet so slow. I tried to take in everything I could. My legs propped up against Dean's hips, his upper body leaned over mine as his lips attacked my chest. His hands rubbed against my clothed heat in slow figure 8 motions. My head shot back against his mattress as my hips bucked up effortlessly.

"So needy~" he said in a husky deep voice, snickering. His fingers stayed around my clit, his hand went away and started fondling the breast he wasn't latched onto. His teeth slightly nipping at my nipples and chest. He smirked as I moaned out his name, "Deaaaan." He sat up and put His head between my legs, slowly licking up the center of my panties. Stopping and going in a north to south motion on my clothed clit. I bit my lip and moaned his name once more. His hand slowly went back down to my panties. Dean's fingers slightly traced my lacey hemming, he pulled them down my legs. He groaned at my dripping mess, I subconsciously covered myself. The emotions getting to caught up in me. His hands caught mine, "Don't cover yourself up Baby Girl." I slightly protested but his hands removed mine and opened my legs up more, kissing my inner thighs. I soon gave up and ran my fingers through his hair. He blew air on my wet cunt, I moaned as his thumb rubbed on my clit once again. His tongue teased the outside of my folds, I squirmed wanting him to stop the teasing. Finally his tongue inserted, making me gasp and hold onto his hair, pushing lightly as if he could go any deeper. "Dean!" I moaned his name as his tongue swept across my clit and back into my forbidden folds. I grinded my hips up into his face, pacing his tongue. I groaned as I felt the knot in my stomach forming. Heat filling the lower half of my body, toes curling. His name rolling sweetly off my tongue.
He slipped a finger into me, I moaned louder, "Oh god! Dean, I'm gonna cum!" "Don't cum, not yet." His fingers curling slightly faster. "Fuck- Dean!"  He quickly stopped, making me whine. The heat stopping. My pussy throbbed for him.
He pulled down his jeans, revealing the giant tint in his boxers. I sat up on my knees as he stood infront of the bed, rubbing him through his boxers. He groaned as I finally reached in, grabbing his hard cock and pulling it from his boxers. I knew I wouldn't be able to take his full size in my mouth, so I licked and kissed up the side, feeling the veins along the side. Swirling my tongue around his tip, licking up pre cum already had him gripping my hair slightly. I looked up at him from under my eyelashes and started bobbing my head. His groans filled the room and his hand tangled in my hair, guiding my head. I moaned into his cock as his other hand grabbed my breast. His fingers grabbing my nipples and slightly pinching them. My moans around his cock seemed to get him near the edge as  he quickly lifted me away from him and onto the bed, facing him. He let out a shaky breath as he slowly rubbed himself against my folds, I let out tiny moans and pleads, "Please Dean... Please, please, please!" He smirked as I begged for him to fuck me.

God I want him to fuck my brains out, "What do you want babygirl? You have to tell me." "Dean. I want you to fuck me. So slow but so hard I can't stand!" He easily slipped down into me. His full size sliding in, the pain shot me. I screamed out, "FUCK!" My breathing became ragged as he didn't move, letting me adjust. He looked at me, asking if I was okay without speaking. His beautiful green orbs full if lust. I nodded and he started moving. I held onto his back tightly as the pain went away, his thrusts only becoming pleasurable. I arched my back in pleasure, my breasts pressing against his chest. My nails dug into him as we both moan out each other's names. Deans arms held him over me, "God your so fucking tight R-Roxanne." I moaned as with every thrust, hitting me in other places that I didn't know existed. My muscles clenching around him with every thrust that just kept going deeper everytime. My hand roamed down to my clit, barley rubbing it. Heat flushed through me again, legs shaking.
"D-Dea-eaaan! I can't last much longer! Aaaaah~" he started going faster, "Rox-" I came hard, all over him. My legs shook, and I moaned, grabbing onto the sheets that surrounded me, "Deaaaan!" He thrusted one more time before he quickly pulled out and came on my stomach. We were both a panting mess.

He grabbed the tissues on the bedside table, cleaning you both up. He collapsed on the bed next to you, muttering, "Shit." I lazily looked up at him, tired and worn out from what just happened. "Dean?" He smiled and looked down at me, "Yes?" "That was great." He laughed, "Yea, it was." I snuggled up to his chest, quickly falling asleep.

Sorry it wasn't that long. I could add more to this but I'm getting so many ideas for the next chapter and wanted to hurry and publish this so I can get started on that! I'll see you guys next chapter!

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