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"I'm Agent Fern, this is Agent Little." I gestured to Dean who stood next to me in a suit. He flashed his badge at the sheriff departments secretary. She looked up at us bored, "We are from Homeland Security and need to ask some questions." She pointed to the sheriff's office. We nodded too her and walked to the door, knocking. Dean looked at me, "Sam should call us when he has more details about the teen." I nodded just as the sheriff opened the door, "Yes?" I showed her my badge, "Hi, I'm here from Homeland Security. We need to ask you some questions." She saw Dean and nodded, eyeballing him. I tried to keep a civil smile, "Come on in." I walked in with Dean following behind, closing the door. She sat on her desk, "Ask away." Dean started, "Where were the victims last spotted?" She put her hands on the desk and leaned forward, uncrossing her legs, "Actually, I have the key to our street camera room. Would you like too see the footage we have?" She tucked her blonde hair behind her ear.

Dean shifted awkwardly and stuck his hands in his pockets. "That would be great actually." The woman, whos name I read from her desk, Serena, smiled slyly and pulled the key from her desk. She stood up and started to put her arm around Dean's arm, heading for the door. Dean scrunched his nose and pulled away. I snatched they key from her hand, "Actually, I think we should do this alone. Thank you for your cooperation." Dean smirked and put his hand on the small of my back. Serena stared wide eyed at me, then squinted at me, growling, "No. Problem." We walked out and I smirked as the door closed behind us, "Wow, where you jealous?" "WHAAAT?!" "Back there I sensed a cat fight about to happen." I raised my eyebrows and looked at him, "I had no reason to be jealous." He sighed, "Whatever sweetheart but that's not what I saw." He put his hands in his suit pockets, giving me his childish smile. I waved my hand at him, "Whatever come on." We stopped in front of a door and I unlocked it. We entered a room filled with old tapes and computers.

We sat down and got to work, looking through every street camera. "So our first victim was last seen going into his office, a couple going into their vacation home, lastly a teen who also was last seen going in her house." Dean sighed as his phone rung, "Yea?"
"You guys find out where?"
"Well I talked to the teens family today. They say she went into the bathroom crying and didn't come out. Her family thinks she ran away."
"Did they say why?"
"Well her boyfriend apparently broke up with her that night so..."
"Maybe we can get some info from that ex of hers. Me and Rox will go to the other victims families. Look around where they went missing. See what is in common."
He quickly hung up and I wrote down the addresses. We left the building and got into the Impala. Soon going to Mr. Merry's office, where he was last seen. We of course totally didn't break into his office.

I finally picked the lock and walked in. Soon greeted by a big desk with chairs, he seemed to have good taste in art. His interior was very bright and colorful, I looked around, finding some letters buried deep in his drawer. I looked through them, they seemed to be handwritten. I opened one up and read, "Shit, love letters..." Dean walked over to me, "Doesn't he have a wife?" I nodded, "Yea, Karen Merry. These aren't from her though..." "So you think he was sleeping around?"
I shrugged and read out loud dramatically,
"Dear John, I can't wait for us too meet up again. Last time-"
Dean interrupted me, "Alright, I don't need to know all of the details." I laughed and set them down. I walked to the other side of the room that a small chair was by a GIANT mirror. There was another letter on the ground. Dean picked it up and read it, frowning, "Seems like someone got dumped by their side chick." I shook my head as I looked through his desk, finding files for his clients. I saw a farmiliar name, "Hey, Dean. Look." He trudged over, "Seems like one of his clients was the husband to our missing couple."

I sat down, opening the file and started looking through it, "Their last meeting was the day they went missing." Dean started reading into the wife's file too, "Damn!" I raised my eyebrows, "What?! Did you find something?" "Yeah! Look at her! She is smokin!" He showed me her picture stapled to the top. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, "Your such an idiot." He smiled childishly and licked his lip, "You love me though." Then he popped a small mint in his mouth. I rolled my eyes and stood up, taking Mr. And Mrs. Jade's files with me. "We should get going to the vacation home." Dean followed me outside and too the Impala, "Nah, Sammy is taking care of that. Let's go back to the motel and look more into this." I nodded and we headed there.

I flopped onto the mattress, Dean kicked off his shoes and laid next to me, suddenly we got a call from Sam.
Dean answered, "What?"
"Don't have sex cause I'm coming back soon."
Dean rolled his eyes, "I just don't wanna walk in on something."
"Shut up bitch."

Dean hung up and I looked over at him blushing. He wrapped an arm around me, whispering, "We don't have to listen too him you know." I giggled and punched his chest playfully. "Dean!" "Don't hit me!" He laughed and climbed over me, tickling my sides, "Dean- no! Stop!"
Tears were at the corner of my eyes from laughing to hard,
"I*Le gasp #1*Can't*Le gasp #2*Breath*Le gasp #3*DEAN!"

He stopped and leaned his forhead against mine. Both of us catching our breath from laughing. Sam busted in and laughed, "At least your not having sex." I laughed and Dean got off me, "What didya find Sammy?" Sam rolled his eyes and pulled food from a bag, "Well the couple were supposedly fighting when they got home. A family friend says that she was on the phone with them when they were arguing." "What were they fighting about?" I asked while I grabbed my hot chocolate, taking a sip.
He sighed, "Mrs. Jade found out her husband was having an affair with their counselor." I choked on my hot chocolate and spit it into the sink while Dean started laughing. The freaking irony! He was their RELATIONSHIP counselor who was cheating on his wife with one of his clients.
Sam stood their clueless, "What's so funny?" I handed Sammy their files from Mr. Merry's office, "Guess who their counselor was?" Sam scoffed and bit his lip, shaking his head, "Do you think this is connected for a reason?" Dean was still laughing about how it was a small world. I answered him, "I don't know."

We decided to take a break for the night since it was getting pretty late. I started getting ready for bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and saw a razor sitting on the counter. I got a flashback from when I started cutting. I couldn't help but let a small tear fall from my cheek,

"How are you going to be without them?! You ungrateful girl!"
"Your useless! They are probably happy you are gone, one less whiny bitch to worry about!"

My mother's voice rang through my head and I started crying. Not hard but I had streams going down my cheeks, I looked up in the mirror and wiped them. Suddenly I started feeling weird. The mirror looked so appealing, so pretty and shiny. It looked as if I was looking at my reflection in water, the mirror seemed like it was liquid. I smiled at the beauty and reached out, my fingers glided across it, sending ripples. I felt sudden happiness and stuck my hand in it, then I saw the faces of the teen, counselor, and couple behind me. I screamed and Dean ran in. The mirror stopped being liquid and solidified, my hand getting trapped in the mirror.

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