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Dean looked at me, I had tear stains down my face and my hand was stuck in a fucking mirror.

"Roxanne-" he saw my hand and called for Sam who came in. I looked at them, Dean lightly pulled on my hand, I instantly screamed in pain, "Dean stop!" He stopped and I was just standing there in my underwear and flannel. I wiped my tears and dropped the razor I stall had in my hand. "Dean, it's the mirrors." Dean was still in shock, Sam instantly ran into the other room to do some research, "What happened?" I shook my head as I thought about it, "I-" I bit my lip and he noticed my scars, "Roxanne, what happened?"
I couldn't look at him, I was too ashamed, he was probably disappointed. "I-i-i am sorry..." He looked shocked, "What for?!" "When I left things got pretty hard. I started thinking of bad things and started cutting... I was scared you were going to be mad for-" He grabbed my untrapped arm and kissed it, "Why would I be mad? I'm sorry this happened. Why were you holding the blade?" I shook my head, "I was going to put it up but I got a bad memory from it and yea..." He sighed, "What happened after?" "Well, I started crying from the memory and suddenly the mirror looked really appealing. I don't know why but I wanted to go in. You walked in before I could fully. I saw the missing victims though!" He smiled but frowned, "Does this mean your stuck here all night?" I nodded, "Until/if we find a way to get me out." He nodded, "We will." He kissed my lips and he looked down, "Jesus Roxanne! You don't have pants on!" I rolled my eyes, "I was getting dressed and brushing my teeth when it happened." He grabbed my pajama pants and slid them on my legs. "Thanks."

He smirked and looked at my ass, "Nooo problem sweetheart." I kicked his chin, "Dean!" "What?! You ass looks good in those! Well, it always looks good but damn." I rolled my eyes, "Can you help me get on the counter to sit? My legs hurt." He quickly helped me get up without popping my hand off. Sam soon ran in with his laptop, "Okay so I looked up for any strange deaths or whatever I the area and there is one." I nodded as I sipped on my water Dean brought me, "Go oooon." "Well a guy was murdered by getting a mirror smashed to the head. Voctims name is Tucker Peek" Sammy showed me some of the pictures taken of the scene. It looked pretty grusome. He was killed in prison, "Where is his body?" Sam shook his head, "I don't know." I nodded, "It seems to get triggered by strong emotions... How come half of the town isnt missing then? I'm sure there is something else." Sam chewed on his cheek and ran a hand through his hair, "Maybe it's just the mirror itself." I cocked my head, "Start looking into it boys cause I don't have all day." They started research and ran to the library before it closed. I heard someone come in, "Hey Sammy, Dean, what did you guys find out?" No one talked and I realized that this wasn't right, "Dean?"

Suddenly I saw a black shadow coming towards me, into the bathroom. I slid my body out and kicked the door shut, I couldn't lock it so I had to keep my foot out, keeping it shut. I couldn't stretch very far due to my hand being stuck in the mirror. I screamed in pain as my wrist twisted slightly, "Ah! Oh my god!" The door started getting beat on, it was shaking, I was sure the hinges were going to pop off soon. I started crying because the pain in/on my hand, I looked back up at my hand, it was still stuck but the mirror was being all shiny and shit. I growled and looked away, not wanted to fall into it's spell. Tears ran down my cheeks as I was stretched to my full length and pain was aching through my body, I was definitely gone this time... "DEAAAAAN! DEAN, SAM!" I didn't have any salt, weapons, I had nothing. I was naked of weapons and vulnerable, "DEAN, SAAAAM!" This was the last thing I could do, scream for help. I thought about how unhonorable this was, if I was going to die, I wanted to die putting up a fight. I wanted to die in battle if it was up against a paranormal. The mirror was calling my name, the victims faces looking at me. Their hands trying to take me in. I screamed for the boys at the top of my lungs, "HELP ME, DEAN, SAM!"
"CAS, GET DOWN HERE PLEASE! HURRY!" The banging on the door was getting louder and wouldn't stop, "CAS!" Suddenly the banging stopped, I bit the inside of my cheek and moved my foot from the door. It opened to reveal Cas, he came forward, "Roxanne. Are you alright?" I nodded and wiped my eyes, tears flowing down. "What took you so long?" "I was busy." I was still shaking and curled into a ball, the mirror still calling to me. I wasn't looking at it, trying not to get drawn in, "Thank you." "Why is your hand in the mirror." I explained it to him and he nodded. He was helping me calm down without realizing it. "By the way, why did you leave these scars when you fixed me up?" He chewed on his cheek and shrugged, "Most scars like that are personal. I decided to leave them unless you asked me to remove them." I looked at the mirror and it was normal again. I grabbed his trenchcoat, pulling him to me and hugging him. He tensed up and didn't move, "Thank you." He nodded and relaxed a bit, "Your welcome." He stayed with me till Dean and Sam came back.

"Roxanne?" Sam saw me and Cas sitting in the bathroom. Dean walked in, "Why is Cas here?" I explained everything to them, Dean and Sam sucked in. "So you think that it came to finish the job?" I nodded, "I think it is the man who was murdered, Tucker. He uses Mirrors as an easy way but since I wasnt fully in he came to finish the job." Sam nodded, "We went back to their houses and stuff. Checking out the mirrors, each one is the same brand." I sighed, "So we salt and burn his bones, easy!" Dean rolled his eyes, "It's never easy, he was cremated." I shook my head, "Then... What do we do?" Dean shook his head and sucked on his teeth. "He is connected to the mirrors, maybe we can destroy them. Like when me and Sammy delt with that Bloody Mary chick a few years back." "What about the rest of my hand?" "I don't know. I don't wanna risk you losing your hand." I shook my head, "Its a hand. Break this fucking mirror." He sighed, "You sure?" I nodded, "Sammy, go get something to smash this with." He nodded and left, grabbing a blanket and a fire extinguisher hooked onto the wall. He came back, wrapping me in the blanket so the shards don't cut me. "Ready?" I exhaled slowly, Dean came behind me and held my lower arm, "Pull as soon as it breaks." I nodded and got ready, "Rea-" We heard a screetched and looked in the other room, the dark figure(Tucker) coming towards us, mirror glistening with beauty, "SAM HURRY!"

On que the extinguisher came into contact with the mirror, shattering it completely. Dean and I pulled and we fell back. Shards going everywhere and Tucker disappearing...

Dean, Sam, and Cas looking at my arm. I looked at it and found my hand, it was a little red but intackt. I let out a breath I was holding and smiled,

"If my hand is still here, do you think the victims are?"

Dean and Sam started laughing, "We will just have to find out!"
We loaded up and headed to the couple's vacation home. Smashing their mirror, couple coming out, body red with agitation. They were passed out, we set them on their bed and called the cops.
"Can we have you name?"
Dean smirked, "Yea it's-" and hung up. I snickered at him, them smiled at our success to save the couple. Sam finished putting the husband and wife in their bed, getting another good check on their pulse. Cas rolled his eyes, "You already did that." Sam shrugged, "Just making sure." Cas sighed, "Well, I need to leave. Don't get yourselves killed while I'm gone." They said their goodbyes. They walked out of the home, wanting to leave before the paramedics came. Soon showing up at the teens house. I knocked on the door loudly, a woman soon answering the door, "Hello?" "Hi I'm here from social services. We have a clue on where your daughter is and we would like to talk to your family outside." The mother smiled and tears pricked her eyes, "Really?!" We got their family distracted while Dean snuck into the bathroom, smashing the window. Everyone heard the crash and Dean got out of there using the bathroom window after making sure the teen didn't get hurt when she fell.

As soon as the family was all in the bathroom I darted out of there. I ran to the Impala, Dean rounding the corner of the house and Sam started the car. We got in and headed to the office next. Sam parked near the building, not being too suspicious. Me and Dean got our things and snuck in. Soon facing the giant mirror, "This is it..." He nodded, "Yea." We grabbed a chair and was about to hit the mirror when the chair was ripped from Dean's hands. The windows inside the office broke and a gust of wind blew around the room, papers flying everywhere and we were met with Tucker. I looked at his face, covered in glass shard and he was crying. "LEAVE!" Dean was thrown against the desk before he could grab his gun and I was slammed against the wall. Knocking the air out of me, "Fuck-" Tucker started walking towards me, "You have much sorrow, would you like to come with me?" His eyes turned into a mirror, showing me a watery reflection. "Roxanne! Don't!"
"Don't listen to him, he only brings you regret. Come with me and you with only be brought happiness." I nodded, Tucker's eyes softening, the force left and he reached out to take my hand. I had my back against the wall, I reached forward and dodged his hand. Grabbing the mirror on the wall and pushed it, making it fall off the wall and onto Tucker's spirit. The mirror shattered once it hit the ground, Tuckers screams echoed in the room. I lifted the mirror, wincing because my back was sore from being slammed into the wall. Underneath laid the poor counselor, I smiled.

"We did it..."
I heard a groan come from behind the desk, "Dean?!"
I ran over and helped him up, "Did you do it?"
I nodded, "He is gone! Into the mirror!"
He smiled at me, his lip split, "Good job."
I nodded and we stood by the desk, "Dean-"
He interrupted me by pressing his lips too mine, he wrapped his arms around my waist. My hands on both sides of his jaw, our lips moving together in blissful harmony.
Soon it turned into a full make out session, going off into another world of our own, away.
"I found her..." he whispered as he pulled away.
"Found who?"
"The one."
I smiled and pulled him back to me,
"Shut up and kiss me."

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