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"Dean!" He looked down at me in question, "What?"
"Why do you do that?! If stares could burn holes I wouldn't be in existence anymore!"
His face got red, "Do you not like being looked at?"
"I don't like being stared at."
He rolled his eyes, "I was grabbing something."
Ouch, that hurt. "Then what?!"
He reached behind me and grabbed a cup behind me, "I was getting a cup."
"So you were staring at a cup?"
He cracked a grin, "No." Then he looked me up and down. "Dean!" I pushed him aside and tried to hide my red face, he grabbed my waist, "Are we not going to talk about earlier?" His touch burned me, he pulled me back to him, "There is nothing to talk about."
He grabbed my chin and pulled it up, then gave me a look. The proximity was killing me!

I grabbed his jacket and smashed my lips to his. I tried to quickly pull away, but failed. His lips on mine were warm and soft. My heart was beating fast. I finally pulled away, "Is that what you wanted Dean?"

The daydream ended. We have had moments like earlier today before. It was starting to piss me off. He probably only likes me as a friend, I could have just ruined our friendship. I started overthinking things, he hates me, our friendship is over, he is going to ask me to leave the bunker, no he is going to TELL me to leave the bunker, Sam is going to get mad at me, I don't have any other place to go, this is my home I can't leave it. My mind was going wild. I left the kitchen and want to my room. As soon as I got in I jumped on my bed, I stuffed my face in a pillow and screamed.
After screaming, I fell asleep.

When I woke up I walked to the kitchen. I saw Sam, he look loads better! "Sam! Are you feeling better?!" He looked up from his food, "Yea. Did you have a good sleep?" I yawned and attempted a smile, "Yep..." I had dreams about Dean last night, him rejecting me, him telling me to leave the bunker. It ruined my sleep. I walked over and wrapped my arms around him, "Roxanne, what's wrong?" I sighed, "Nothing, just wanted a hug." He smiled and hugged me back, "Okay. If anything is wrong, you will tell me right?" I nodded, "Yeeep Yeeep!" We talked and ate breakfast, "By the way, where is Dean?" I tried to ask as nonchalantly as possible. Sam shrugged, "Out having sex with a chick at the bar probably." I tried not to let the words get to me but they did. Why did I ever think he would like me?
He did our dishes and I went outside to practice throwing knives outside. I went a little distance from the bunker and found some perfect trees to use, I kept missing. How can I do this? I grabbed the knife and looked at the trees, I thought about the thing that killed my brother, I thought about my family, I thought about my friends I left behind for this job.
I turned and threw the knife forward, hitting a tree, nearly missing Dean's face. Seeing Dean made me upset, I could never sort out my emotions when it comes to him, so I didn't even enjoy the fact that the knife stuck. I sighed and turned back to the pile of knives that missed the trees or didn't stick. I grabbed them and went back to throwing, "I could have hurt you, what do you want?" I heard him walking up to me from behind, "Can I not watch my student?" I rolled my eyes, "I would rather not get called a student." I walked over to the tree and grabbed some more, when I sat up and turned, Dean was right there and he pushed me up against the tree. "Dean-" "What would you like me to call you then?" He whispered it in my ear, making my knees want to give out, I dropped the knives and my hands flew to the bark of the tree.

I know he is testing me, I know I can't win. I pulled the most seductive smile I could and wrapped my arms around his arms, I could see him become less intense and his hands weren't pressed completely on the wood. Now is my chance, "Dean... How about you-" I lifted up his arms and flipped him over me and pushed him against the wood, he yelled a string of curse words. "-call me never." I then heard another *snap* behind me, I turned to see Sam clapping. "Nice job Roxanne." I smirked and pointed at Sam, "You next?" He let out a laugh, "Hell no." I laughed with him and heard Dean getting up, "Ha. Ha. Very. Funny."  He went back inside the bunker, leaving me and Sam in the woods.
"I think I found another job, you up for vampires?" I smirked, "Yea, I'm tired of sitting at home!"
They came back inside and found Dean in the library watching something. I walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder, "No hard feelings right?" He jumped and shut his laptop, "Nope!" He scratched the back of his head, I grabbed a vampire book off the shelf. "Did you have fun last night?" He looked up at me, "What?" "I figured you were out having sex with strangers again. I thought you would learn after the succubus incident." He frowned, "I thought we agreed not to talk about that. Also I was, I had a greaaaaaaat time! No worries!" "Except for catching sexually transmitted diseases." He gave me a frown and rolled his eyes, "You talk alot of crap." I smiled and pushed his feet off the table, "If telling the truth it talking crap, then Yea, I guess so." I lifted myself up onto the table and he let out a huff, "My feet can't be on the table but your ass can?" "My ass isn't mud covered." He let out an over exaggerated sigh, "It's going to be when I kick it."

Now we are back to normal, I honestly don't understand him.

We were leaving to go on our trip, "Dean-" "Yes, I got everything, no need to worry!" Sam laughed as I asked for the tenth time. We got in the car and started driving, I was in the back seat messing with Sam's hair, "Sam, you never told me where the vamps were." He laughed and swatted away my hands, "A home in St. Louis, people have started missing and we were informed by an old friend. They are apparently trying to start a new group and their location is at..." He pulled out a peice of paper, "208 Kilten Street." I froze as I heard the address.
"Sammy, did you say 208 Kilten Street?" He nodded, "My name is SAM and yes, 208 Kilton Street. why?"
Tears started forming, "Nothing. I didn't hear you correctly..." He didn't see my face so he said a quick okay and looked back out the window.

Dean's POV
I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Roxanne. She looked off, then I saw a shine on her cheeks, she was crying.  Silently but her eyes were red and she would wipe tears every few seconds. It's been a couple hours so we stopped and stayed at a hotel for a bit. Sam was hungry so he left and got food. As soon as he was gone I sat next to Roxanne, "Rox." She let her tears flow more and let out a little noise, "Hm?" "Why are you crying?"
She tried to shake her head but I held her shoulders and turned her to me, "Please tell me." She looked up at me, "2-2-208 K-Kilten Street is my parents ho-ouse..." She couldn't keep anything in and held onto the front of my shirt, "Dean, I don't wanna kill my parents!" I held onto her tighter, "You won't, you can stay in the car if you want. You don't have to go in." She looked up at me, seeing her like this pulled at my heart. "Dean, thank you." I didn't know I was doing it before it was too late,

I leaned down and kissed away her last tear of the night.

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